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Opioids Experiment Thead - New Formulation Oxycodone Extraction

hey guys, sorry if this was answered before but i'm studying for finals and can't read 16 pages. I read 10 pages of another thread and came out with crisping the fuckin things in a microwave (although it might 'work', not something i wanna do. ie, fucking retarded). i just wanna clarify a few things:

1. If I let it sit in water it will bulge and after x time I can take out a gel ball from the middle. Right? How long do I leave it in the water for approximately, and how do I take out the gel ball without breaking it up? I can imagine it's not very solid, is it?

2. I'm in Canada so getting anhydrous acetone is very easy. If I cut up the pill and put it in acetone, what do I do next? Just filter through one of those metal coffee filters (so I don't lose any liquid. Using a paper filter would be retarded) and let it evaporate and get pure oxy powder? It can't be that easy... I mean do the polymers dissolve in acetone at all? And what happens to what remains after, is there still oxy in there so that I can repeat the procedure or is it lost completely?

Sorry for so many questions, any response would be much appreciated. Currently sitting on 25 40s
you're gonna plug 16 oz of water? How big is your ass man?

haha jp

So you guys are saying letting it soak in water and taking out the ball is pretty ineffective huh? I think I'll try taking 200mg at once. That should do the trick.
If you're just trying to defeat the time release, look at page 19. posts 466 + 467. Done in less than half hour.
Then you can use your ROA of choice.
Hmm yeah that's a good tutorial, but I still wanna extract it for IV. I don't trust that shit in my veins. A clot formed in my heart, brain or lungs cause I IV'd some plastic polymer...God himself would never forgive that.
I've IV'd it a couple times. It was a little viscous,but not gelled, and took some care getting in the syringe. It looked about as dark as BTH. It also bruised the injection site more than anything Ive ever shot. But, it sure worked.
My arm didn't fall off, no clots, or pneumonia. Not something I would recommend if you value your health.
Yeah man I don't doubt it can be done without immediate issues...but who knows long-term? This stuff doesn't break down in your body and there's no way to expel it. That means it's gonna stay in your body forever. If you've done it a couple times that might do nothing. But shooting up 20 pills....who knows. I'm sure as hell not gonna risk it. And the heat used to break down the polyethylene chains inside the pill may break down to ethylene chains, which are toxic. The BHT inside the pill is also carcinogenic. So if you're body can't get rid of these chemicals...you could end up with cancer 5-10 years down the line for all we know. So I just wanna extract pure oxy.
Hi all. I've been reading this thread as I have been thinking about this issue a lot myself. There seems to be a logic inherent in a time-release medication that is being overlooked here. I'm neither a chemist or a biologist so bear with me.

A time release medication would need to interact with the body's own metabolic processes in order to be effective correct? People seem to have achieved decent results, for example, by keeping the pill in the mouth where it is broken down by enzymes in saliva. Might this not be something deserving more discussion? Would it be possible, for instance, to create a mixture of the time release pill and digestive enzymes of one sort or another - in effect "preprocessing" the pill somewhat before ingesting it? For example, "super enzymes" are easily purchased in health food stores and aid the stomach in breaking down complex foods so the body can use them more readily. Alternatively some enzymes found in saliva, like Amylase, can be also be found pretty easily in synthetic forms. I dont assume this would necessarily be a straightforward process, but instead of focusing solely on the chemical properties of the pill, would it not be worth thinking outside the box a bit and discussing how we might use our body's natural processes to our advantage here?

I'd be interested if anyone has any knowledge or opinion on this. Thanks
^ That is VERY interesting, definitely a new approach to this.

I take the gel blobs of OxyContin sublingually and it works pretty damn well, but having polymer in your mouth is not fun. But if enzymes available at the store could make a purely instant release solution, I would be very interested to hear the results.

I'm not a professional in this area, maybe if we had some ADD insight? I really don't know.
I cant contribute much more than the suggestion unfortunately. Ive tried googling but haven't been able to find much. Perhaps someone with a solid background in biology could comment.
I know our ADD team would have more to contribute to this, but I am not sure this thread would fit in ADD. So we'll see what others have to say about that idea, maybe someone's already tried it, but this is the first time I've ever heard of that suggestion.
Apparently there is a particular type of enzyme, cellulase, that specifically interferes with the time release mechanism of some medications if the mechanism uses cellulose. (see for example here under ":can I use with other supplements or medications"). There does seem to be cellulose present in these pills, but whether this applies here or not I don't know. Looks like something definitely worth looking into though..
Wait, Im so confused now.

( I thought this would work due to reading the top of this page)

I thought that putting an OP with the new formulation in water, would cause the PEG400 to react, and making it gel up,
and leaving it in water for 24 hours kind of let the time release properties to start releasing oxy into the water.
So where am I mistaken?

Thanks for the help, much appreciated, sorry for the confusion.

You are not dealing with PEG-400. The 400 refers to the length of the polymer (poly meaning "many") chain. A much longer PEG is called PEG-3350, and is sold under the name MiraLax. It dissolves fairly easily. Now, the polymer in OP's is a VERY long PEG (so long, in fact, that it's called a PEO - poly<ethylene oxide>), something like PEO-6,000,000. Picture a thread that is 400 feet long. Now picture alongside that 400 foot long thread, a 6000000 foot thread. Imagine that they are both relatively stiff, and thin but not brittle. Now picture two boxes the same size. One is filled with many 400 foot threads, packed as tightly as possible. The other is packed with 6000000 foot threads, that had to be folded, twisted, and jumbled to get each to fit into it's box.

Now picture two very long swimming pools. Drop the contents of each box into it's own pool. Can you picture what is happening with the threads? They start trying to move around, relative to each other within their respective pools. The 400 foot threads (corresponding to a PEG), may be a slight nuisance when you try to swim, but you can still swim. Now picture the other pool. The packed 6 million foot threads are jumbled up like spaghetti that won't untangle enough to let you wade, let alone swim!

OK, we're almost done. You, who are trying to swim through those jumbled 6000000 foot strands of spaghetti, are a single particle of oxy. Not a molecule; you're a particle composed of multiple molecules, but still miniscule compared to the length of the threads, which are each very long molecules made up of chains of of ethylene oxide segments strung together with molecular bonds.

The strands of spaghetti have you surrounded and trapped in what seems like an interminable maze. You can't see your way out. If you do get out, it's purely by accident! OK, now scale all that back to normal size, and all you see with your eyes is water in one case, and gel in the case of the tangled strands.

You want to get the oxy out? Break up the spaghetti into small pieces. This means degrading the PEO-6000000 into relatively small PEG molecules. When you've done that, the oxy particles will be free to swim, as long as they are not in something that dissolves oxy (like water!), and eventually sediment out. So, use pure alcohol. Degrade the PEO by your method of choice, let the oxy form a sediment, and wick off the fluid (without disturbing the oxy sediment). Let any remaining alcohol "dampness" evaporate.
Add some more pure alcohol to the newly dry sediment, agitate, then let it sediment out again. Wick off the fluid (again without disturbing the oxy sediment) which contains what's left of the PEO, toss the fluid, let the remaining alcohol "dampness" fully evaporate, and do whatever you want with the sediment. Don't let any water near the sediment until you have wicked off all the (PEO bearing) fluid that you are going to (otherwise, you will be removing dissolved oxy together with the PEO)

Don't worry about any ingredients other than the PEO and the oxy. There is not enough of anything else to matter. Except in the coating, that is. Before you start, remove the coating (several ways to do this have been posted) and then use a rotary tool to grind down the tablet (use an Rx pill bottle with a tablet shaped hole in it's side to collect the powder while grinding - choose a bottle size that can be secured to the rotary tool so that there is no way for powder to fly out). As far as rotary tools go, a Dremel tool works quickly, and a PediPaws is slow but cheap.
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^ awesome analogy. That was fun to read.

I highly recommend people use coffee grinders instead of slaving away at a pedipaws and the like.
just an idea

Has anyone tried peg 300 which is liquid at room temp as a solvent? Not hard to get and no more toxic than whats in an oxy ir.
it should break the bond as it is somewhat of the same nature as the gelling agents. And i know its not the peg 400.
I dont have any degrees. But some experience as a backyard or clandestine chemist. But this is still just a shot in
The dark
I've got to be honest - the "Accepted" method of cooking and freeezing seems like a total crock and VERY dangerous to me. Besides these sick fucks read sites like this and are probably working on a even HARDER way.
Ya i di an experiment that pulled their ao called ivable solution and
Then put it on a plate for an hour and it gelled up as bad as ever all their process does is delay
The gelling

The key to the situation is to take a solvent similar to the gell and use that to break the time release

THEN you can remove it

Sorry for the multiple posts but i have to do this shit on my droid

My experience as a cook Has taught me Not to over complicate things.
in that field you wind up blowing yourself up. :)
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Check out U.S. Patent number 6,488,963

There are postings at CafePharma's Purdue forum that name a number of patents that Purdue is using as grounds for fighting Watson's new generic oxycontin application.

They additionally describe some of the the contents of those patents. #6,488,963 contains an unredacted version of the info that Purdue supplied the FDA describing, among other things, the mechanism used by the OP's. Interesting data includes ways of dissolving PEO and how they (and you can) adjust the drug delivery rate.

Be aware that patents tend to be very non-specific, but the "inactive" ingredient list can help you "separate the wheat from the chaff".

The posts at CafePharma also point out that another of the patents that was named, #7,776,314, carries really sinister and scary implications if you read it carefully, and could be used as evidence in a wrongful death (or even a "Felony Murder" ! ) case. It was noted that it seemed pretty obvious that this patent was neither proofread nor "vetted by legal counsel" before submission. (Upon reading 7776314, that observation seems accurate. Maybe someone was in a hurry to get it patented? Or perhaps they thought carelessness could be used as a valid legal defense?)
I have been reading some of these threads and been laughing my ass off while I'm abusing my OP's. There is a simple way to extract oxycodone from the OP's with some basic skills. I will reveal how I have been doing it for the last year. Lets call it the J5 method...... First go find some 100% IPA. Most are 99% and may have water that will not work. ISO HEET (red bottle) is 99% IPA with 1% being oil. I buy this and distill the oil from it leaving me with pretty damn pure IPA. I then grind my OP's real fine and soak in the IPA in a sealed container over night. Next day filter through coffee filter into a pyrex dish and evaporate off the IPA. Your finished product will be pure and all accounted for. Your welcome world and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
Tried that previously with many variants and was sorely disappointed overall, 24, 48, 72 hours the difference is negligible IMO.

My current "method" is just to sublingual the damned things, it takes over an hour, which is BS compared to SL alprazolam which dissolves usually in under 2 minutes
I like to smoke it so the J5 method works for. I grind 10 of the 80 OP's into fine powder which gives around .8 grams of finished product. For this I need 100ml of freshly distilled IPA. I mean right off the still so as not to absorb atmosphere water. I let dissolve for 12hrs in sealed container and filter. All the shit stays in the filter. I then let dry until liquid is gone and scrape container. Finished product looks like free base but smokes like a dream with hardly any residue.