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What drugs did you do on christmas?

I am sure to have bro.May God 🙏 help u!!!
Tbh nothing can help me at the moment, thanks for the good vibes though.
I got a soulcrushing depression that's eating me from the inside out, at this rate I'll most likely manifest cancer in my body. I'm literally collapsing. There's not much to do for me anymore, just wait for the inevitable.
I'm literally collapsing. There's not much to do for me anymore, just wait for the inevitable.
But still kind enough to wish us cheers. Feel better nznity. I believe they call that anticipatory grief and I can say it is some of the most soul crushing. You'll get past it. The next moment you feel even a little better milk it. Put on some music if you have too. I get this too and the sad thing is we do it to ourselves yet I have no idea how to think my way past it. Some days I just cross of days on a calendar thinking thank God I got this day over with forever. Keep us posted. We have to outsmart these periods and hold on.
But still kind enough to wish us cheers. Feel better nznity. I believe they call that anticipatory grief and I can say it is some of the most soul crushing. You'll get past it. The next moment you feel even a little better milk it. Put on some music if you have too. I get this too and the sad thing is we do it to ourselves yet I have no idea how to think my way past it. Some days I just cross of days on a calendar thinking thank God I got this day over with forever. Keep us posted. We have to outsmart these periods and hold on.
I've been bedridden for 2 years, i got ulcers in some parts of my body and everything hurts. I'm super skinny and don't feel like eating tbh. I'm not in the mood of listening to music unless I'm drunk or on morphine. I'm about to score in fact.
I'm trapped in this room and gonna die here :(
Tbh idgaf about the holidays, I just want the pain to stop.
,btw, I'm not being pessimistic. I'm just bring truly honest on how I feel rn.
Cheers guys,
Nico xx
^ see you just never know what people are going through. I think people should do whatever they need to do to make it through a day. Physical ailments or emotional this world is screwy, but I still say, please try and feel better Nico. Score and nod!
Oh yeah, I'll definitely be fucked up on xmas. Bender starts in an hr in fact. xddd
Tbh nothing can help me at the moment, thanks for the good vibes though.
I got a soulcrushing depression that's eating me from the inside out, at this rate I'll most likely manifest cancer in my body. I'm literally collapsing. There's not much to do for me anymore, just wait for the inevitable.
No bro....don't think that with cancer...i often got the same feelings...'cause all my relatives are gone,because of this...-fatherr,mother,grandies,uncle .....ubare too young ..it's more a spiritual batlle indeed i guess...&possible depression too...u know now is X-mass..Mwry Xmass&Heappy New Year...ye...but on this date my mum was born&my mum was died...so for me this day is ambigious...So mmay God help us all....for what reason idk👍♥️🙏
Mostly alcohol sprinkled with some recrystallized cocaine to stay afloat.

I grew up with an alcoholic mother and Ive generally dreaded Christmas the last couple of decades. Now I have children of my own and I try to create a secure environment for them that will bring them happy memories about Christmas. But damn I feel its hard not getting drunk around Christmas now that I am a parent myself. Social heritage is an especially strong tide this time of the year.

Havent posted in here for years. Guess I just needed to vent somewhere about the difficulties of Christmas and how its challenging breaking social heritage. I hope people out there manage to enjoy and stay safe <3