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⭐️ Social ⭐️ What Was YOUR Morning Fix? v. I Smoke Weed, Eat Yogurt

1 white grapefruit
Cod liver oil capsule
115mg methadone
CBD vaped

How much grapefruit/gf juice do people use to potentiate? I've been considering starting a thread on this.
My morning wasn't exciting as yours.
Two beers, Valium, Dunk doughnuts Coffee, 35 mg bump of gapppa Pentin, pharmaceutical grade vitamins, no food
Afternoon BlueWorld ( yeah i know its almost 1pm here now)

Anyhow slept okayish and the following for breakie and total tally up until now

250mg Codeine
5mg Kratom
300mg Pregabalin
6mg bromazepam
5mg diazepam
2500mg paracetamol
1250mg Ibuprofen
Half a joint of Pineapple express ( got 2g for free yesterday from a friend )

Woke up stiff and sore in places i wouldn't even begin to think of stiff and/or sore muscles. Guess it's from all the twisted and bent positions i was in while working on the car. But with that said hope everyone has an awesome week. Feeling energetic and pain free. Just what i needed
Goods Sir, It would be an Honor to become acquaintances you some time. I would be honored to eat break fast and lunch and dinner with you. Wish you the best
My morning wasn't exciting as yours.
Two beers, Valium, Dunk doughnuts Coffee, 35 mg bump of gapppa Pentin, pharmaceutical grade vitamins, no food
Tbh it wasn't that exciting a morning, just my normal daily dose + a little bit of leftovers and some grapefruit to potentiate. Didn't do much tbh. I'm at the stage where all methadone does is hold me, help cravings and ensure my tolerance is so high there's no point in using heroin.
50mg Vyvanse
8mg Suboxone
1.2g Gabapentin
40mg Baclofen
Hella antibiotics for my lifelong std and the pneumonia I'm getting over
10mg Cyclazodone
Dr pepper and coca cola
Hopefully a breakfast sandwich
Marlboro menthols

I'm back on Suboxone again, starting today. After relapsing and subsequently overdosing on heroin, my opioid withdrawal kicked absolutely into overdrive. I ran out of tianeptine last night. It helped, but my gf liked it too so I ran out quicker than expected. It's probably better I just get back and stay on the subs.

I felt like absolute death upon waking, so took a sub when I got to work. Hopefully it's been long enough that I don't go into precip withdrawal. I feel like I'm starting to get better already but it's only been five mins. We'll see where it goes.

I think I'm going to register for a class today, solely so I can get my loan refund and I can make moves to get the fuck out of this state and this area in general.
For people not in the UK: when you think of an English cup of tea, is it this
Yep, that looks like my mental image of an English cup of milky tea.

Waiting to see if my flight stays un-cancelled before cooking up a last shot of the heroin I mailed to myself for this Christmas trip...
50mg Vyvanse
8mg Suboxone
1.2g Gabapentin
40mg Baclofen
Hella antibiotics for my lifelong std and the pneumonia I'm getting over
10mg Cyclazodone
Dr pepper and coca cola
Hopefully a breakfast sandwich
Marlboro menthols

I'm back on Suboxone again, starting today. After relapsing and subsequently overdosing on heroin, my opioid withdrawal kicked absolutely into overdrive. I ran out of tianeptine last night. It helped, but my gf liked it too so I ran out quicker than expected. It's probably better I just get back and stay on the subs.

I felt like absolute death upon waking, so took a sub when I got to work. Hopefully it's been long enough that I don't go into precip withdrawal. I feel like I'm starting to get better already but it's only been five mins. We'll see where it goes.

I think I'm going to register for a class today, solely so I can get my loan refund and I can make moves to get the fuck out of this state and this area in general.
Good plan. About the class, the subs and getting away from your roomie and MD. Hang in there and time will see you out of it. Maybe by Spring time it will be doable?
50mg Vyvanse
8mg Suboxone
1.2g Gabapentin
40mg Baclofen
Hella antibiotics for my lifelong std and the pneumonia I'm getting over
10mg Cyclazodone
Dr pepper and coca cola
Hopefully a breakfast sandwich
Marlboro menthols

I'm back on Suboxone again, starting today. After relapsing and subsequently overdosing on heroin, my opioid withdrawal kicked absolutely into overdrive. I ran out of tianeptine last night. It helped, but my gf liked it too so I ran out quicker than expected. It's probably better I just get back and stay on the subs.

I felt like absolute death upon waking, so took a sub when I got to work. Hopefully it's been long enough that I don't go into precip withdrawal. I feel like I'm starting to get better already but it's only been five mins. We'll see where it goes.

I think I'm going to register for a class today, solely so I can get my loan refund and I can make moves to get the fuck out of this state and this area in general.
Shit man, u oded? Uu damn. Hope ure aiiight.
OT: unlimited beers since wedmesday last week.
Uh oh hope you're not stranded without anything JT
They ended up canceling it while we were on the plane waiting to take off...
Maybe get some loperamide and whatever comfort meds you can wrangle if you're stuck.
On topic - 85ml methadone, cod live and a cuppa.

For people not in the UK: when you think of an English cup of tea, is it this

What kind of tea?

This morning it was green vein kratom, coffee and some omega 3. Also had some chai tea brewed in milk.
@4meSM just normal black tea in a bag. Typhoo brand. Your breakfast is similar to mine. Wish I'd used kratom to get off B instead of methadone but hindsight is 20:20 and all that...
coupla gs of kratom, coffee and now done took a coupla puffs of gg4 cause these mfs are late to open the restaraunt... this is on them cause imma fuck up for a couple hours. lol
Uh oh hope you're not stranded without anything JT

Maybe get some loperamide and whatever comfort meds you can wrangle if you're stuck.
Stranded, yes, but not totally without anything. I've got some pods and seeds stashed away, but they are limited. Just took my first dose of that, 20 hours after my last shot, following a restless night. Feeling better.

Also found a bag of kratom in the closet and loperamide isn't a bad idea. But when you shoot a half-gram of heroin a day, it's hard for that stuff to hold you. Especially if you're trying to conceal your addiction...

I'm probably going to head into New York today and see if anyone can middle anything for me.
What was my spam. Wtf you all pick on me
Your coffeeeeee posts. You made the same post a hundred times in the previous thread, at all various times of day always the same coffeeeeeeee.

It's spam at a certain point because you're probably just messing around
The last 3 days has been complete chaos but im still alive lol
Breakie so far was

1 bag H
300mg Pregabalin
1200mg gabapentin
15mg valium
2 joints
2 glasses wine.

Hope today to be more connected to the world again. And its only 05:43 here now. everyone is still asleep lol
1.25g phenibut hcl
2.5g kratom

fuckin rocked work and had a blast! lol everything ran like a sewing machine. ;) best day i have had in a while.