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Upper vs. Downer People

crackheads vs. dopefiends

If you had to choose a crackhead or a dopefiend to trust with your car and family which one would you chose ?
i say dopefiend .
I think this thread belongs somewhere else or just locked since it is pointless.
This is really a matter of how much of a problem this individual has, and how well I know them.

I would trust the dope fiend with my family, because they'll just be nodding out on their couch and possibly trying to steal money from the beedroom. A crackhead could end up leaving some black eyes laying around. Definitely not trusting a meth addict with either. Who knows what they're liable to do....
The car, well that's up in the air. The crackhead may try to sell it for $40 worth of rock, and idk I guess a car seems a bit high profile for a dope head to spawn off for drugs. Although you know that crackhead won't be falling asleep behind the wheel. I really wouldn't let either drive my POS though.
Well I just think that dope users tend to be a little more respectful.....................And to oxymorphone , thank you for telling me it is pointless. I think your post was pointless.
Yeah, definitely not an OD thread. If it would go anywhere, it would be Drug Culture

With over 100 posts, you should probably know that

Engage report button! (I'm watching Star Trek)
Well I just think that dope users tend to be a little more respectful.....................And to oxymorphone , thank you for telling me it is pointless. I think your post was pointless.

Please tell me the point of your hypothetical post that has nothing to do with drug use? Save it for your blog.
OD -> DC

It's obviously the dope fiend you can trust. Overall, anyone can become a shitty person, even WEED can corrupt someone into stealing for the drug.

Some people are sociopaths; they are born liars/deceivers, and are often poly drug addicts.

This isn't OD material by the way, which is why I'm moving it over there.

Most of the people that I've met that have tried heroin are trustworthy. The cocaine/crack addicts ARE NOT trustworthy. There's OBVIOUSLY exceptions for BOTH categories, so when you say "nuh uh" then obviously yes, there are exceptions. Those are just generalities from the people I've met IMO.

I theorize this is due to the fact that heavy & prolonged cocaine/crack binging leads to permanently lowered dopamine levels. This may be why the person changes for the worse in some cases.
crackheads tend to have huge egos and be a manic depressive rollercoaster making them harder to trust. if i had a car it probsably be stolen by both because there sre fucked up people in both scenes. dopefiends tend to be more of a leach than anything, rather have them nodding on my couch than a someone smoking rocks probably wouldnt have a couch anymore. but..this vary from person to person as much as there fucked up people in the world theres also good people too
I am so sorry to everyone that i started a thread in the wrong spot again .........................
i think there must be way more functional opiate users than functional crack smokers .
I wouldn't trust anyone I didn't know well. But if they were both friends, I couldn't really pick one over the other. A crackhead is no "better" than a dopefiend, and visa versa.
I would trust the dopefiend over the crackhead because coke just makes people way too unstable. I just think shit's much more likely to go sour while cracked out than nodding out
A dopehead in a second. A junkie will take your car and go hookup, a crack head will trade that shit for a sack of rocks...
Ive been scamme by crack heads alotttt
on a Friday night in Ottawa they are all over the place being crazzy ass weirdos

While on the other hand the dope heads are just sitting somewhere peacefullly nodding off :)
This thread has turned into an upper people vs downer people discussion so im going to merge it with the upper vs downer thread
My cow prefers both together - nothing too hardcore, just a line or two of coke after a reasonable dose of DHC.
Downers FTW!!!

i have anxiety problems and i dont handle stimulants well. even doing 10mg adderall makes me freak the fuck out.
Ive always been a downers freak and ive been addicted to alcohol, benzos and opiates. Also im a fan of weed.

But i do enjoy the odd bit of coke and my fav stimulant dextroamphetamine.