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Your closest psychedelic friend

Ketamine has always been my favorite. Now, I've been taking mushrooms more often and I find those to be a beautiful, clean, clear trip.
I used to enjoy 2cb, but I find it gets boring after awhile.
yeah heidibear, like i said earlier this weekend, i don't really even consider 2c-b a psychedelic anymore...
^thats a shame.
i still find 2c-b to be of great value.
it does everything i hear of mdma doing to others.
it's like my 5 hour therapy session, with my loony twisted psychologist. :)
Like all things it's heavily set and setting dependent. If you're using any psychedelic in the same sort of environment every time, it's going to stop being very psychedelic. I think it's much easier for 2C-B to slip into the realm of pure recreation than most others, but it's also possible for it to be quite deep. You've got to look at what you're trying to get out of it as you use it. If the answer is that you're just trying to have a lot of fun, then you'll probably successfully have a lot of fun, but as it becomes more and more familiar it's going to have a harder time putting you out of your comfort zone. And one thing I've noticed is that mostly all of my really deep, world-shattering trips have begun with me being thrown far out of my comfort zone, often brutally.

A good acid trip is the most gratifying experience, I feel like I can read minds on it. This sounds unscientific, so I'll explain. My perception of non-verbal cues is greatly enhanced and I feel this gives me an edge, ESPECIALLY in flirty games with girls. My threshold for detecting sexual arousal is so much lower, I think because I am so much more sensually and mentally engaged.

If only it wasn't for that goddamned paresthesia.
^ really?

cool, I'll check it out soon. I just have to get to a point where I can have 24 hours safe and secure (not driving, etc).
LSD and DMT are my closest friends. I especially love smoking DMT after an LSD peak, it makes the trip so much different and better, and brings back that euphoric, physical LSD body high (even low doses like 20mg).

mantarran, you posted your post in the WRONG forum. Check out the "Other Drugs" forum and post it there.

i don't know if i was made for them or they were made for me, but it's where i belong
I have to agree with the OP.

DMT is the most joyful and awe-inspiring psychedelic I've ever experienced. Granted, I've only explored thoroughly LSD and psilocybin; the rest of my psychedelic use has been limited and sporadic.

Nonetheless, the DMT experience for me is full of love, compassion, wonder and understanding. Love it.

I could go off describing it using colorful adjectives and what not, but instead Im just going to say I absolutely LOVE this chemical.
Gaian Planes said:
^ really?

cool, I'll check it out soon. I just have to get to a point where I can have 24 hours safe and secure (not driving, etc).

First time I tried it (DOC) I felt too a litttle strung out but truth be told I was like 36 hours deep in a binge of LSD,MDMA, and random other chemicals so that might have precipitated the feeling of being all strung out??

Second time I tried it was LOVELY. A very very very worthwhile chemical that you should give a go.
ahahahahha!! this is true, this is true!! MLKN! I think i meant to think I wonder what it is like to smoke DMT on LSD. hahahahah what a silly bitch
It is fan-fucking-tastic, I'll just say that. LSD and DMT go together like monkeys and bananas. As you can imagine, it is a very visual experience, so I'd never do it in public (unlike LSD by itself, which I could be on in almost any environment and be completely lucid); but go to your flat, lie back, grab an iPod, some good cans, wait until the LSD peaks, take a hit of DMT and then buckle up, you're in for the ride of your life.
i've done a few psychedelics. acid, shrooms, dxm, ketamine, salvia. but the one i'd have to say i love the most is ketamine. that stuff is great. i got so hooked on it. i havent done it in like a year and i really want to.
4-HO-DMT, DMT and mescaline. All close friends, though for different reasons. Also 2C-P is a close contender
LSD, but I haven't gotten my hands on too many different kinds of psyches yet.