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What Are You Munching On? V2. Stimulants, pizza and Gatorade

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Neither had i till the other night and it blew my mind. In about half an hour i will be eating said Firebird pizza as well as Kevin Bacon
Stop it! You're making me hungry! I fell asleep earlier after dinner in Shams lap. Well kind of dosed. Sat up at 2am on the dot and haven't been able to sleep since. Now, because of you I'm hungry. I just wanna sleep!

Think I might have an English muffin and jam. Might get me off to sleep. My only problem is, black cherry or blueberry jam? The struggle is real my friend.

Oh and I wanna hear all the food Porn reviews on your pizzas. Oh my days! YUM!
Well the Kevin Bacon was a bell ringer too. Kind of like ribs on a pizza without the ribs. Quite remarkable. The Firebird still my favourite as i have never had such a perfect pizza synergy before.

Now time to plunder the cellar.
I just wrote a long reply but it wouldn't post. So to summarise the Kevin Bacon was delicious. Kind of like Texas Ribs on a pizza without the ribs if that makes sense. Yummo.
The Firebird continues to soar above all other pizzas though. Perfect pizza synergy with extra points for using Peking Duck yet retaining its moisture. A work of art and no doubt tomorrow a work of fart.
I'm an odd one. I don't like bbq sauce on a pizza but if the ribs were a dry rub on the pizza I'd be all over it.

Sounds like you had a lush munch sesh. Pray tell, what are the cellars saying to you? What tasty treat will follow your tasty treat?
Pray tell, what are the cellars saying to you? What tasty treat will follow your tasty treat?

Don't ask! I fear it might be MY cellar he's going to plunder...

Oi Consumer, leave my fuckin goblins alone!!
Don't ask! I fear it might be MY cellar he's going to plunder...

Oi Consumer, leave my fuckin goblins alone!!
I am not that crazy to venture into your den of unspeakable horrors and sordid acts against nature and goblins.
I did walk on water once but that may have been the acid...who can tell.
Had a kind of indisan haah up at home.

Chopped to micro pieces an onion, cabbage and a few potatoes. Simmered onions down, then cabbage, seasoned with channa masala, garam masala, sequins, and two mystery curry powders I found. Stir fried 5 minutes high heat, then added a small cup of water, capped and steamed.

After around ten minutes I beat two duck eggs with pepper and soy sauce and mixed them in and let the egg thicken up before serving.

Very tasty - but I had leftovers, and accidentally left the gas barely on and found them an hour later crispy - delicious. Got to bake these. bhaji like niceness.
Marmite. What is wrong with you people? First you send your convicts to Australia and stay in dreary England then you eat Marmite instead of the ONE TRUE YEAST SPREAD VEGEMITE.

*shakes head*
Marmite. What is wrong with you people? First you send your convicts to Australia and stay in dreary England then you eat Marmite instead of the ONE TRUE YEAST SPREAD VEGEMITE.

*shakes head*

You're walking on thin ice there matey...
You be quiet or my paratrooper attack otters will be sent to get you and free your bondage goblins

Hahaha! They wouldn't last 5 minutes in my cellar of doom, for I have the 'Goblets of fire'! (They're like Twiglets, but using goblins coated in Marmite and extra hot chilli sauce). Your otters are doomed...
Omelette, beans, toast and coffee <3 - That was four hours ago now though so I'm already thinking about lunch. (I'm having curried beans with cheese on jacket potato) - dinner chicken, green peppers, courgette, onions, tomatoes - dressing of garlic, chili, oregano, lemon juice then baked.
Hahaha! They wouldn't last 5 minutes in my cellar of doom, for I have the 'Goblets of fire'! (They're like Twiglets, but using goblins coated in Marmite and extra hot chilli sauce). Your otters are doomed...
You think so? My otters are fed a diet of extra hot Thai chilli paste, fermented fish sauce and vegemite. They have seen service in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan and are trained in ancient otter martial arts.They are the silent creeping otters of death. Very cute too btw.

You wont know what hit you. Not even Spades Mum can save you now
Move it over go gibs boys. Unless we're talking about otter omelette.
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