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What are you ANAL about!!!

littleone said:
hahaha! i dont think he enjoyed it though. he kept using the words "fuck off" and "physco bitch".

Was it an accident on the guy's part? If so, those labels were well warranted.
^nah. he grabbed my boobs as i was walking past and i slapped him. he then poured beer in my hair laughing - it was the icing on the cake
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blue eyed girl said:
I also make people wash their hands before they come into my house- i even watch them to make sure.

i'm confused, do you have some kind of basin outside your house?
I've been sitting here all morning trying to think of something but I can't think of anything!

Damn my easy-goingness (yes, thats a word ;))
I cant stand windshield wipers. And its even more annoying when its slightly raining and people have 'em on fulll speed. Ugh. I seriously don't put mine on unless its massively pouring, puddles of water everywhere... Then its only a wipe er two a min...
0ff1cer_ch0ps said:
I once had a gf, that i left at the house one day, and she decided she would mix them all up to see my reaction...

What an idiot! I couldn't understand for the life of me why people do that type of thing. I mean, of course you're not going to be 'happy' about the chore of having to re-arrange them again! 8)

Maybe threatening to break up with her as a result of your c-d's being out of order is a bit extreme - however breaking up with someone for being a total pain in ass for no logical reason is perfectly understandable.

Anyhow, I'm anal about:

- Eating habits: I'll always eat the fries before a burger, vegetables before a steak etc. Can't start on a new type of food until the other is finished. I'll always eat *around* sanwiches, chicken breats etc. (start with the edges, save the middle for last). Yes, weird I know!

- Shaving: I shave extremely regulary, stubble drives me insane.

- Being on time: If I'm running late, even by 10 minutes, I will stress. I will send a message or make a phone call at least half an hour in advance of the original meeting time, to notify the person I'm meeting of my slight delay.

- Touching my things: I *really* don't like people touching my things, such as going through my bag. I don't know why, it's not like there's *ever* anything in there that I feel is personal, lol. I guess if someone wants my cigi's that are in my bag, I'd rather pass them myself :). -=shrugs=- The funny thing is, I'd be more than happy to *show* them everything myself.

That's all I can think of right now. I'm sure there's heaps more though!
Astrosmurf: our laundry is in our garage (modern new house design) and we usually open the automatic garage door rather than unlock the front door.

Lazy hey..hehe.
Personal space. I'm not overly anal about it, I just don't like it being invaded, or invading other's.
I have a list.

Don't touch me. unless you invited or i can see you coming... like the long distance "i'm about to touch you" handshake... thats ok. doesn't apply to good friends and mah lady.

Food - don't return food to a kitchen. pretty sure the chef knows how to cook better than you. the term 'as the chef suggests' should be used more often.

Coasters - A) use one, B) i like them to be parallel to the table edge (but i don't like make YOU do it as well i just do it absent mindedly).

Following on from B) i also like everything to be parallel/positioned properly. Don't block my positive chi from the north! haha but really its like aesthetics i like stuff to look cool.

Grubby hands piss me off. on me -or- on you.

This may get edited as my other analness comes to light.
Ohmygod I can be really anal sometimes and I have been in the biggest fights with my mates because they broke MY RULES

* Reading my new magazines before I have
* Listening to my new CDs before I have
* Wearing my new clothes before I have...

Basically opening or touching anything of mine BEFORE I HAVE
Arrrgh I could Kill!

Hmm I also cant stand anything in even numbers.. It HAS to be odd!
Other than that I am a very loveable person =D
* Frying-pan fat left overnight: I HAVE to at least rinse frypans before i go to bed, if not wash them. I CAN'T just leave water in them overnight, because by morning, the fat has congealed and leaves little fatty circley-shapes floating on the top of the water, and for some reason, they completely offend me on some very deep, bizarre level. I don't know why, but i can't even look at them, if i do, i feel sick and start dry-retching and i freeze up. Mr samadhi has to clean them out of the pan before i can go near it. EWWWWWW

I guess it's part anal behaviour and part irrational fear, because i do literally freeze up if confronted with them.


* Nicknames: Don't call me by my nickname unless we know eachother well. For some reason, people calling me by my nickname if we've just met, or someone introducing me to someone else by my nickname shits me just as much. Look, if they've only heard me mentioned by my nickname, i'll just correct them, but if i've been introduced as my real name, then they've heard my friend calling me by my nickname and then assume they can as well...it's not on. Nicknames are indicative of familiarity, we're not close, don't do it.

* Drop-ins. Call before you come over, unless it's an emergency. If you're in trouble and you need to talk, or whatever, our door is ALWAYS open...anything else, call. For all you know, we may be in the middle of a hardcore f**king session, or sleeping in, or whatever. Call as you're driving over...i don't care...just call.
every cup that im about to drink out of, or water bottle im about to refill needs to be rinsed out three times.

if i have the heater on in the lounge i have to shut every door that goes off the lounge

i cant stand lights being on in rooms where there isnt going to be anyone for any longer then 5mins.

i prefer to have people to the right of me, i feel off balance when they're to my left. even if im in a circle i'll be on an angle.

i need things to be staight. at work our sign is crooked and it drives me batty. im forever straighting up the business cards and their holders.

the front door has to remain locked at all times. ALL times.

theres more but lets stop now :)
People sitting in the Back seat of my car !!!,

People thinking Just because they have known me for Ages they can Turn the Volume up on my $5000 car stereo !!

/ for that fact do anything to my car stereo !!

People NOT doing the Zip thing on my CD wallets !

People ASSUMING that my car has Central Locking.

Workmates Using my Tools and NOT putting them back in order right way round and or back at all !

People putting CD/DVDs in the wrong case !

There's nothing worse than being at someone's house for dinner, and they're about to get started on the dinner but then they go to the toilet and dont wash their hands afterwards. Then, returning to the kitchen, they start feeding scraps to the dog, letting the dog lick their hands, and then they pick a scrap of something off the floor, touching the floor while doing this and then they touch the bin lid while putting said scrap in said bin, and THEN they go back to chopping shit up without WASHING THEIR FUCKING HANDS!!! Witnessing someone do ANY of those things before touching something I'm supposed to eat makes my stomach turn and seeing all of them in one evening is enough to make me write shite like this.
What can you do, I try to tell myself germs are good for me. Hell, I used to eat dirt a long time ago. But I really wish people would wash their goddamn hands.

Also, when driving, indicate 30-50 metres before you suddenly brake and hold up traffic in the fast lane to turn right. If you think you have to turn right soon but aren't sure when, keep randomly indicating right so the person behind you knows why you're driving like a tard and that they'll have to either slow down or change lanes very soon.
Also don't drive below the speed limit in the fast lane, and if you're already on the limit but there's someone behind you wanting to go faster, duck into the left lane at your first opportunity and let them go by. Never drive at the same speed as the car next to you.
Also don't suddenly speed up in overtaking lanes when someones attempting to overtake your slow arse in their 3 cylander car. Yes I'm talking to you, middleaged ladies, 'safe' drivers, foriegners and old men!

All these things get me extremely pissed off.

Oh yeah, and the 99% of western australians who don't understand the concept of 'merging'.
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I am quite anal when it comes to hanging out the washing. Items of clothing must be hung up with matching coloured pegs. Every item hung in that quarter of the clothes line must be the same colour. If there are not enough pegs of that colour then in extreme situations items at different distances from the centre can be different. But then I still feel like there is something wrong. Crappy wooden pegs that are damp and old are my worst nightmare. Nice clean matching plastic pegs only. Or I will cry. Or something.

I am also anal when it comes to my computer. There must be nothing on the desktop. No icons on the taskbar, system tray or anywhere else. When you start my computer, all you can see is the start button and the time. I hate people who have so much crap on there computer that you can never find anything. Same with my bedroom though I guess. If I have a big week partying though, crap just ends up wherever I throw it before I pass out.
I'm anal about heaps of things. For example:
*Hand Washing/Hygene. I wash my hands after touching anything foreign, like door handles, trains, buses. The last time I physically touched an ATM was in September 1999.
*Doors/Cabinets. For fuck sake, if you open a door, or a cabinet, or a drawer, CLOSE IT! It was closed in the first place for a reason. Doors are married to Door Frames, so let them be together
*Bathroom Organisation. Everything must be organised to the way I like it. For example: Left side of sink: 1 Electric Toothbrush, toothpaste, Shaver. Right side of sink: Secondary electric toothbrush, moisturiser, shaving refills, listerine.
*Bed Covers. Bed covers can be tucked in on one side for cover-stability. Never tuck them in at the end, im 6ft5, I dont have room on the matress as it is.
*Wardrobe. My wardrobe is organised in height descending order. Eg, Winter Paddington Coat, Blazers/Jackets, Long Sleeve collard shirts, Short sleeve collard shirts, long sleeve t-shirts, short sleeve t-shirts
*Evening meal plate organisation. The main serve must be at the bottom of the plate when served, eg, if the plate was a clock, the steak would be at 6 o'clock. Then everything else in counter clock wise direction from that. Preferrably with vegetables at 12 o'clock
*Sock folding. Socks are to folded inside out, so when you unfold them they are NOT inside out.

I've got more, but i don't want to look wierd

Signat :)
fuck... i didnt expect to get such a huge fuckin responce...


but it is so so good...

keep them coming

People using too many exclamation marks. One will suffice! Exclamation marks are not a substitute for question marks!

Using full words, sentences and punctuation when I'm writing text messages. I can't help it, I feel like a tosser if I shorten anything. Expensive hangup when it means I have to send 2 or 3 messages instead of one.

I'm anal about my bedtime routine. Feed the baby, shower, teeth, turn the TV on, sleep on the left hand side, doona in a specific way. If anyone touches me or talks to me once I'm in my SleepZone, I bite them. Figuratively.

Pasta. Bad pasta makes me cry.

I used to be anal about heaps of stupid things. I would hang up the washing using only matching pegs and never two of the same kind of peg on clothes next to each other. If I ran out of matching pegs, I would stop hanging up the clothes and make someone else do it 8) (Glad to see I'm not the only one who's done that!)

I get a bit anal about people eating my food, but that's a recent one. My brother's girlfriend (spew) eats all my food. Sometimes I take food over to my parents' house for me to eat, and she eats it. Yesterday she was in my car and I had pikelets sitting on the console for my daughter to eat, and this girlfriend ate them. Then she drank from my water bottle. Without fucking asking! Ugh. Miscellaneous vent right there.