Withdrawal & Craving MEGA-thread

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In the midst of one of my wonderful heroin craving days of hell. :(

Has not been as bad as ones in the past, though-- the one shred of hope is that they have been getting better each time... but fuck fuck fuck heroin.:p
no cravings... and only minor withdrawal symptoms from benzos like tiredness.
^ My mother's going through that right now. She's on vacation for the weekend, and she keeps telling me that she's going insane without internet access.

I have been extremely craving MDMA-enchanced sex for a few days now.

I have been craving Meth/MDMA/Amphetamine sex everyday since I first got laid on Dexedrine back when I was 15, I came so hard I fell rolled over on my elbows and twitched in pleasure so hard It felt like I was dancing.

Sex just ain't the same anymore.. not like I'm getting any atm anyway though.

*Makes vow to get laid this weekend*
^no, sex has drastically changed for me too
meth used to make me soooo horny
im pretty sure bupe just fucks with my sex drive - strangely heroin didnt
i hate that opiates has really affected my bf's sex drive. he's only 26 and he NEVER wants it. he even turns down oral... what man in his right mind turns down a bj? it drives me absolutely insane cause i have a healthy sex drive. when we don't have pills he is a minute man, when we do have pills he can go for hours and never orgasm... so there's no happy medium. i think he got a complex about it and maybe that has something to do with not wanting it, i dunno.

but to get back on topic... i got my klonopin today and the cravings for the norco isn't so bad. klonopin just makes me sleepy though... but i guess sleeping is better than w/d and cravings. i soooooo wish i could just call my doc and ask for my refill already... i need to wait 2 more weeks though. i feally fucked myself getting it early last time. ~smacks myself in the forehead~
i have been a user of pain meds almost every day and benzo at least twice a week for almost 2 years and when i start to crave and i have no money evan tho i can get fronts i dont unless i know i can get money

i just start to think of all the bad eazy ways i can get money i have actually told my dealer i coulnt pay him for my fix and told him i was just going to rob a few people just walking along for the money he simply told me if i was really going to go do that then he would just drop the debt witch i really appreciated

its almost like as soon as i know im out i start to scheme

and about the sex when i wd from any opioid i just cant have regular sex i olny stay hard if i get a blow so my girl sometimes gets mad at me cause at that time all i can do is oral
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i soooooo wish i could just call my doc and ask for my refill already... i need to wait 2 more weeks though. i feally fucked myself getting it early last time. ~smacks myself in the forehead~
You have 2 weeks to figure out how you could do that differently this time. Maybe you would want to stop it this time?
I'm craving meth really badly...just want a pipe! Any motivation I had to quit has pretty much flown out the door and now my main focus is at least only spending $$ which I have... Moving back home was meant to help me save money but it's actually just given me less incentive to save - because I don't have the pressure of rent or bills. Grrr....but it sucks only being on it 3 or 4 days a week because the days I'm not on I spend all day in bed or mooching round the house lazy as hell. Woke up at 5pm today! That's just depressing.
this sensation of a candle burning inside me. It feels hot and nothing helps to cool it because it is coming inside. No sweating either. legs hurt and other muscles are stiff too. Benzo wds.
Benzo withdrawals, ouch. You might want to try soacking in a warm(or cool depending on how you feel) bath. I didn't find many things that helped me out when I was withdrawing from Benzos, but that was one of them.
I work remotely on a fly-in/fly-out rotation, every time I fly back to work I spend the first week or so craving pretty badly. I just zone out and picture myself back at my last high and wish I was there again.
well i was gona try and start kicking this week but I really wana go see the Watchmen on friday and I don't wana be sick for that. God damn my inner nerd. I guess I'll go cook up so im not as mad... the cycle continues, god damit...
well i was gona try and start kicking this week but I really wana go see the Watchmen on friday and I don't wana be sick for that. God damn my inner nerd. I guess I'll go cook up so im not as mad... the cycle continues, god damit...

I'm pretty sure the movie is going to be out longer than 1 day.
No cravings but withdrawals. Had to take an evening nap. And bicycled to groceries. Now I am little better. Exhaustion is sometimes overwhelming.
I'm wding off dope again for probation purposes.

I'm starting to feel sick (it's been about 15 hours since my last dose), but I'm gonna wait until it gets a little worse before I pop a sub.
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