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Opioids Defeating the new OC time release

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I HAVE FOUND THE WAY! I would like to make another thread for everyone to see that but I won't until a MOD PM's me or something saying its okay. so I was all xannied out the other day with my boy smoking some weed. he had the 80 OPs and offered em to me for cheap cause of the new time release. we tried to defeat it and suceeded. Basically what we did was scrape the amount that we wanted (not crush), and then put the powder with the time relealse still all up in it in a SHOT GLASS. then put some coke in the shot glass, stirred a little and waited about 10 mins. all of (what seemed like) the Oxy gelled up near the top and sides, then we took it as a shot. I did about 10 mgs only, and although I have no tolerance for me to feel 10 mgs doing this method makes me 100% sure that it works. Enjoy fiends! out
OK, I'm not going to announce that I HAVE CRACKED THE CODE!! or anything, but I think I've found an element that will be helpful in at least partially defeating the time release on the new OPs. The way I made this discovery was pretty awesomely accidental, too: I think it was on this very forum where someone first posted that he had sucked on an OP80 whilst at the movies, ate a few Sour Patch Kids to help with the bitterness, and found himself pretty well lit at the end of the movie. I didn't pay much attention, until a RL friend of mine mentioned that while the OPs usually didn't work for her worth jack, she was at a friend's house and sucked on one for about an hour and for some odd reason, she got REALLY high. She's been sucking on the new OPs as her ROA all along, but this time was different. I grilled her about what else she might have done differently, what she ate, drank, WORE (ok, not really), etc. and lo and behold, she mentioned that she ate a small packet of....wait for it....SOUR PATCH KIDS. There had been a packet of them on the table where she was sitting, and she said she kept eating them because upon contact with the "jelly" that forms when you suck on an OP, the jelly immediately dissolved and became far less sticky. She also wet the SPKs with a little water and ran them over her lips to remove the sticky gel film left there by the OP80 whenever she spoke or inadvertently licked her lips. She said that just using water on her finger did NOT remove the sticky gel from her lips, but using the moistened SPK removed it all immediately. She then ate the SPK she had used to wipe her lips, JIC there was oxy in the sticky gel. This friend swears that on this day, unlike all the days beforehand, she got profoundly high from one OP80 (her tolerance is thus: she has been taking 3 OC80's/day for almost 3 years, plus between 4-8 Norco + 2 Soma daily).

That's TWO people casually mentioning getting unexpectedly high while sucking on a new OP80 and eating Sour Patch Kids. This got me thinking about the effect citric acid might have on the gels and plastics/time release BS ingredients (Sour Patch Kids are coated with citric acid; it's what makes them sour). Now, I'm no chemist or scientist (I have two advanced degrees, but they're in the arts), but a little Googling provides information that makes me think that adding citric acid to the environment of the mouth makes the oxy much more soluble, while not affecting the plastics, thereby causing the oxy to separate from the plastics and metabolize almost as fast as a regular crushed OC.

Not a solution for those looking to shoot or insufflate the new formulation, but certainly a boon for those of us who are/were happy to chew or crush and then swallow the old OC's and get our kicks that way.

Here are my cites:

wikipedia: "Citric acid is one of a series of compounds involved in the physiological oxidation of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to carbon dioxide and water." (oxidation, if I read here correctly, has a positive effect on the solubility of oxy)

and the big boy, from which I am drawing conclusions based on the supposition that all opiates share similar chemical properties:

wikidpedia: "Citric acid is commonly used as a buffer to increase the solubility of brown heroin. Single-use citric acid sachets have been used as an inducement to get heroin users to exchange their dirty needles for clean needles in an attempt to decrease the spread of AIDS and hepatitis[13]. Other acidifiers used for brown heroin are ascorbic acid, acetic acid, and lactic acid; in their absence, a drug user will often substitute lemon juice or vinegar."

Obviously, I am making leaps of chemical faith based on the above facts mixed with a very small anecdotal sample, but I'm hopeful. I am going to be doing my own experiment this afternoon and will report back. As a control, I have already twice sucked on an OP80 without the inclusion of citric acid in the "saliva bath." I *will* notice if there is a difference.

I'd like it if more people would try this and report back.
I haven't seen an original 'in the wild' for about 4 days now and I check every day. If I were allowed to tell you the price you'd probably laugh or start crying.

ha, so over 100? i can't find em anymore either, and i'm not bothering with the new ones, i'm no scientist.
I just got 90 of the 30mg OP's in minneapolis =( ...After reading all this I cant try all these methods so I took the coating off 3 of them put then put them whole uncrushed in the microwave for about 4 minutes then pushed on them with a spoon and they popped open spilling powder out.. Put in freezer for ten minutes and swallowed them..Working great =) Try it.
wikidpedia: "Citric acid is commonly used as a buffer to increase the solubility of brown heroin. Single-use citric acid sachets have been used as an inducement to get heroin users to exchange their dirty needles for clean needles in an attempt to decrease the spread of AIDS and hepatitis[13]. Other acidifiers used for brown heroin are ascorbic acid, acetic acid, and lactic acid; in their absence, a drug user will often substitute lemon juice or vinegar."

Obviously, I am making leaps of chemical faith based on the above facts mixed with a very small anecdotal sample, but I'm hopeful. I am going to be doing my own experiment this afternoon and will report back. As a control, I have already twice sucked on an OP80 without the inclusion of citric acid in the "saliva bath." I *will* notice if there is a difference.

I'd like it if more people would try this and report back.

Hope this post goes right...I dont post in forums.

These were my thoughts exactly. Vinegar is something I used to use often to break things down back in my street days so that was my first instinct. But I wanted to see what others had to say first. After scanning through this thread I noticed, not only this quote here, but also a mention about changing the environment of your stomach with grapefruit juice. Grapefruit juice and sour patch kids both contain citric acid. Sooooo I bit one in half soaked it in a small amount of grapefruit juice for about 20 minutes, added some white vinegar for the hell of it. I stirred it and smashed it with my with my finger until it was a snotty mess. During that 20 minutes...I snacked on some sour patch kids and downed as much ruby red as I could stand, essentially....overloading my stomach with citric acid. Then I proceeded to lick up the snotty substance and chew up what didnt dissolve along with some sour patch kids. About 15 minutes later.....low and behold.....I am home and it is warm!!!!! I did have an empty stomach before the acid load. Used to snort em back when you could but this worked just as well if not better.
Citric Acid; it works.

Just reporting back after trying the Sour Patch Kid/citric acid experiment. Very strange, indeed. FWIW, my tolerance is about the same as my friend's: I am quite opiate tolerant. I have used opiates for 10 years now, and used daily (without a single break) for 3.5 years. Currently, I take (3) 80 mg. oxycontin daily, with up to (10) 10/325 hydrocodone/apap for breakthrough. I seem to have hit some kind of tolerance sweet spot with this level of medication and have been at this same dose for a year now with no increases needed. I crush and chew/swallow my oxycontin, always have.

I began to receive the new OP 80's with my last refill, which was about 3/4 new formula. This was just a few days ago and so far --although I have read every post and every word of every post in this thread and the others -- I have been chewing and/or sucking the new OPs, to disappointing effect. I have not gone into withdrawal, but I have also not had any "rush" or "euphoria" which , despite my tolerance, I was most certainly still having with the old OCs, reliably. I know perhaps more than most exactly how dangerous a little knowledge can be, and thus had no intention whatsoever of trying any sort of extraction using industrial solvents (it should also be noted that I failed an acting class in college due to my inability to walk & talk simultaneously onstage, and that currently I consider it a good week if I do not fall and break a bone, so yes, I am profoundly ungraceful and clutzy and would no doubt severely injure both myself and my neighbors were I to dabble in solvents), and was sort of just lazily waiting for a safe and elegant solution to present itself.

I don't know if anyone can call Sour Patch Kids elegant, exactly, but as far as I'm concerned, they are certainly safe, and most definitely a solution. I popped an 80 mg OP in my mouth at about 11:30 am, having eaten a small fatty meal in preparation (a generous slice of Entenmann's cheese-laden coffee cake, if you want to get all scientific about it). I sucked on the OP and concurrently ate an entire two small bags of Sour Patch Kids (assorted flavor).

Apart from the fact that I find the texture of the gel in the pill foul to the point of actual psychic trauma, it was an uneventful hour until the pill was dissolved (unless you count the time I raised my cigarette to my lips to take a drag and when I pulled it away, a long thin strand of plastic from the pill came away attached to both my lip and the cigarette and stretched to a good 2' before it broke; there's something really viscerally disturbing about knowing you are eating that much plastic)....

I began to feel the effects of the oxy strongly about 50 minutes into the suck-fest that it was (in so many ways) and was nodding hard approx. 90 minutes after I had popped it into my mouth, which was approx. 30 minutes after it had finished dissolving. This experience was VERY different from my previous experiences sucking on the pill without the added Sour Patch Kids. I had the expected euphoria of the old OCs and an added (completely new to me) intense head rush, similar to the very first time you smoke a cigarette (for me, at age 8; yes I'm just that bad-ass). Sadly, I completely nodded out after about an hour and just now woke up. I am chronically sleep-deprived and have been even more so since the arrival of the OPs, so this was actually OK with me; I caught up on some much-needed sleep. I even drooled. Good thing I'm cute.

In conclusion, for ME and at least three other people, the addition of citric acid through a Sour Patch Kid medium somehow increases the solubility of the oxy, causing it to be metabolized almost as quickly as the OCs. I don't think there is any need to load up on citric acid to the point of nausea; I just ate a couple small bags of SPK's (which also REALLY helped with the unspeakably disgusting gel-mouth you get) and my body's response was intense enough that I actually asked someone to watch me while I slept, which I haven't had to do in months, taking the OCs via crushing with a mortar & pestle and swallowing. Somehow, this seemed stronger than an OC 80, which is really quite strange to me. Now, several hours in, I have peaked and am on the downslide, but it is subtle and I am still comfortably impaired.

I hope our humble SPK solution doesn't get lost in the crush, so to speak. It works, it's simple, elegant and safe. Nope, it doesn't make OPs able to be insufflated or injected but with oral b/a at near 100%, you can hardly ask for more.
sourpatch and op

Ive been taking my ops with fruit snacks, not sour patch kids but id imagine pretty darn close, seems to work the best, besides lays and fritos.....very interestin theory!
First off, they def make Roxi 20's, I have been on them for 8 months (small grey pills..made by KVK Tech) the OC 20's I have been on for 14 months. Last month, I went to Walgreens and asked for my Oxycontin to be filled generically, that new formula def made me ill (vomitted), as well as bowel problems that I didn't have before this new formula. I was given the real OC 20's and the MFG was Apotex, NOT ETHEX. I'm not saying that Ethex doesn't also put them out for Purdue, but my bottle def lists the MFG as Apotex, you can even go onto Walgreens website and see for yourself.

word. good info to know, unfortunately i get oc 60s so i got no recourse except for new form, check the fruitsnack/sourpatch kid connect though!
Could someone explain the fruit snack/sour patch kid method? I'm confused. I have to take 5 30mg oxys to feel anything so chewing on five of them at once would be horrible.
Oh god, there's no way I could suck five of these foul demon pills, I don't care how many SPKs I stuffed in my mouth alongside them. I have texture issues anyway, though, so don't go by me.

Really the deal is just that citric acid seems to make the oxy in the pills more soluble, separating it from the gel easily and thereby defeating the time release. One needn't use actual SPKs; it is my understanding that one can procure actual sachets of citric acid, and it's also widely available on all kinds of sour candy. I think even pixie stix probably have it in. The reason I use SPKs is because the hard crystallized citric acid-sugar mix acts as a sort of rough mop that sponges up the disgusting gel from my mouth/lips/tongue while simultaneously making the oxy more soluble. Everybody wins!

Maybe some of our more intrepid chemists can come up with a citric acid method that's more...chemically and smartsy than this stuffing candy into one's gob. I hope so.
Defeat the op monster, please.

IM just as pissed as everyone else about these new pills. im used to takeing an average of around 300mlgs of opiates a day. YES, i am abusing a drug. ohh well. im grown and i can!! But i have tried to smoke the new op's in small pieces, it does work. A bit harsher than the originals, but it works. Im just like the majority of people on here, i love to snort them and iv them. But we are all going to have to just bite our lip and get over it and stop bitching. I also tried cutting them up in about 10 small pieces, putting them under my tongue and letting them dissolve. i just did this about 20 mins ago, and i got a pretty decent buzz kicking. Untill someone finds a way to defeat this huge problem in our lives, we are just going to have to wave our little white flags and eat the stupid little things. Until then my friends, love to all, and be safe.
that citric acid thing sounds good, as the for the way to keep it warm for 8 hours.... just put the mixture it in a shot glass with a thick bottom and place on top of the fridge where it is nice and toasty... this is how i germinate marijuana seeds overnight because it maintains the perfect warm temp.

no need to thank me, just contributing to overall delinquency of society. wewt

To zombie31, I loved the phrase, im home and it is warm! made me laugh so bad. i needed that, thanks to you my friend
chit.. thanks but people have been trying this coke method for a long time. It works ok but not great... definately not the magic solution to breaking the time release.
It seems the more I research the effects of inorganic salts (magnesium sulfate for example), the more I think that they may really be the key to bypassing this controlled-release matrix. I just found an interesting patent online....,


Some highlights are as follows...

"A swellable hydrophillic matrix tablet that delivers drugs in a controlled manner over a long period of time and is easy to manufacture. More specifically, the drug is disposed in a matrix composed of HPMC or polyethylene oxide, in the presence of a salt, which may be a combination of salts. Suitable salts include sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, potassium bicarbonate, calcium chloride, sodium bisulfate, sodium sulfite, and magnesium sulfate. Outward diffusion of the drug is controlled by an inwardly progressing hardening reaction between the salt and the dissolution medium, possibly also involving the drug itself."

"The present invention is a new monolithic dosage form that delivers pharmaceutically active agents in a controlled release manner, and that is easy to manufacture. This dosage form, in a form such as a monolithic tablet, may approach zero order delivery of drugs which are either of high or low solubility. This dosage form or tablet is comprised of a hydrophilic swellable matrix, in which is disposed a pharmaceutically active agent and a salt. The salt, either in combination with the drug or another salt upon reaction in an aqueous medium, causes a hardening reaction of the matrix. The rate of outward diffusion is controlled by exposing the product to an aqueous medium. This in turn causes a hardening reaction to occur in a time dependent manner from the outer boundaries towards the inner boundaries of the product; the hardened reaction product, in turn limits outward diffusion of the drug as the inward ingress of aqueous medium causes a progressive hardening from the outer boundaries of the dosage form or tablet in a direction towards the inner core there"

Hopefully this will help others with hands on research...what I'm thinking is that since adding magnesium sulfate(or other inorganic salts) to polyox causes it to precipitate(harden/solidify), it could compact/harden the matrix enough to render it ineffective and eliminate gelling(as in the epsom salt/oven method mentioned a page or two before this) or could be used for salting out the polyox in a mixture of water/powdered OP through filtering. Unfortunately I've yet to be able to try any hands on experiments, and can still only make theorhetical suggestions from what I know about polyox and controlled release matrices.
Yeah seriously

if i had any self control and/or lots of money...now would be the time to stock up.

I could see myself stocked up with about 2500 old school OC 80's it would be OK at first until I got a wild hair up my ass then it would turn into a life lesson of what NOT to do..kinda like my job at the Vets office..lol me..liquid hydromorphone...and a bunch of free needles didn't turn out well...oh and not to forget the liquid ketamin and valium I was injecting
So today I am trying an experiment..Trying the microwave thing with popping them open with a spoon when hot and then cooling thing I did yesterday..Yesterday it worked..Problem is I took 2 original OC's and 3 new OP's together and I was totally feeling it. So today I am trying five OP's only.. I just cooked them and ate/swallowed them with some fruit snacks. I will report back.

Edit: So about ten minutes later I definitely feel it.. This method was super easy for people who just chew or parachute OC's.. If you wanna try just take the colored case off then nuke them for 1:30 turn the pills on their sides (not lying flat) and squash them with a spoon. It will cause them to pop open and spill white powder. Then nuke them again for two-three minutes and then stick them in the freezer for ten minutes then swallow away.
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I see this as a good thing. Who the hell wants to pay a dollamilli for a 2 hour high? Brand Oxycontin is extremely overpriced. The potential results of the new ones are...

A) Maybe the new ones will be much cheaper 'on street' since not abuse-friendly.
B) Maybe rarer and stronger opiates like opana/dilaudid will experience greater demand.
C) Maybe generic OC will take the stand in Purdue's place, these would be cheaper.
D) Maybe oxy IR will experience greater demand, these are designed to hit fast.

In any of these cases I'm a happy camper. The potential positive results are plenty. Hooraaay!! I know I will be bashed for this attitude ;-)

A is deff true so far. In a city near me, OP 80s are 1/4th to 1/8th the price of an original OC 80.... Not bad I guess If we could figure out a better way to make it IR
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To rooski24..... well it is a pleasure to be able to make someone smile during these dark times! ;)
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