Chicago heroin

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I had to do about half a bag to get a good nod of this now. Before the with the OC's about 60 (40 and a half) mg insuffulated would do it. I don't bang it, I read that although it hits quicker, the bioavailability isn't much different at all.

Also, anyone know the difference between grey stuff and the tan stuff I had before was? Was that just probably the cut?

Kid, I m glad u were able 2 get something decent. Bein nervous is a good thang 2 b when coppin. As Chinky said, not only do u need 2 b on guard about bein ripped or robbed, the jump out boyz r always on the roll.

Kid I am also glad to hear u don't
. If u r havin thoughts, please don't. Whatever this life has done 2 u so far i.e. loosing a girlfriend (which I have lost many good women choosin this life instead) will take u down a hole u may never get out of. Also, please do not take me callin u kid as dissin u. Its a very cool handle and I am using to shortin my message as much as possible. However if u prefer I do not call u that, jus let me know.

IMHO, the difference between the beige and gray powder is the way it was mfg b4 it hit the streets... most of the shit is Afghani smack. The chemical compounds that are used to mfg and process the smack could affect the overall color of the final raw product. Other things that can affect the color can b things used to cut the raw product once it gets to circulation. I have brought raw that had a medium brown tint to it and found out it was afghan mixed in with lower quality black tar. Obviously some one had this low quality tar that was hard to get rid of and decided to cut the good afghan h to stretch his profits and at the same time dump his tar that no one was interested in buying. These r strictly my views and observations and should not be taken for anything more than that.

B careful Bro
Thanks CadillacRick. I love Cadillacs by the way, would love a CTS. I don't take offense to anyone calling me a kid, I'm actually 27 years old so being called a kid is cool with me.

The rules state "Price discussion: do not post prices. You can speak in general terms about costs rising or falling, but a dollar amount should never be included." That's too bad because that would be interesting to compare parts of the city price-wise to other parts, or even other cities.
Thanks CadillacRick. I love Cadillacs by the way, would love a CTS. I don't take offense to anyone calling me a kid, I'm actually 27 years old so being called a kid is cool with me.

The rules state "Price discussion: do not post prices. You can speak in general terms about costs rising or falling, but a dollar amount should never be included." That's too bad because that would be interesting to compare parts of the city price-wise to other parts, or even other cities.

Kid I did post STL prices at the MB Damien directed me to.

Here is the link if anyone is interested it should be towards the bottom.

I owned 4 caddys... Most were late model Devilles... CTS is a nice sporty Cadillac, however, most newer caddys have the northstar engine and is highly recommended to use premium gas. A few yrs ago a gallon of premium was going 4 over 4 bucks/gal, so now I drive a jeep (don't ask)

I obtained my handle years ago from the slingers... I would call and anounce who I was, but most had several Ricks they dealt with so they would ask Rick w/ the Cadillac... eventually it would shorten to CadillacRick and eventually stuck.

C ya.
Ok, well first off if I came off scared or worried, of course I'm nervous about a new approach to doing something. That's human nature to feel anxiety when a person places themselves in situations that are new and/or different to them. This type of anxiety is normal social anxiety even in every-day activities, such as when someone would go to start a new job, go on a singles cruise, or even public speaking. I was actually glad you were kind of blunt with me at first about not being so worried (acting like a bitch). Although this type of advice might not have been given with the best tact, you were still being helpful.

Regarding the fentanyl, no one said anything about it except for me. I was trying to have some chicago based discussion about heroin. It was actually all over the news a couple years ago in the chicago papers about a lot of people overdosing because of it, and I was curious as to how other people had viewed it since the media seems to have a fairly single-minded approach to things. Check out this one link.

Now as far as this thread being embarrassing, and a practically a "Heroin for Dummies" thread. That's ridiculous. This thread is called "Chicago--Heroin". That's all it is. Just a thread for bluelighthers in the Chicago area to come and discuss heroin. So, if someone posts in this thread about a rave next week, I could see the issue, but whatever posts related to "Chicago-Heroin", what does it matter how advance of a post it is or how much of a beginner post it is.

I do agree though that yeah, "best practices" is people should checkout some drug basics or drug FAQ's before posting to a more specific thread like this to discuss, but even then there are many general heroin discussions that are answered in a very general matter, and sometimes the outcomes of discussions ina more focused thread like this will issue different results.

Now, I'm not sure what you "have here" that "newfags" are fucking up. It looked to me like it was just a regional heroin discussion thread. So, maybe if people are ruining what you want to come out of this thread maybe you can create a new thread with an explicit declaration and title of whatever criteria it is you are expecting people to adhere by when discussing. Or, instead of bitching about people "fucking this thread up", why not try to guide discussion to more of the subject material that you are wanting to see. That's why I brought up the Fentanyl thing, I knew it was heroin related, I remember reading about in in the Chicago papers and I was interested in discussing that in this thread.


You have no clue though...half of the bullshit that gets posted ends up getting deleted cause its such bullshit.

I could care less about you being scared..or about guiding this thread in a certain directions..
all I care about is the rules not not being broken..

talk about what you want so longit follows the rules and this thread stays open

Now its time for me to get high

*team nod assemble*
This ain't no fun anymore...

shit I just got out of detoxing in the hospital and got put on a suboxone maintenance program, and am waiting to to be geting put into an inpatient program....but honestly, I don't want to stop completely. It was getting to a point where I was banging it everyday and I even lost my girl over it (another story) so I wanted to cut back on the shit. But, at this point I can't imagine by life completely without dope. I may just start saving subs and using every so often before I get into a program. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do...

So phantom, I'm curious how your detox and maintenance is going. I've recently got myself into the position where I think I'm gonna have to do much of the same thing. I've been chipping for about a year, but just over the past four months, turned it into a daily habit. I'm using about 6-8 caps a day, just to keep normal. I've thought about going cold turkey, but never made it past a day without.

Anyone else got some advice? It's not ruining my life yet, but I see it going that way. Is it easy to find a suboxone doc and is that the preferred method? My girlfriend was on methadone for a while, but couldn't keep up with it, so I'm not too excited about done.

I dunno... I don't wanna stop, but I don't want this to be a daily thing, just to stay unsick... It used to be fun...
shit I just got out of detoxing in the hospital and got put on a suboxone maintenance program, and am waiting to to be geting put into an inpatient program....but honestly, I don't want to stop completely. It was getting to a point where I was banging it everyday and I even lost my girl over it (another story) so I wanted to cut back on the shit. But, at this point I can't imagine by life completely without dope. I may just start saving subs and using every so often before I get into a program. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do...

I can tell you right now it aint gunna work if you dont really want to stop. You gotta WANT to quit, and for yourself not for someone else, otherwise you're just wasting time and resources.
It also helps if ya use the 12 step program, and addiction is not just about willpower, this is serious shit man. Also educate yourself on P.A.W.S., post acute withdrawal symptoms
So phantom, I'm curious how your detox and maintenance is going. I've recently got myself into the position where I think I'm gonna have to do much of the same thing. I've been chipping for about a year, but just over the past four months, turned it into a daily habit. I'm using about 6-8 caps a day, just to keep normal. I've thought about going cold turkey, but never made it past a day without.

Anyone else got some advice? It's not ruining my life yet, but I see it going that way. Is it easy to find a suboxone doc and is that the preferred method? My girlfriend was on methadone for a while, but couldn't keep up with it, so I'm not too excited about done.

I dunno... I don't wanna stop, but I don't want this to be a daily thing, just to stay unsick... It used to be fun...

If you got insurance man go to a detox/inpatient program til your head gets straight! I suggest suboxone over methadone, I've known people who all of a sudden couldnt get their 'done, and the withdrawal lasted a month. yeah.

Suboxone is a miracle drug tho most definitely, helps withdrawals greaattly, and drastically reduces cravings. Plus they say you cant get high while you're on it, which is bs for me, it jus takes a bit more and doesnt last as long. Also try an wait at least 24 hours after your last H use until you take the suboxone, and the naloxone in the pill knocks the dope off the receptors and can cause precipitated withdrawal, which i hear is no fun.

Again, if you don't want to stop yet, then dont even try. Wait until you really want it, otherwise you most likely wont stop. Addiction is a tricky thing, its cunning, bafling, and powerful! and fuckin patient! Can you tell I jus got outta rehab and have been to wayy too many aa/na meetings? They really do help tho, if you really want to be sober, and work the 12 steps, get a sponsor, and do everything that is told/suggested you do. Good luck, and you're makin the right choice to quit before any serious consequences, it only gets worse man.
i am suprised you didnt get bitch slapped, forget the redtapes they are bunk, a block west has the pink , way better

Dude the pink tapes a block from the reds are about 95% dormin in each foil. The reds are so much better. If you love huge bags of sleep medicine then I guess the pink tapes are for you.
I know this isn't a suboxone/treatment thread and not im not trying to turn it into one. I just wanted to menion that the naloxone in the pill is basically there as a "scare" tactic, according to the manufacturer. It's a great drug to avoid immediate withdrawals, but subs have a withdrawal all their own. Doctors like to say they don't, but they are more drawn out than heroin, and if I was in your position, I would use them for as short as possible. As much as it sucks, the only way to "kick" heroin successfully is cold turkey. I have been trying for 3 years to quit and I always end up back on the block. Good Luck to You.
Got pulled over on the westside the other night after I copped. Awwficer took my 4 bags of dope but let me go. Hid it my pants but 2 crackheads were watching and told on me. He offered to grab it out for me, so I just gave it up. I'm grateful he wasn't in the mood to do paperwork, hence I didn't have to spend the night at 26th and Cali. As always, watch out for the boys in blue.
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That's shitty those crackheads said something but at least you didn't get locked, one of my boys in cicero was trying to say that those blue light cameras were live feeds they can tap into whenever they want...That's BS right? I mean, I know they can record hours of the shit to review for later if needed but can you imagine how much money chicago would have to spend to actively monitor those?
They do actively monitor those cameras. Basically a cop sees a white suburban kid in a bad part of town, radios to HQ what street and direction. From there they jsut sit back and tail him without even tailing him.

That's what my brother's neighbor, who is CPD said.
hey im this little white girl from the burbs..i use to live in san francisco and got tar all the time out was really easy to cop but i just moved out here and i dont even know where to start.. idont know anybody and by tomorrow ill be reallt dopesick i know nobody will tell me where to go [edit - @E]
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welcome to the jungle hun...we have fun and games :)<3

chinky is feeling rather plur today.
yeah this sucks...its way easy to get shit in san francisco,,i lived near an area called the tenderloin and if u were white everyone knew why u were there and ould literally throw themselves at u with offers..and i had a steady connect .chicago is just so big idk where to start..ive also been on 75 mcs of fentanyl for 6 yrs because of a brain malformation i have but i always run out before my next prescription so then i have a problem *sigh*
read this thread, if you really want to know where to find stuff you can find out yourself its not hard. suggestion- stop doing heroin
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