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Lysergamides [LSD subthread] Dosage & Methods of Administration

Acid intake

hey, i've done acid various times, every time i would place the tabs under my tounge for 20 minutes, then i would swallow them. recently i've been wondering if there is a better place in your mouth to put the tabs to get more of an effect. perhaps there is a place in your mouth that takes the acid straight to your blood stream?
i'd say under the tongue would be fastest to the blood stream (through the sublingual gland), but i mean i've just put it on the top of the tongue and it absorbs fine. i also leave tabs in my mouth like as long as possible cause they're fun as fuck to play with hah.
haha, i know what you mean. usually by the time the effects start wearing off it will still be in my mouth, gives you something to do. do you know any other ways of takin acid? i know there is the old school hendrix way of putting it in your headband and letting it get absorbed into your pores while you sweat. most effective way is probably in the mouth though, right?
yeah, unless you wanna like shoot it up, and yeah you don't have to be sweating for the transdermal absorption to work, dead heads puddled liquid acid in their hands, and thumbprints often are absorbed through people's palms if they don't wanna lick it off.

but yeha, put it in your mouth, and you just sound like you want a stronger trip, your just gonna have to get more drugs to combine or straight up just more acid. the ROA isn't gonna really be able to change if you picking up tabs.

p.s. you still have the tab in at the end of the trippp!!!??! that's mad fucking longer than i meant hhahah, are you really getting LSD? haha i meant like an hour-1.5 hours ish
First you said you swallow the blotter after 20 minutes, then you said it's still in your mouth once the effects wear off lol.

I'd say leaving it under your tongue for 30 minutes should be long enough. You're probably fine swallowing after 20 minutes even, I always assumed since LSD wasn't very stable that it would absorb quickly, but I may be wrong. I usually let it absorb for about 30 minutes before swallowing, seems to work great.

Unless you have crystal or liquid LSD, sublingual (i.e. under your tongue) is the best way to administer the blotter acid directly to the bloodstream.
The fastest way to get it into your blood without a syringe would be to slit your throat with a large crystal.
well if you have liquid a fun way to waste 20 minutes is to drop it onto a cough drop and just suck on it till it's gone... than there will be more going off than the taste in your mouth. If you wanna be hardcore you could try injecting it to the center, but than you probably wont get it till you finish it.
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The best way to take acid is to put it in your mouth. You can let it sit in there to soak in for a bit and then swallow it.

Merging with our Big & Dandy LSD Dosage and Methods of Admin thread.
I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about lsd in breast milk. How many days must a breast feeding mom pump for in the days to follow to make sure it's out of the system?

That's assuming, of course, that pumping while tripping is possible,.....
American Academy of Pediatrics: Breastfeeding contraindicated8
Lactation Risk: L5 (Breastfeeding contraindicated)7
Briggs et al: Breastfeeding contraindicated9
T½ = 3 hours, Tmax = 30-60 minutes (oral)7
Effects of LSD on breastfeeding
1. Little or no data is available on the transfer of LSD into breast milk. Because the drug has a low molecular
weight, which should allow transfer into breast milk, and because hallucinogenic effects are produced at
extremely low concentrations, the use of LSD during lactation is contraindicated.9
Neonatal sequelae
1. LSD is likely to enter the milk and produce hallucinogenic effects in the infant.7
2. Adverse effects in the infant include hallucinations, dilated pupils, salivation and nausea.7
3. Mother’s ability to care for her infant following use of LSD is highly questionable.56
Additional harm minimisation strategies for breastfeeding
Breast feed the infant prior to using LSD.
DO NOT breast feed after LSD use for 34-120 hours.7

Also check out this thread:
LSD and Breastfeeding
4th lsd trip? need help again...

This ins a follow up for my previous thread, http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=478548.

I just had my 3rd lsd trip 2 days ago.. I took 2, and well it was weird. The visuals were great, I would have to say that it was 75% good 25% bad. The thing about this trip was I couldnt really think of anything.. My thoughts seem to get disconnected within 5 seconds of engaging it. When a thought began It would always be cut off and I would think to myself "wow im so fucked up... what world am I in" I was just out of touch with 'everything', at some times I didn't know who I was or anything. I would fall in an out of extreme peacefulness then with the feeling that it would go on for way too long. The best part for me was actually coming out of trip, like.. I could actually think again and recollect my thoughts, then I watched TV and viewed it in a new way.

My question is, if I take the remaining 4 strips, would a higher dose let me mind go free more to think about stuff? Or would the intenseness of it make my mind just do the same thing it did basically with 2 strips? I wanna go for it, but there is no point to if I can't ponder life and such, also after taking those 2 strips I could see that things would certainly go very bad if it were to happen if I ate 4. Sometimes during my trip I thought it would never end, but then of course I snapped out of it a little later and go into a peaceful state.. then back... then back...
Well, I had only one trip - on 13mg of 2c-i. It was similar to your: thinking and expressing thoughts were really difficult.

But why do you need to think? For me, observing things and watching visuals were more funny. Actually, I loved such state of mind.
Acid can have a whole range of effects and what you describe is far from uncommon. Thing with acid is that it tends to be different (yet so very familiar) every time. I've had similar trips to what you describe (flitting from one thought to another with little ability to follow up on any of them, moments of divine peace one second and sudden bursts of paranoia, thought loops and, of course, the traditional "Oooh! Think I may have gone a bit far this time 8o".

The reintegration stage (post peak and afterglow) is often the best part of any trip for me - especially the more confusing ones. I love putting the pieces back together again - hopefully in new and improved stylee :)

I find both higher and lower doses can produce similarly confusing states sometimes, although higher doses are probably more prone to it. Conversely, both higher and lower doses can be smooth sailing all the way. I find you get better at, and more comfortable with, guiding the trip away from areas you find uncomfortable... or indeed delving deeper into them if required. Wonderful gal is Lucy - one with so many facets. Most of which are beautiful although some can be kinda scary too sometimes, admittedly. Just going with the flow and not letting yourself worry about where that flow may lead is a good way to keep a trip more to places you find comfortable generally :)
Thanks for the replies shambles, makes me feel a lot better. I'm gonna go for it and eat all 4. Can anyone recommend me some 'must hear' songs like Hallucinogen - LSD? That song was fucking amazing...
This happened to me a lot when I was first getting introduced to LSD. I felt a lot of paranoia and felt like I could never say the right thing or people would just think I was sooo fucked up.

After dropping a couple times I began to feel a lot more comfortable while on it.
i find it still happens to me - after years of no psyches i took shrooms and it was confusing.. also - every time i have taken more than 1 hit of acid it has been fairly confusing.. i have learned to feel comfortable and appreciate it too,.,. :)