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Lysergamides [LSD subthread] Dosage & Methods of Administration

Okay, for some reason I feel safer taking the acid after taking the E. I think this is because I get so euphoric and happy when I'm E. I feel like it reduces my chances of getting anxious or having a bad trip... Does that theory hold any water? lol
I tripped for almost 24 hours and it was literally an out of this world experience. It was TOO much.

Good chance it wasn't acid if you were going that long TBH.

Okay, for some reason I feel safer taking the acid after taking the E. I think this is because I get so euphoric and happy when I'm E. I feel like it reduces my chances of getting anxious or having a bad trip... Does that theory hold any water? lol

That's technically true, doing acid while already on E would give you a damn near guaranteed good feeling trip, but remember, you would then end up coming down on the E while still on LSD, possibly producing a not-so-fun effect.
Merging with LSD subthread for dosages (among other things). plz contin you ;)
That's technically true, doing acid while already on E would give you a damn near guaranteed good feeling trip, but remember, you would then end up coming down on the E while still on LSD, possibly producing a not-so-fun effect.
Ok, good to know. Thanks.

I have a lot going for me:

* Friends I love and trust
* Good music
* Ecstasy for mood/feelings
* A tiny bit of acid for visuals
Acid tolerance question.

I have a question regarding my acid tolerance vs my friends.

First let me give a brief drug history for both of us.
This was the first time she did acid since her first acid trip which was on 4th of July, but she also does lots of other drugs quite regularly.
It was my first time doing acid and I have not done as many drugs recently.

On Saturday night we both took 2 hits of this acid we got. After about 90 minutes I was tripping pretty hard while she was not. So she then took 2 more hits and even after those hits kicked in she still was not having nearly as many visuals as I was having.
So I was wondering what might be the reason why I tripped hard on less acid. She hasn't done acid for a while so I would not think that her tolerance is so much higher than me. Could she possibly have a higher tolerance just because of all the other drugs she has consumed even though they weren't acid, or is there another reason why? Do some people just naturally have a higher tolerance?
Would you say it was a pretty intense experience? Maybe since it was your first time you had no expectations and the hits could of possibly been on the weak side, and your friend knew it was hitting the spot correctly. Have you taken any psychedelics before?
I would say it was a very intense experience. I have done mushrooms and dmt a decent amount of times in the past.
What was the setting like? Perhaps she was holding the trip back from herself and it made her think she needed more?
Some people just require more to achieve the same effects.
And in some cases people like to trip real hard while others are content with a medium level trip.
I'm moving this from a Deprenyl thread to here, since no fish bit:

Anyone else notice that Deprenyl completely cancels out the effects of LSD for them?

Is this a known interaction?

I'm half sure by now that it has to. Either that or every time I combined them, I just happened to cut from a bunk tab...

I think there was even an episode of House M.D. where Gregory House combined the 2 to return to quasi-baseline.

Neither Google nor Erowid seem to know for sure. (other people have asked, but no one seems to know)

I'd experiment more on my own to be absolutely sure... but... it's such a waste of Lucy when it doesn't work :(
Earlier in this thread people were talking about what to do with liquid in terms of storing on a substrate for taking. I find that if you are worried about it getting on stuff (ie being in direct contact with things that might damage/reduct potency of it), you can drop it onto a peice of gum, and fold the gum over, and store in the freezer.

Then you just chew the gum for a while, and ta-da! that's your dose. Also, when you are tripping, chewing gum is often nice (although not for the entire trip, it'll get old and your jaw may hurt later)

An old trick I remember from my days of going to raves back before I was 21.
You are playing "Russian Roulette" any time you take acid unless you made it.

You have no idea if the blotter has LSD or an analogue, you have no idea how much is on there.

I have seen beautifully stamped sheets that had amazing sophisticated prints years back but at the same time required three blotters and were still weak visually.

I have seen a thick white cardboard paper with no print where one piece of blotter was so strong everyone almost went to the hospital as we literally could not SEE. There was no differentiation between an apartment and a forest, no one could find a phone to call for help and everyone basically knuckled down tried to talk to each other to remain calm but no one could understand what other people were saying due to extreme sense distortion. This also lasted about 18 hours and I wonder if the dose was either ungodly due to the thick cardboard like paper or if it was an analogue. I'll never know what the hell that was but it the only trip where THERE WAS COMPLETE LOSS OF REALITY. Out of about 50 trips taken 10 years ago in my twenties.

So yeah anytime you take "LSD" you are spinning the wheel of who knows what the fuck you actually just put in your body and how much. There are LSD analogues that a bad chemist could easily screw and contaminate with that are known by military psychiatric testing to produce EXTREME fear where patients suffered life long mental problems due to the delusions.

If you know you are getting 90% or better actual LSD you are probably OK. At this point in my life (OLD for the drug crowd) I would not take it again without knowing the chemist and his methods.

If you buy off the street all I can say is good luck and I hope you don't get a bad analogue or a HUGE dose or sold bunk paper for that matter!
^it is very unlikely that you will know the chemist who is making the LSD you ingest.

As for LSD analogues, i havent heard of those being around except for rumors and in most cases people would die to try out some LSD analogues (LSM, ALD)

I think you may be thinking of DOx's laid on blotter and passed off as LSD. (which isnt too uncommon these days)
Your 18 hour trip sounds like you took a DOx rather than LSD or its analogues.

Also the picture on the blotter will tell you nothing about how strong that acid is, so dont go relying on pretty pictures=good trips.

You are right though when you say that when you take a hit of acid you have no idea if its LSD, some C, or nothing at all.
Thats just the risk we have to take sometimes.
this is a basic question but every time it's been raised previously there's additional variables that don't apply to my situation, so here:

i took a single tab (pretty strong, however) on friday night and might want to trip again later this week...can i take the same amount, or will i need more to get the same effects?

i was always of the impression LSD tolerance skyrockets but my friend said that dosing once and then dosing again days later means nothing
Well tolerance rises really fast, but it goes down again quickly as well. Calculating compensation for it is pretty tricky I'm afraid. Dosing again later the following week depends on how many days are in between.
From my personal experience I can only venture a suggestion thatd be like:
3 days - about minimum to enjoy the next trip enough for it to be worth it, but take more maybe 200% ?.
5 days - already better, take 150% your normal dose.
7 days - should be fine, and normal dose should work. But the real magic takes longer to return, more like 3 weeks.

This is NOT an exact science and it is VERY easy to get a result that falls pretty far out of my projections. You need only read the varying reports on this to see the controversy regarding acid tolerance.
Another Q about tolerance

Hey guys just wanted some opinions on my next trip.

Last time tripped was on tuesday I took 1 tab and got fried..Im planning on dosing again this weekend, either friday/sat but dumping 3 at once.

Do you think 3 will be enough to put me in another world, after havin done 1 about 4-5 days ago?

All in input appreciated;)=D
You'll get high but probably nowhere as fried as you were tuesday. You should wait at least a week between trips to keep the tolerance down and lower the risks of HPPD
Some people get comparably high if they double their dose after waiting 3 days. Tripling your dose may get you even higher than the initial dose, but some people need to wait a good 5 days before than can properly trip again.

I usually try to wait at least a week between trips, and usually never more than once a month, but a lot of people drop multiple times in a single week. Tripling your dose should give you a good time. I say try it out if you want to trip this weekend and let us know how it worked out for you.

Everyone's tolerance is different, there's a good chance you might have a great trip.

I just read the bottom of Zzyzx's comment and I should mention that the risk of HPPD is much higher when you dose often. I find it takes at least a month of doing acid once a week or more before I get much noticeable effects. I haven't done acid that frequently for a long time, so I don't get post-trip hallucinations, but if you take acid twice in a week and then take a break, most people would be fine.
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Thanks for the reply's guys.

LSD- Thats what i figure about tripling my dose.

Thinking back now, one of the first times I did LSD I took 1 tab 1 night, then another the next night and it did hit me, was nothin to talk about though, slight visuals but no mind fuck-not intense at all.

I'll be doin it by myself aswell, ive never solo tripped before but ive read that you get lost in your thoughts alot easier because there are no distractions:)