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Why would you fear death?

Having to relearn all the body knowledge that you learned this life.

Having evil forces screw your next life.. either in the bardo thodol or in the life next.
Having to relearn all the body knowledge that you learned this life.
I have contact lenses set at different magnification so I have been switching them back and forth regularly and using my left hand as much as possible. Mostly though I've been hitting the Bally ball, scratching the pubic hair on my perenium, and listening to Tony Iommi, Carlos Alomar, and Randy Bachman, trying not to fall off the Bally ball, and wondering whether I'm going blind or the contact lenses are okay for the time being. I guess its a matter of discernment.

Edit: Also trying to discern whether the Peoples Republic of Los Angeles and the powers that be will let me convert my building full of (mostly illegal) tenants into condo owners. Lets get rich.
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I fear the Karmic forces and reactions to our actions in the Buddhist-sense of Samsara or the cycle of the inevitable life, death, and rebirth. Regards.
In some ways life was easier then I was suicidally depressed. I didn't worry at all about dying then. Didn't bother me in the slightest.

Now that I'm not? I don't want to die.

I'm not sure though if it's that I'm scared of death exactly, or rather that I'm scared of never being conscious again. Never being able to exercise my will again. Or do things I still want to do.

Part of it might be that I think I have control issues. I'm scared of not feeling in control.

Why would you be scared of death? Your relatives? You're not there to see their pain, it doesn't matter.

Well you see some of us actually care about the pain we cause other people whether we are there to see it or not.
Well you see some of us actually care about the pain we cause other people whether we are there to see it or not.

It is very endearing to see most of us just not want to cause pain to others. I was just telling the people I love I want to be the last one left and help them all go home just so they dont have to feel the pain of being left here. Love is everywhere and that is one of the most noble forms of it. I will endure the pain so you don't have too.

There was a guy in a suicide thread that said he was staying because of his dog. That brought me to tears. Love keeps us here. And it seems we feel for others because deep down we already know mother Nature has our back and Death can only be a relief. It is a beautiful set up. A win/win. You can't even have a death without a life so Nature gives us a wink there.

Then of course I read a lot of NDE's and one of the ones that stand out was someone in a field and all the pets they owned in their life were happy to see that person and climbing all over each other to get to him. That makes me think Love goes in a bank and we will draw on it at that great bank in the sky. lol :)

Can't get away from Love. Not even in this thread. Most just don't want to cause pain to loved ones because we love them. And it is interesting that psychedelics open up the realm of Love. Hell we had the Beatles singing Love is All You Need. Most NDE's talk of a great feeling of being loved and loving. Can't get away from it so we may as well love as much as we can.
I don't see how it's possible to hate one's life while you're living, but that's only one man's perspective. I just think if you really hate life your heart will stop beating on its own

I've been really depressed before to where I couldn't even feel it but it changed my appearance for a while because I was anhedonic. Even then though, I couldn't imagine anything so killing myself was out of the question. It was too much to even think about myself. Again, that's me and I don't know anything about other kinds of self-loathing or depression

I never got over the anhedonia I developed in my mid-20s, but I did forget that I was depressed. If lacking a fear of death is wanting to live, then that's how I'd describe myself now. I think deep down I always wanted to be a kid and that never changed. Being an adult can be a strange, depressing experience
Why fear death?

What if the guy with the puppies van has no puppies in his van?
Some people who don't fear death for themselves do not fear death for others. Some of those are a danger to others.
Its simple imho: humans are instinctively afraid of what they dont understand. It's very hard to truly understand death as to truly understand it, one must experience it and death is something we generally only experience once.

The only aspect of death I truly fear is what my death could do to the people I love, my disabled brother that I take care of for example.
I have been in coma for 2 weeks for sepsis. I have been clinically dead from overdose of U-47700. I have been stabbed in the back, in words literal meaning, when i was eating blood thinning medication from sepsis.
It is so easy to let go of it. This world goes around just fine without you. Why would you be scared of death? Your relatives? You're not there to see their pain, it doesn't matter. Life is just a cycle of shit. I meet a girl, i fuck, i cheat, relationship brokes up and i find a new girl. I get addicted, i rehab, then i get addicted again. What the fuck? There is no point in life, so i would suggest just laughing at the insanity of the world. Don't get depressed about the state of politics, climate change debates, brokeups, anything. Just laugh. It will all repeat itself.
I am existential nihilist and pessimist. I used to be hedonistic nihilist, what in my mind means that you try to get euphoria/good feeling without caring about consequenses.

I was dating one girl back in the days and she told me that i seem like the one cop in True Detective season one. I watched the series and i loved his Schopenhauer philosophy. He also is kinda dirty cop, who likes to use violence to meet his ends and manipulation to get suspects in corner. He is also drug user, so it's no miracle that the girl thinks i seem like him. I can't really tell do i, or do i not seem so much like him, but i like his quotes.

Funny thing about this girl. It was our first date. I was walking to library, where we were supposed to meet. Suddendly two drug cops, who looked like junkies in civil clothes came to me and started searching me and asking who i am going to meet. Then 2 cops cars came, one drive in front of me and one behind me. So 4 more cops came there and looked out my information. Then we had to wait the girl, so she could testify that i was waiting for a date, not a fucking drug deal. I had some coke on my socks, but cops didnt find it. Lucky me.View attachment 12617
Not to shit on your parade, because I loved everything you wrote, but Rusts philosophy is based on Ligotti who based his on a norwegian dude called Zapffe. Read this; https://philosophynow.org/issues/45/The_Last_Messiah
And, I agree. Life is soooo much better when you don't take it seriously.
I've only ODd once, but that was enough, coupled with a few incidents, to rip the fear of death out of me.

On paper, I'm beyond fucked, financially and soon my clean sheet might not be that clean.
Can't say I give two fucks. Losing all hope is truly a luxury, a gift.

You become free in every way the 9-5'ers are not.

There is no point in life, so i would suggest just laughing at the insanity of the world. Don't get depressed about the state of politics, climate change debates, brokeups, anything. Just laugh. It will all repeat itself.
This is beautiful, and true. May I use it as my new signature?
Old parade, but thanks for the link. I'll check it out.
In my knowledge it's based on many things like Schopenhauer.
It definately is, but I believe the creator said he was heavily influenced by Thomas Ligotti. If you haven't read "The Conspiracy Against the Human Race" by Ligotti, I suggest you get a pdf or get the book asap.

If you don't like it, I'll pierce my left nipple.