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Alcohol Does drinking bud light make you a homosexual? A thread


Sr. Moderator: NSADD, DC, & TDS
Staff member
Mar 7, 2011
Facetious title but I'm really posting this because I've noticed there's some kind of controversy regarding Bud Light and I'm a Miller guy so I don't really know what's going on.

What's the big deal? Are there rainbows on the cans or something? A sports team ppl don't like? I'm genuinely curious for an honest answer and thought it'd make an interesting thread.
Yes I know, Google, but I'm one of those guys that likes to have conversations with ppl instead of the amorphous technological blob that saturates our atmosphere.
They made a marketing deal with Dylan Mulvaney so it's a big controversy on social media now


It's all so ridiculous. All those videos of people throwing away their bud light and switching to coors lite.... well, coors lite was actually the first beer company to promote gay rights all the way back in 1978. Most alcohol producers have made pro LGBT statements.

These people are just virtue signaling. They talk about a woke mind virus? They're infected by their own mind virus, obsessed with going against anything they deem as woke.
These people are just virtue signaling. They talk about a woke mind virus? They're infected by their own mind virus, obsessed with going against anything they deem as woke.

That's the delicious irony here, the performative spectacle these people love so much involving them rejecting a brand name for hurting their fee-fees and their delicate sensibilities


For one, these brands that conservatives hate like Nike, Hersheys, Bud Light etc, they all market research this shit to the nth degree, as others online have already said. It's not like some trannies abducted the CEO of Anhauser Busch and brainwashed them "Clockwork Orange"-style to promote LGBT shit. No, they just noticed a new group of people they could sell their shit to and are pandering to them, THAT'S IT.

Whats more, they no doubt accounted for the fact that they will lose some customers due to weighing in on a "controversial issue", but here's the thing: can boycotts even work in the kind of lobotomized, hyperpolarized America we live in? If some people discover that the people the people they can't stand are boycotting a brand for some stupid reason, they'll just go out and dump their money into that entity all the more! It'll become a political statement to CONSUME that commodity, rather than reject it! That's why I'm skeptical of boycotts even working in this day and age, despite the fact that a message to boycott can spread faster than ever before, and something I find very ironic regarding "cancel culture"
Always been a Miller guy myself. I thought we all already knew drinking Bud Light was gay... when was it not gay? It's such a sickly sweet beer. When I saw men drinking it ten years ago I thought the same as I do today, "GAY!"

Then again they put Cowboys shit all over the Miller cans when I lived in DFW... so, GAY!