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What is your current supplement regimen and why you use them

thanks for the advice :) I decided to take 1200mg of dha/epa a day as I read that 500mg is good just for heart health, but you get other benefits (immune system etc) at doses over 1gram. Mind you I did read this in the daily hate mail! lol.
Trust me, you get the benefits of almost all fishies have to provide at any dose, it just helps more the more you take, until you're taking more than your body can handle ;)
Just perusing through here and a little scared at the depth you can go into. I'm sure I'm barely scratching the surface of this but it's kind of fun. Anyways I do have a question regarding omega-3 fatty acids.

So the ratio of long chain omega-3 to omega−6 fatty acids results in the same ratio of something confusing being created but we want more omega-3 than the average diet hence we take supplements. Fish oil is a good source of the long chain omega-3, while flax seed oil and some others are good sources of the short chain omega-3 but only a bit of the short turns into the long change so basically fish oil is the way to go.

When it comes to taking piracetam you need an additional choline supplement as well. Many people take lecithin as a cheap and easily available source of choline. However doesn't lecithin then have a greater ratio of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids thereby offsetting the purpose of the fish oil from before?

It's just I thought I saw a lot of people taking both fish oil and lecithin and am wondering if the lecithin is not working against your omega-3 ratio for some reason that I don't quite get.
^^my fish oil has omega-6 & 9, and their only about 100mg less than the amount of omega-3 in it, so should i stop taking it? o.o
My supplement REGIMEN
Chewable Adult Multi Vitamin each day (sometimes 2)
Pop some b12 under tongue dissolvable pills here and there
B Complex Vitamin
L-Glutamine w/Chromium somedays (i heard it helps for reducing sugar cravings)
L-TYROSINE in morning when I remember.. maybe 3 times a week
L-Tryptaphan at night time to help me get to sleep

I just bought Ginseng and Magnesium. Ginseng to help my thyroid? I heard it helps fix adernal glands, And magnesium to see if it helps me insomnia. So far the L-Tryptaphan has helped me fall asleep but I'm awake 1 or 2 hrs later, and this happens throughout the night and i'm VERY frustrated at this. I'm gaining loads of weight because of it.

Does anyone know anything about this insomnia and how to cure it? I'm NOT stressed except for this, everything in my life is perfect and I'm even on vacation!.
I hope the magnesium cures all.
i had a few drinks last night and before going to bed took some magnesium, zinc, garlic tablets, fish oil and creatine and went to bed.... woke up feeling rough as fuck. whats the reason for this? i hardly ever take sups when ive been drinking, which supplement would make me feel rough when waking up when combined with alcohol? i had drunk loads of water as well so i should of been hydrated enough
i had a few drinks last night and before going to bed took some magnesium, zinc, garlic tablets, fish oil and creatine and went to bed.... woke up feeling rough as fuck. whats the reason for this? i hardly ever take sups when ive been drinking, which supplement would make me feel rough when waking up when combined with alcohol? i had drunk loads of water as well so i should of been hydrated enough

Lol, that sounds like an unappetizing combo. Sometimes fish oil makes me feel blegh, because of the taste in the burp. But, i dont know about it feeling "rough as fuck". I know nutrients get depleted when you drink alcohol
i had a few drinks last night and before going to bed took some magnesium, zinc, garlic tablets, fish oil and creatine and went to bed.... woke up feeling rough as fuck. whats the reason for this? i hardly ever take sups when ive been drinking, which supplement would make me feel rough when waking up when combined with alcohol? i had drunk loads of water as well so i should of been hydrated enough

Not a single one of those should have *any* discernable effect on ethanol metabolism. I'm gonna go with the reason being a simple hangover ;)
(drinking tons of water definitely helped ya tho; water through the night, large glass b4 bed w/ some nsaids, and I'm usually pretty good =D )
ok thanks for the info :D maybe im coming down with something, the amount i drank shouldn't of made me feel that bad. oh well never mind :)

anyone know if theres issues with mixing gingko and piracetam? i take 1600mg piracetam mainly every other day (although some weeks i will take it every day) without any headaches or side effects. however a few days ago when i took piracetam i decided to take some ginkgo with it and it gave me a pretty awful headache. would this be due to increased blood flow to my brain or something? i dont get a headache if i take just ginkgo by itself, or just piracetam by itself
Sometimes COltDan, supplements have lemons... its actually quite risky to take a lot of supplements , unless you buy from vendors with the highest garantee of purity

Its like food-poisoning risk but even greater; cause a lot of supplements come from places like china... especially piracetam (which I don't take anymore cause of a bad experience) ...

the more random stuff you put inside your body; the greater the risk
could you elaborate on this "supplements' risks > foods' risks" thing? I believe it works the opposite way..
And guarantee of quality /= no risk, or even any seriously reduced risk in many cases. When looking at, say, prohormones, one's concern is generally the compound itself and not any impurities that may come along w/ it.

And I'd imagine it would have been the piracetam, although my noots-knowledge isn't very high lol. The piracetam helps some neurotransmitter (choline?), the ginkgo supposedly increases oxygen in the brain (unsure why one wouldn't trust their brain to regulate its own oxygen, but to each their own)
fruit veg complex carbs cannabis and alot of green tea

i dont think supplements particularly work
Right now I just take 2 tablespoons of this glucosamine supplement everyday. I use it because I have been having knee pain recently. This only started after I stopped running though. Not sure why.
*Green Pastures fermented cod liver oil/butter oil blend
*desiccated organ/gland blend
*iodine (kelp)
*melatonin occasionally for sleep

i LOVE the cod liver oil, it cleared up eczema that i had on my hands since middle school within a week. this brand is fermented, never heated, and contains no synthetic vit A/D and is from wild caught arctic fish. fuck rancid, oxidized fish oil.

the organs, because i don't particularly enjoy cooking/eating organ meats and don't even know where to buy quality, grass-fed glands/etc and doubt if they're palatable.

iodine for metabolism/thyroid function bc i can't afford to not drink fluoridated tap water and i hate the fishy taste of sea vegetables.

melatonin for when i take addy or other uppers or for the end of trips.

i don't really like the idea of taking a supplement regularly that's not found in nature (i know, everything comes from nature, being isolated from something in nature is not what i mean) or is not something you could eat like food or hasn't been taken as a traditional supplement to food by non-industrialized societies. the body would never be confronted with such strange imbalances if you just ate food and weren't poppin random things made in labs. food is really your best medicine.

you can research the hell out of something but i'd rather not be a guinea pig. but then again everyone thinks they know what is best for themselves, so do your own thang ha =P
^^so should i start taking an iodine supplement because i drink a TON of tapwater haha? i know its not good for your thyroid but idt its that bigga deal right?

currently im taking:
both for obvious reasons.

on days that i use amp i take:
-magnesium (for muscle twitches)
-B complex (help re-supply neurotransmitters)
-fish oil (help dopamine transmission)
-melatonin (help sleep)
^^so should i start taking an iodine supplement because i drink a TON of tapwater haha? i know its not good for your thyroid but idt its that bigga deal right?

the dose of fluoride given to those with HYPERthyroidism is pretty tiny and about equivalent to what you'd get using fluoridated toothpaste/mouthwash/etc. and drinking a lot of tap water.

so i'd say to take iodine if you don't eat a lot of sea veggies.
the dose of fluoride given to those with HYPERthyroidism is pretty tiny and about equivalent to what you'd get using fluoridated toothpaste/mouthwash/etc. and drinking a lot of tap water.

so i'd say to take iodine if you don't eat a lot of sea veggies.

so if i dont get adequate iodine than i could risk getting HYPOthyroidism?
^ Do you eat table salt? If so, you're probably getting adequate iodine. Have your iodine levels checked before supplementing.

Oh, and low iodine doesn't cause hypo or hyper thyroidism: Your thyroid will adjust to do what your body needs but because there's no iodine, the negative feedback loop shutting off the production of a hormone won't work, so your thyroid will enlarge to produce more and more... Forming goiter.