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Phenethylamines [Mescaline Subthread] Cacti - Dosage & Methods of Administration

BTW Teo, Yes, I do have a little cacti garden with some non-psychoactives mixed in there.

I also have a bunch of other kinds of plants and grow a veggie garden in the summer. When I harvest a cactus for extraction (whether is be tea or alcohol), I just call it "extraction". That's the word I choose for it.

Extraction, preparation; they mean the same thing.

I guess I'm a retard 8)

Might want to mellow out a bit if you want a chance at that modstick ;)

Maybe your board where you have 30 billion posts suits you better.
Dealing with dried chips is the best way to prepare cactus for an extraction....Protip: Food dehydrator. Speeds of the drying process, basically makes possibilities of mold impossible.

They actually increase in potency when you age them, due to water loss and stress.

Eh. My thoughts on this are that a healthy plant produces a healthy defense mechanism. I know about the potency studies on erowid. Dried vs. fresh.
The most potent varieties I've had were grown under filtered sunlight, produced a rich emerald green color, and were left to sit about two weeks before preparation. I'm guessing that two weeks does have an impact however, as cacti are never really "dead' until you completely dissect them.

Loss of water does not mean "increased potency", it simply means that there is more alkaloids by volume due to there being less water volume.
Extraction, preparation; they mean the same thing.

I guess I'm a retard

No no, your not, sorry about that.

Extraction to me (and most of the community) means chemical extraction... while preparation means... well, just preparing it simply.
^I always feel bad about the idea of stressing a plant. It seems mean...

Just my weird thoughts :)

I would consider the fact that they don't have a nervous system and merely react, plus the fact that what doesn't eat you makes you stronger.
Like going to the gym thrice a week and training till your muscles rip just a little bit. Then your body knows to prevent that in the future by making you into Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I would definitely eat the Arnold Schwarzenegger of cacti.
Of course 'what doesn't eat you makes you stronger' is not in effect any more if you start eating.
I would definitely eat the Arnold Schwarzenegger of cacti.

I LOL'ed. :D

I definitely find my cacti grown in the Canadian climate to be extremely potent compared to cuttings I've bought.

I had a cacti that wasn't growing and was going to die, so I harvested it. It was less than 10 inches and 1.5-2 inches wide, I alcohol extracted it and tripped pretty hard.

At a later time I had a bought 12 inch cutting (grown somewhere south, healthy green flesh) that was 3-4 inches wide that just gave me threshold effects. I was quite dissapointed.
It's more about genetics than it is about anything esle.

For example... the Predominant cultivar pachanoi (PC), the most common strain of pachanoi on the market is very weak and really sucks!

At a later time I had a bought 12 inch cutting (grown somewhere south, healthy green flesh) that was 3-4 inches wide that just gave me threshold effects. I was quite dissapointed.

I'll betcha $20 that was the PC strain.

There are other strains of pachanoi that are very strong.
There are plenty of people that mix narcotics with entheogens and psychedelics... they're called "Hippies".
^ That made me LOL :D

I just pictured Nixon saying something along the lines of "Goddamn Hippies..."

We're all druggies here Teo. If you ingest cacti, you're a druggie. ;)
How to get cactus powder down... help me!

So i have this san pedro powder here, and I need to down about 25 grams of it. So far I've wasted a bunch trying different methods, and failing miserably (due to the taste, of course).

So... I have tried using bananas, juice, and am reluctant to empty many pills of my supplements here to painstakingly fill and swallow.

How do I do this???
Parachute using TP. Split the individual sheet of TP in half (assuming it is 2 ply) and just swallow. You'll avoid the nasty taste. It is still going to suck to down a lot of tp, but not as bad as just throwing that shit in your mouth plain.
if you can't get the parachutes down, you can try getting a cap-m-quik. they pay for themselves after one use, and you don't have to destroy perfectly good supplement capsules just to put goodies into gelatin.
Call around to vitamin stores and see if they carry empty gelatin capsules. Get double or triple zero size. I think most people can swallow capsules at about the same rate they fill them, so it's not that time intensive. I put two or three triples in my mouth at a time, swish them around with a drink to make their surface slippery, swallow, and then follow with a small tortilla chip or a few raisins to make the process less gag inducing. If it works well for you and you want to do it again get the capsule filler.
Here is how I do it.

Preparation: I make a large cup of strong mint tea, and one of strong ginger tea. I also prepare something like a breath mint or slice of ginger to chew on after ingesting everything.

1) I mix the powder with a small amount of water -
just enough to make it easy to complete step 2. Not one drop more.
2) I roll a ball with the slightly wet powder. I make the ball as large as I can swallow.
3) I pray.
4) I inhale deeply. I exhale deeply. I inhale deeply again, and hold my breath.
5) I put the ball of cactus powder on my tongue.
6) I swallow the ball of cactus powder, using mint or ginger tea. I swish the tea around my mouth.
7) I exhale. I inhale.

I repeat steps 1-7 until the desired amount is consumed.

In this way, I don't taste the cactus at all, and I don't ingest any toilet paper.

If you don't put enough water in the cactus, it will leave powder in your mouth sticking to your tongue. You might be able to swish it away with the tea, if you are lucky.;)

If you put too much water in the cactus, it will not form balls, but will become melty bitter cactus powder.

Good luck!
Here's what I do when I have to swallow something nasty that isn't a liquid.

1. Ever made a tulip joint? Make the tulip part and stick all that nasty stuff inside.
2. Twist the end.
3. Get a drink nearby to help get this baby down.
4. Put tulip on tongue and drink.