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What is your E count???

About 22 pills in about 13 rolls/candyflips/hippyflip since october 2000 3-5 of those pills are mda.
Ive rolled only 3 times on 4 pills...the first time was only this past October.
since i started rolling about 4 months ago i´ve dropped about 50 pills, maybe add a few.....starting to get a bit worried aboute my habbits....
yep ya prolly should be a little worried....
i'd slow down a bit if i were you..... actually i'd slow down a lot.
i've been rolling for two years and have only done it 10-12 times on ONE pill each time...except for the last time which was over a month ago. i feel completly fine, and as i think hydra... (maybe someone else, i can't remember) mentioned above i can remember each and every one vidily... so ya moderation works.
[ 11 December 2001: Message edited by: Vampira ]
WELL, lemme see I used roll just about every weekend( for almost a year) and droped around 2-3 pillz each time hmmmm......but know its more of a once a month or evenb every other month thing sooooo i dunno u all do the math ...I'am 2 tired :) muahhzzzzz!
Ive rolled 7 times off 10 pills in the last 5 months
so far no bad side effects ,cept for my EXTREAMLY bad memorry loss, but it was bad to begin with n I usta smoke a lot of pot. n I plan to keep up the moderation and enjoy e for as long as I can :)
Times - 9
Pills taken - 9.5
[ 11 December 2001: Message edited by: thermal ]
I'd say roughly about 280 since April or May. Wow that sounds sorta bad now that i look at it. I think i'm gonna go look up that moderation word in the dictionary. Damn.
*raises his head in embarassment*
Um, about 75 pills since July 2000, my first roll.
Caps of G, well that's another story.
47.5, for an average of 2.375 pills per month
Although, 5 of those pills were not MDMA so technically only 42.5,for an average of 2.125 PPM.
They are as follows, taken since April of 2000 on separate occasions (IE, the 4 white devils were taken on two separate rolls)
1/2 Orange Pacman
2 White shells
3 Snow Whites (Bunk!)
2 Mini Chips (Bunk!)
1 1/2 Red Mickey Mouses
2 Red Robins
2 White Octagons
3 White Rockets
4 White Devils
2 1/2 Green Chicago Bulls
2 Green Iceburgs
1/2 Yellow Diamond
2 Pink Moons
2 Green Euros
3 Purple Ferraris
5 Pink Elephants
7 1/2 Pink Stunners
3 White Anchors
As far as changes go, I have noticed no negative behavioral or emotional differences. I do notice a more blurred area between sleep and waking. Getting stuck in dreams and stuff like that. But that happens rarely, and it is not bothersome so much as it is interesting. I have also noticed positive affects. I am more accepting of differences in other people, more open, more calm. Things like that. I don't think these changes are do to the chemicals so much as they are to the insights I have while on the chemicals. My personal relationships have improved as well.
Oh, and I also remember every occasion in complete, crystal clear detail.
loads of dope
35 something E's (Trips used to be cheaper)
well over 300 Trips (only rarely now....every 1-2 yrs.)
I plan on doing drugs for as long as I feel comfortable with it.
[ 11 December 2001: Message edited by: ChemicalDan ]
How in the heck can you guys remember that? You guys keep a log? hehe..
Rolilng for 2 years. Averages once every 2-3 weeks. Somenights 2, somemights 8...
I would estimate probably 250 to 300 pills.
I feel great... I"m very open. I view friendship and value it now much more than I used to.. I can accept people more now and not always defensive. It MADE my relationship with my wonderful girlfriend of 3 years. I'm 32, own my own business, am quite successful and am very athletic.
It's all in moderation. I can say I see so many ppl doing it 3-4 times a week. Ouch, that's nuts...
god this is like asking me how many people i've slept with :eek:
lost count along time ago
actually never really kept count
(btw, i am kidding, well about the sex....)
somewhere around 30-40, but my best friends are all up in the 200's, and one of my friends is at like 400 or so (hes only 1 8) . Oh this one kid i know is at like 600, but 300 of em were this year, and he is fucking retarded. Like he is just one stupid stupid kid, his brain is fried. But eveyone else i know is fine.
[ 12 December 2001: Message edited by: THE WOOD ]
Well honestly kids I can't remember how many I have taken.. I know when i started in 95 .. I rolled like 2 times a week for a year.. Then i laid off for a year... Then I started going to parties and rolled 2 times a week between 5 and 10 pills a night for a year then it was about 5-10 pills once a week FOR A LONG TIME>> well i have been really good for the last 2 years only rolling like 2 times with a pill each time. But I would have to say my count is UP THERE>>>>>in the 500-600 range.. Side-effects.. Hmm... i would say this comes and goes.. Panic -Attacks on rare occasions BUT, i can hardly sit still for the life of me without some kind of fidget... :eek: other than that all is well no memory loss or anything but, i took good care of my body..
Been rolling for about a year and a half. Usually only 1/month. A couple of times there was only 3 weeks in between. 1-1/2 each time.
45 pills? Probably less. Seems more like 35.
I've rolled 14 times, and taken 17.5 pills. Since late August :/ but yea.. I'm laying off ;)
ummmmmm let me think .
Starting taking E in late June in Portugal .
June 28-Aug 29 ...... I took about 20-22 pills(ferraris, mitsu,butterfly,euros,bear,tiger,pink ying yangs,mercedes and TT's ).......and I've been "sober" for almost 3.5 months =) , On the 17th of december ITS GONNA CHANGE as I go back to Portugal and see my friends again . =)
PS...europe seems to have better E going around than the US ,atleast more of it is MDMA.
Zemiami "believe in fate"