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Upper vs. Downer People

Downers are better than stimulants because you can't do stimulants without downers to come down to but you can do downers all day long without needing stims.

Still love stims though. The fact I am an insomniac and need downers to sleep also puts points in the downers corner for me.
depends on the mood really
I'm more of an upper person, but if im not feeling it, i could be a downer person

i have a very eclectic taste when it comes to drugs, music, people.

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downers and weed and maybe every now and then a little upper but 90% of the time downers
Uppers really bug me, there just not appealing to me in any way. Downers are whatsup tho, some Oxy or any opiates, some Benzos, some Trees, and maybe a few brews and Im happy

I just really like to relax, a hate being on one/anxious
I'm a downers person. I did have a 2 year crack run, but I started it cause my downer tolerence was high so I figured something new couldn't hurt. As of a couple of years ago I have returned to my downer ways opiates ftw.
I only like uppers on certain occasions. Most of the time I don't want to do a drug that will keep me awake or energetic, especially when I plan on sleeping in the future. Plus, there's a better variety of downers I have access to. The only major upper I can get regularly is coke/crack. I don't even want to touch crack, and I find coke to be a big waste of money

mixing is always fun though. I find coke and xanax have a great synergy
It's a mood thing for me. It just depends on what mood I'm in, and subsequently, what mood I'd like to be in or what mood I'd like to exaggerate. I am, by nature, an anxious person, so I'd have to say downers are, generally, the direction I go in.

I'm all into downers because I have a very mellow, "down" (not sad) personality. Opiates "feed" my soul, benzos calm me down and barbiturates knock me out. They are all euphoric & relaxing.

Although, I've never tried uppers (and don't plan to) because I think of them as being something like caffeine.
it's all about the downers, i love my benzos, alchohal, opiates; i just always feel like i'm killing my body a little bit more every time i take any stimulates/uppers. downers just work with your body.... kinda (as much as any fun drug can)
I'm starting to be able to deal with the crahes or comedowns of uppers and stimulants and what not. The subtley graduality of some opiates is excellent for when your nodding, which is not even an option for hours and hours for stims. Not to just bash uppers, I still love them and actually utilze them in my 'soberish' life, for example exams and stuff, but I can only use it recreationally for a short time and redosing means for an even more prolonged headache endusing crash,
^ agreed.

I honestly can't decide between the two. I've had habits with both coke and opiates.

They're apples and oranges to the highest degree
I'm def more of a downer person, benzos , opiates, meprobamate, ketamine... but when i go out i like my uppers, MDMA, some coke or speed at a rave can get me quite pumped... oh, and sex on uppers is waaay better than sex on downers...
Uppers for me. I don't use drugs to chill out or "escape"... I use them to feel more confident, energetic and productive. Benzos and alcohol are the only downers that I've really been into, and I use the benzos more for medical reasons than recreational.
yea i agree to whoever said sex is better on uppers n i always like to fuck while on blow but i have had my ex-girlfriend tell me she hates when i do opiates like oxy cuz of how addicting it is but she loved to fuck while i was on oxy. she ended up bein my ex b/c she really started wantin me to stop oxy n i didnt really want to so i started liyin to her about my usage but she always knew if we had sex whether i was on oxy or not.
I can't handle uppers aside from my morning coffee, or I start to get twitchy and hear things that aren't there. It's actually quite similar to the feelings of sleep deprivation. It's not a good feeling and can set off a terrible derealization episode, which I dread the most.

Downers are great because they are mentally relaxing.
i like them both.... every so often a speedball but usually two different situations. i like my speed but i also really like opiods too. i guess i share the love