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What is your E count???

pills fuked me up!!! oh how i luved 2 roll though. . . i couldnt eva imagine how many i've taken.. 2 many... i'm depressed all the time i feel an empty feeling a lot.
i'd say somewhere in between 400-500 since 96. i used to use a lot for around 3 years calmed down now. i'm not an e-tard at all i really see no emotional problems or mood swings. over the years i have come to find out that moderation is the key! everytime i roll now its a great experience all over again off no more than 2 pills. beats the hell out of eating 5-10 =].
i would i say i have done it between 10 and 15 times since my first roll in september. I started off takign at least 3 pills, now i am down to one, so i wud probably go for about 30 odd pills. I dunno, not really thought about it too much :)
7 times
13 pills
only did 1 pill once, it was weak. First time I rolled was after doing acid and shrooms for a few years, so it is relatively weak to me.
i think like 25-30? i'd have to look in my notebook,i sat down one day and wrote them all down,its a cool idea cause you can look back and it helps jog your memory and bring a smile to your face,ive been doing it for about 18 months and ive never had more than 2 in an evening,im just that way cause i come from a straight edge bacground (ian mackeye rocks,but dont listen to fugazi on a comedown).
I really can't put a number to how many I have taken. I started rolling August of 2000. At the beginning of it, I did it once a weekend twice a weekend sometimes, but only took one. On speciall nights, if we started early, I took 4, but usually, two a night. On a guess, about 150. Could be wrong! lol
Somewhere in the vicinity of 150-170
Been rolling for 4 years
Been moderating use for 1.5 of those years
Since October 96,the tally is 110...
1 white split
2 red swans
4 orange butterflies
6 white sunshines
4 MA 125's
3 Scooby Doos
3 white apples
3 Rolexes
1 red triangle
5 red targets
1 marshmellow
1 lemondrop
1 millenium
5 diamonds
10 Green RN's
1 blue Mercedes
15 white Euros
10 brown shells
10 white yin-yangs
2 brown doves
1 smurf
2 Rolls Royces
2 brown splits
15 brown diamonds
1 pink fly
1 purple Euro
Oops I forgot
1 white mitsubishi
3 more Green RN's
1 chicken
2 pink hearts
that makes 117.
stop eating press pills, start eating sass or pepernol, go for the mdma in crystal,,,, press pills are for pussies, who cares how many you've eaten, ttry a 10th of a grm of real mdma and iot will equal 5 of those shitty presws pills which are alll pretty much dxm, mda or even mde
I just rolled for the first time the weekend before Thanksgiving... Since then, about 9 pills... But I'm cutting down on how many pills I take each time I roll. There really is no need to exceed 1.5 pills for the average person, but I just found this out. Last weekend was three in one night and it took 3 days to recover. I think the worst thing to do is to start off taking a lot of pills and then build a tolerance for it. That shit gets expensive!
49 versaces 4 batches
30 cu's 2 batches
27 anchors 1 batch
15 mitsis 4 batches
3 rolls royce 2 batches
10 cali sunrises 1 batch
17 supermen 2 batches
4 clogs 1 batch
7 rolexes 1 batch
2 armanis 1 batch
10 euros 3 batches
8 mercs 4 batches
22 v2's 1 batch
2 guns 1 batch
5 007's 1 batch
24 triangles 2 batches
3 snowballs 1 batch
7 stars 1 batch
9 ferraris 1 batch
2.5 tt's 1 batch
1 @ 1 batch
[ 31 December 2001: Message edited by: mc-bob-e ]
now, how much money does that equal out to? that's something *i* don't want to know.
erm lemme add it up for you this year i think when i convert from pounds to dollers $1020 this year and last year about $220 so $1420 altogether
[ 16 December 2001: Message edited by: mc-bob-e ]
I`ve probably had about 400+ pills since the summer of `95. Used to kane em but only do em about once a month nowadays.
In about 5 months, I've taken 3 pills:
In order from first pill taken to last:
0.5 Ferrari (blue)
1.0 Euro Dollar (white)
1.0 Armani (white)
0.5 Chanel (green)