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the main problem is they're trying to make trans-sexuality and gender-bending culture, more mainstream, when in reality, it's never really been mainstream, and some ppl are just repulsed by it and you're not going to change their minds by trying to jam it down their throats

and that's just the way it is
maybe we'll get lucky and the bigots will be so ashamed that they shutup about it.

i can dream...

remember when gay people (in the u.s. and britain) had to hide their sexuality, or face discrimination or even violence, or could lose their jobs, etc.?

shit, i remember when it was a BIG DEAL that ellen (an openly gay woman) had her own show. that was like only less than a third of a century ago.

well, trans people will (in time) be accepted by society at large, this whole flame- fest will simmer down, and we will go on with our lives.
There's that one dude who became a chick on all my favorite Nazi war shows on AHC...do you know who I'm talking about?
I don't think it ever was the military channel


That's one of my favorite channels

Why do we gotta keep seeing this prime commercial tho with this trans dude with a moustache?

We're trying to watch hockey for fucks sake
I don't think it ever was the military channel


That's one of my favorite channels

The Military Channel on cable used to be part of the Discovery Channel Network circa 2013 and as far as I know not part of the AHC Network.
Why do we gotta keep seeing this prime commercial tho with this trans dude with a moustache?

We're trying to watch hockey for fucks sake
Yeah I mean I have no problem with trans people. I just think it’s sad because imo alot of people are just confused and some of it is being caused by doctors. It’s wild that I know a guy personally that walked into a doctors office and immediately got a prescription that same day for hormones without a therapy letter or psychiatrist letter no screening of any kind. He was on the hormones for 5 months I guess but while I’m therapy he said he realized he wasn’t trans and just had some trauma and a feminization fetish which made him think he was trans after seeing all the media on it.

So he went off the hormones and now is stuck with little boobs. But boobs nonetheless. And I guess he has a greatly reduced testosterone level that is permanent.

He doesn’t struggle with trauma anymore though and really regrets what he did because I guess now he can’t have kids and his balls shrunk. He’s a close friend of mine and I just think that yes trans people are real and deserve equal rights, but I also believe that the media and doctors are responsible for causing a lot of damage to confused individuals l. And I guess a lot of people who transition usually have other mental health disorders that don’t always go away after transitioning. Now some say they all have mental health disorders from being in the wrong body but then why does it seem that many still have these disorders after transitioning.

To be clear, there are some that transitioning works for them but I have spoken with a lot of people who say that their mental disorders never went away after transitioning. Now im sure there are peer reviewed “studies” that say otherwise but how many of these studies are not being influenced by money or pressure to give the results that are desired. How many peer reviewed studies aren’t influenced by things other than science? Idk. I know its true for the pharmaceutical industry though.

I just think we need some kind of screening before passing out hormones to people. And I hate saying that because I don’t believe in strict gate keeping but we need to protect vulnerable people from making the mistake my friend did. Thankfully he found out he wasn’t trans before things got too far but I mean he has little boobs now and a greatly decreased testosterone level that is permanent. No kids for him.