Ultra 5 :: March 22nd, 2003 :: Miami

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woot baby woot! i will SO be there! anybody interested in meeting up, hit me on AIM at AmaraMist.
Originally posted by Rabbi:
I'll be in Miami, but I'm not going to Ultra. It's all about the club events where the dj's can really shine :)
Same goes for me
[ 20 February 2003: Message edited by: MrJaMaL ]
damn all of you who are 21+... i guess katie and i will have to amuse ourselves in miami.
*ponders for a moment*
hm... me and katie, a city full of spring breakers... yeah, i think we can figure out something to do :D
but i think i have mine, kevin's, and jamal's housing situation down... you two can kiss my feet later ;)
^^ I still have to figure out my budget for this one, Lauren. Don't count on me yet (but ohhhhhhh this could be fun!)
What with not working at all this whole past week due to the flu, and not working this weekend due to Freshie, my financial situation is not what I'd like it to be right now. I should know for sure very soon though.
Oh yeah, and damn all of you who are 21! Damn you all to hell! It's not our faults we're still 20... :p
Peace ~Katie
Wow. Looked at my schedule for work, looked at my bank balance, realized I TOTALLY can't afford to go to Miami in less than a month. It was a beautiful dream, though. And I may never talk to Lauren, Jamal or Kevin again. And if they don't catch The Streets then a triple homicide may occur. Ah well, such is life. *le sigh*
Peace ~Katie
interesting that the streets is on that lineup. id like to see him. not enough to go down to nasty ass florida tho :)
u people mus really love 7 feet of snow to call florida NASTY, either way im about to get buy these tickets and find out theyre goin for $62~!
shit that made my stomach turn but whatever thas what i get for buying it when it finally had a line up :p
Originally posted by THeRaVeToY:

hm... me and katie, a city full of spring breakers... yeah, i think we can figure out something to do :D

Not to shit in your cornflakes, but there's not that many spring breakers in Miami...
Kinda OT, but I don't see a WMC thread. Why does the OM party have to be the same day at the world of DNB party. ugh. Thursday looks to be a busy day that week. dammit....
Bleh..... for the 2nd year straight I gotta miss out on this. I got pulled for security duties at my base and, if I don't get relieved of those duties within the next week or two, I'll be working the weekend of Ultra 5. My luck is incredibly shitty.
:( :( :(
To all ya'll going, have fun, and look for my bro in the jungle tents. He looks like me, but he's 5'11 and, knowing him, he'll be decked out from head to toe in Ecko gear. If you wanna know what to look for, click on my profile to see my pic.
the line up looks pretty great, I think im heading out to this thing, mainly to chaperone my sister. if any of you remember me it'd be nice to see you and find out how you are doing, dont bother looking for my neon hair or peircing though, got rid of both
Tac!! I'll be there from wednesday thru sunday, hope to see ya around!
Looks like I'll be coming down for this. Anyone want to get together the night before? I'll be coming all the way from Connecticut.
this is going to be so awesome!
So when/where does everyone want to meet to watch the sun go down Ibiza style with a few drinks and lots of BL love before getting ready and going out to the fab club events?
I can't wait!
I am there Thurs thru Sun!
[ 23 February 2003: Message edited by: pihkal-desirez ]
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