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What drugs did you do on christmas?

Play my cards right I will be on Cloud Nine this Christmas on edibles from real Indians less than thirty minutes from the Xmas tree next to the lit gas fire behind me just like I am right now armchair explorer mode edibles super uplifting this morning so warm inside my tummy
I have taken lsd for Christmas I believe once, I had an mxe Christmas one year. I remember my ex and I had SO much fun one year over the holidays when I had some good MXE.

But all paled in comparison to the time I took lsd for Thanksgiving, THAT was a silly move, as I of course had dinner with family, which was a little difficult. I ended up having a pretty good time and getting stoned with my bro in law. It wasn't a nightmare by any means.

The years when I was on heroin I of course got blasted on that for Christmas.

Benzos + amphetamines + opioids = standard fare and I'm usually on one of them every day which includes Christmas of course.

I think I probably got methed up over the last couple years. I didn't start taking meth until I was 25 (4 years ago), but once I started on it, it became a pretty constant companion.
My Christmas this year, I will be surrounded by brothers and sisters-in-law and nephews and my parents and my daughter and my wife. So, I will be taking low doses of etizolam, alcohol and weed. Otherwise, I may - indeed - kill them all.
Hey holler at my boy, Lucifer if you see him. We go way back.

Good guy. Horny guy though, look out for his big red dick. It kinda burns going in.

I had an adolescent fever dream about sucking Satan's dick when I was like 12. Didn't meet him personally till around the age of 21. It wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it would be.

He's still got a big piece of my heart though.
Seems like this year it will be benzos, nothing else. Oxazepam, to be more accurate.

Gonna be alone again, but i don't care. Gonna be here, Festivus forum also. If someone else is alone too, and feeling bad about it. I think i could try to support a little bit :)
Last Christmas I just smoked some weed with my (now)-ex. I usually spend time with family on Christmas and keep my tripping to other days of the holiday season.

For me, psilocybin is one of the most 'wintery' psychedelics. I had a really good trip doing shrooms with some friends a week before Christmas a few years back. Something about walking in the snow at night and looking at all of the Christmas decorations feels very magical.

I agree, mushrooms feel like a fall/winter psychedelic and especially based on when they arrive in most locations in fall. The more sedating aspect is great for the “hunker down” feeling of the colder months.

My regular meds (4mg clonazepam, 300mg pregabalin, 12mg tizanidine and 90mg propranolol and 30g kratom) plus 165mg of THC in edible form (3 55mg medicinal grade gummies). I Do Not reccomend that many people try a dose that high, my meds and tolerance allow me to enjoy doses like this. I regularly take 2 of these gummies a day, though usually 6-8 hours apart, not 3 at once. I was less stoned than I expected, but had almost unbearable cottonmouth throughout the day, and otherwise spent much of the experience watching "Happy!" on Netflix and laughing my ass off, particularly how similar my attitude toward life is ti that of Nick Sax. If you have Netflix, get lit and watch it...