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Injecting marijuanja

Saline wouldnt work because THC isnt water soluble... He needs to find an oil or a solvent that he can inject.
What is freedom? I don't know anymore. Its something so far removed from anything I've ever experienced that I'm not sure I can even comprehend it. Make Freedom A Reality
Lemme explain the situation, I will simplify this...
Ok, marijuana leavescontain THC - the drug that "gets you high" .... these leaves were "cooked" with Glacial Acetic Acid - the THC is now in the glacial acetic acid ... remember, THC is NOT soulable in water, so, before we can INJECT IT, we have to get it into some chemical that can SAFELY be put in the human body - acetic acid DEFINITLY CAN'T...
So, I need to finda way to get the THC out ofthe acid and into something safe to inject, the problem is that most everything you would inject is mainly WATER, and as we just learned, THC is NOT soulable in water... everything is tossed right now, as I can't make any progress with it.... maybe in the future, but for now, this one is dead!
# unzip ; strip ; touch ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ; umount ; sleep
why dont u just get some marinol and bang them. you probably wouldnt die and you would be shooting thc. if people can bang oxycontins and live i think u can bang a marinol
I wonder if it would be safe to use ethanol to inject. There is actually an entry for it at rxlist.com:
"Dehydrated Alcohol Injection, USP consists of not less than 98% by volume of ethanol (ethyl alcohol). Dehydrated alcohol is hypobaric in relation to the cerebrospinal fluid. It is injected proximate to nerve tissues and into spinal subarachnoid spaces to produce degeneration of nerve function (neurolysis) for control of chronic pain."
"Alcohol concentrations of 40 to 50% (prepared by appropriate dilution of dehydrated alcohol) have been used for epidural or individual motor nerve injections to control certain manifestations of cerebral palsy and spastic paraplegia. Similar concentrations also have been injected for celiac plexus block to relieve pain of inoperable upper abdominal cancer, and have been injected intra-(venously?) and subcutaneously for relief of intractable pruritus."
This sounds really scarey but I remember reading somewhere that ethanol can be used intravenously in the management of alcohol withdrawl symptoms in the hospital. I know this is unlikely nowadays because Barbs and benzos are easier to titrate and more effective.
Begin Edit:
I remembered where I read about it being injected IV. People who have ingested methanol and not yet died are usually given ethanol in the hospital because it has a much higher affinity for saturating the dehydrogenase enzymes in your liver that convert methanol into toxic chemicals. So then you piss the methanol out unchanged and hopefully live and maybe even catch a beer buzz while you are at it.

[This message has been edited by AbraMontague (edited 02 September 2001).]
I am through with it... if someone wants to pick up where I left off, go for it, but the more I think about the idea of the high, the more I am glad I didn't succeed!
# unzip ; strip ; touch ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ; umount ; sleep
Here is a very crazy idea from a non-chemist:
Maybe GBL or 1.4 BD can be usesd as a solvent to extract the THC....
Problem (or adding in the fun) is that both solvents are psycho active CNS-depressents that "shouldnt be combined with other CNS depressants (such as pot)" , well I did in very very small amounts and its tons a fun. So if you do you should heat the solution so that a lot of the GBL evaporates and the solution becomes thicker yet bangeable.
Either Inject that or use the recipe normally used to cook GHB
( we get Gamma-HydroxyCannabiolButyrate ???)
This salt should be soluble in water so you can easily adjust the dose.....
Before that it should be investigated in what amounts GHB/GHB/1.4 can be banged and or ph issues. Let's say it GHB can be banged i think we only need as low a 1 gram to get you there....
In the name of science: Let's get high and have some fun!
If GBL indeed can be used as a THC solvent, you can (after you cooked most GBL out of it) simply water down this thick solutin to make it more bangeable and adjust its ph
Injecting GBL?
Ok, let this one live in the archives...
# unzip ; strip ; touch ; finger ; mount ; fsck ; more ; yes ; umount ; sleep
crude pot is the way to go.. what you're doing is very interesting but only academically useful.. thc is not the only thing that gets you high, it's the combination of all the various cannabinols.. it's the ratio and variety of these different things that determines how strong the effects of the weed will be on your head and your body and therefore which direction it will send you .. if you're isolating thc to inject then you're not likely to have a pleasant stone, in studies a mixture of various cannabinols as well as thc gave subjects a better time than when they were injected with just the thc on its own
You didnt have good pot if it was harsh really its smooth as hell in a bong with ice, your lungs are probably sensitive. I dont understand why you would do this when you could drop an ounce in a frying pan with butter and get really baked. Fuck man, this just sounds disgusting to me. Shooting up plant material?
^ Erm... he actually died very recently of a fentanyl overdose. Don't think he ever did do the IV THC thing.

Effects of IV THC vs IV THC/CBD - originally posted Elsewhere by Anne Othermod :)

PS: That's a medical trial with properly prepared pure THC/CBD - really not something you want to play at cos injecting plant matter tends to be somewhat lethal ;)
hey a fellow welshman.. or woman. i dont know.. that's sad that the original poster died, he definetely seems like somebody who had a lot to offer mankind.. seems to have had that passion for experimentation that drove science forward in its beginning, shared with every one of those gentlemen scientists in those days, like some modern day newton or priestley..

hm.. yea i saw that documentary a couple of years ago.. i remember that it was quite funny
Yup, PhreeX was a bit of a BLegend - one of the original OD mods, I think. Bit before my time and kinda split people down the middle - Marmite man. Definitely an experimental chap by all accounts though and plenty of his threads (like this one) live on :)

Also, I'm actually a Sasnaeg chap who just happens to live in Wales. Don't tell the locals or they'll be around with the pitchforks though ;)

Vaguely back on topic, the fairly recent 20 Most Dangerous Drugs documentary also has snippets of IV THC trials :)
Once upon a time I was in drug trials for medical water-soluble cannabinoids, I forgot the codename...
They hooked me up with a canule and IV bolus infusion and moments later I was giggling the fuck out of them and swaying when I stood up, etc.
It were quite nice experiences apart from the medical setting (was actually a nice institute).

Had probably the most intense laughing fit of my life during lunch =D
^ It's an interesting docu, Charlie. I recommend it :)

From what I've seen, looks like straight THC is a Bad Idea, but a good combo with CBD and other cannabinoids looks like a stupid amount of fun judging by the clip above =D
If you have a ph meter or ph paper you could then just test for PH, but i dunno how much you'd have to dilute it...
Good Luck!
Keep Us UPDATED!!!

1) I know this post is from many years ago.

But yes, the obvious solution to that would be to correct for pH to get it more neutral and less basic. Fluids given iv,im,sc often are corrected for pH, I'm sure it's not that hard of a process. I remember using pH paper as a kid, very easy.
instead of using weed, i would have thought hash ( proper hash not the stuff normally saold as hash) often only way to get hash is to make your own, bubble bags, altho quite a bit of material is needed.
if don't like smoking, have you tried eating? understand you want to try injecting, altho eating and smokign both give different highs so it makes sense injecting would as well.
for more info on mj, www.overgrow.com is for mj what bluelight is to E.

Interesting notice on Overgrow's site:


The web site you are trying to access has been confiscated by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. As a result of a criminal investigation, the authors of this site were convicted for conspiracy to import and export cannabis seeds, possession of property obtained by crime and for counselling the production of cannabis. "


Would it not be easier to get some marinol pills and work from there?

No; the quality bud he was using contains many, many more cananbinoids than marinol does. Hundreds of times more.

Marinol by itself won't get you high.

Injecting just THC is not as pleasant as injecting a mixture of cannabinoids, or smoking a mixture of cannabinoids.

why cant you inject vegtable oil into your arm?

Why the hell would you inject vegetable oil into your arm?
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