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Opioids Ultimate Poppy Pod/Seed Tea Mega Merged Thread III

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How many of you poppy pod tea makers have re-used or recooked your old mesh-plant matter from an earlier previous intake???

How many use the commercial product "Tums" to leach tea from pods while boiling/simmering??? Tums is loaded with Calcium (750-1000mg per tab).

How many save the seeds from each Pod for growing or seed tea-making???

Is spray washing each Pod before boiling necessary???
How many employ a timing element between doses, such as a 72 hour rule???

How many, as a rule, mix their pod tea experience with other drugs (ex: weed, benzos, hydrocodone)???

I haven't recooked my old mesh-plant matter from a previous intake, but I do at least three pulls on the plant material.

Never used tums myself. Mixed results from others, it seems.

I do a quick wash on the seeds and add this wash to the dried pods. Don't know if it added anything significant.

I haven't spray washed myself but I don't think my vendor uses pesticides.

Use at the most once a week.

I like to use PPT to cheaply enhance oxycodone.

Seems the mixture of pod tea and hydros create a pleasant euphoria but the right dosage should be planned carefully for each person: eight pods (large), 5 hydros (10mg), 2 benzos (0.5mg), liquid-antihistamine, cup coffee works best for some regular users tolerance level in the morning, mixed with weed later in the day

Also, finally did a recook of old mesh-material from two days ago, and could "feel it" but very very mild. However, on first pod boil, have always strained at least 3-to-5 times post-cook; if you got cold sweats or early w/d symptoms, a recook may tide you over until next arrival.

(btw, what is the best type of Calcium product to use??? Vit D fortified, over-the-counter products, any suggestions??? It seems Tums has been working but if you know something better, well--)
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How many of you poppy pod tea makers have re-used or recooked your old mesh-plant matter from an earlier previous intake???

When I make tea, I use about 1 cup of water per 5 pods. An average dose might be around 10 pods so I'll use 2 cups of water and then do a second rewash using only 1 cup of water. The rewashed material is maybe about 1/4 or 1/5th the potency of the first wash. I think to do anymore than 1 rewash is probably not worth it.

Is spray washing each Pod before boiling necessary???
Necessary? Probably not. Is it a good idea? I think so. I have a tendency to crack my pods open over the box and sometimes if I get a nasty moldy one I worry that I may have contaminated the pods in the box with mold. I've gotten sick a few times when making tea and usually after getting mildly sick I'll start wiping down the outside of my pods for a while just in case I got mold on them or something. It's a good idea to get potential nasties off the outside, but I've brewed tea hundreds of times without wiping them and I've only gotten sick maybe 5 or 6 times.

How many employ a timing element between doses, such as a 72 hour rule???
Not me, I never set rigid guidelines for myself and became (voluntarily) addicted from the first batch ordered. It's been an uphill battle ever since (I've been hooked for over a year now :( )

How many, as a rule, mix their pod tea experience with other drugs (ex: weed, benzos, hydrocodone)???
I mix with weed pretty much everytime. Increases my chance of nodding and usually makes the effects more enjoyable.

I do not bother to use tums in my PPT.
I think that allowing any less than 3 or maybe 4 days in between periods of usage is sure to cause dependence. What I have been attempting recently is to drink the tea maybe 3 or 4 days in a row, then take off a good 4 days to allow the drugs to clear out of my system before starting back again. I have only done this for a few cycles now, but I haven't had any noticeable issues like I did the first cycle where I only skipped 1 or 2 days between usage. Anyone else experienced anything like this? I love the tea but the withdrawal is really prolonged and shitty, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to use intermittently and avoid the w/d. Thoughts? Comments? I should note that I haven't experimented with this for long enough to know for sure if this plan will avoid dependence issues for me or not...
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I think that's probably asking for trouble using 3 or 4 days in a row. The withdrawal is really prolonged and shitty, your absolutely right. I would recommend using once a week (maybe twice... but even that could eventually get to you) at most if you really want to avoid the withdrawals.

I binged like crazy when I first discovered poppy tea, fully aware that there would be hell to pay sooner or later so I can't really recommend a "safe" using schedule. One thing that I can tell you is that a single dose of poppy tea used to be able to hold me for 36 - 48 hours before the withdrawal started, so that should give you an idea of what kind of duration we are looking at here. So getting high once definitely leaves you with some morphine left in your system even the day after (and maybe longer) :\

I love the tea but the withdrawal is really prolonged and shitty, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to use intermittently and avoid the w/d.
Isn't that every opiate users dream? We all want to be chippers but it's damn near impossible. As long as I am dependent on the tea I am getting my fun out of it because I know that when I really truly want to quit, there probably will not be any going back to occasional use :(

If you do have to deal with bad withdrawals, my advice is taper taper taper!! It might prolong the withdrawals but it lets me fucking sleep and mantain some sense of normalcy in my life(rather than feeling like an antisocial crying and sleep deprived mess).
I'm posting this here because my DOC was consuming pod grounds.

If one has been physically dependent in the past, in order to get addicted again you'd have to use a couple times, right? I'm sure tolerance builds faster with each relapse, but could you still use it once and not withdraw afterward?
I do not bother to use tums in my PPT.

You use anything? Calcium supposedly morphs the pods into a type of morphine?
Tums, or Calcium tabs seem to work but erowid says lemon juice good too for extraction of the good stuff
I'm posting this here because my DOC was consuming pod grounds.

If one has been physically dependent in the past, in order to get addicted again you'd have to use a couple times, right? I'm sure tolerance builds faster with each relapse, but could you still use it once and not withdraw afterward?

If you are well past physical withdrawals you can use once without withdrawing again, if you keep using consistently eventually you will withdraw proportionately to your doses and duration of use.

If you've lost control of your use in the past and become physically dependent however, the likelihood you'll have the self-control to successfully chip is very low. You may be able to do that for a little while, but if you lost control in the past, you probably will again and again become physically dependent.
You use anything? Calcium supposedly morphs the pods into a type of morphine?
Tums, or Calcium tabs seem to work but erowid says lemon juice good too for extraction of the good stuff

Nah I've always been skeptical about how reliable tums might be in potentiating the tea. Some people swear by it but a lot of others didn't notice any difference. It could just be placebo, I dunno. Or maybe I'm really missing out *shrug*

Lemon juice might help, but water has always been good enough for me =D I don't really want to add anything that might make the tea taste worse :p
If you are well past physical withdrawals you can use once without withdrawing again, if you keep using consistently eventually you will withdraw proportionately to your doses and duration of use.

If you've lost control of your use in the past and become physically dependent however, the likelihood you'll have the self-control to successfully chip is very low. You may be able to do that for a little while, but if you lost control in the past, you probably will again and again become physically dependent.

I think it really is all about the person, and indeed self control. I've used opioids on and off for nearly two years, and have only experienced withdrawal symptoms a handful of times, even with a fairly high tolerance.

My regular schedule is a week pretty high on oxycodone, followed by a week of methadone. This is always followed by two weeks of cessation which has done a pretty good job of avoiding even moderate withdrawal symptoms, and usually leaves me with just a slight want to use.

About a year ago I augmented the two week cessation with two week poppy pod use to fill in between the pharmaceuticals, this was the biggest mistake in my life; 3 days of relentless withdrawal symptoms. Luckily, I haven't made the mistake again of using continuously to the point of physical withdrawal.

I think the reason I have the self control to not buy poppy pods when I'm having a craving (psychological) for opioids is the thought that it will take several days to arrive, and by then, I'd probably be more ambivalent to the high.
^I fully agree with pretty much everything you said. I wasn't trying to say that YOU have lost control, just in general that usually when someone has lost control of their use and failed to be able to control their use, chances are they will not be able to control it in the future (in fact, this is vaguely what one of the diagnostic criteria for Substance Dependence states and that is a lifelong diagnosis).

I apologize for repeatedly using you in that last post, I meant the general YOU but I can see how you'd take that as directed at you and I really didn't mean that.
^I fully agree with pretty much everything you said. I wasn't trying to say that YOU have lost control, just in general that usually when someone has lost control of their use and failed to be able to control their use, chances are they will not be able to control it in the future (in fact, this is vaguely what one of the diagnostic criteria for Substance Dependence states and that is a lifelong diagnosis).

I apologize for repeatedly using you in that last post, I meant the general YOU but I can see how you'd take that as directed at you and I really didn't mean that.

:p I was agreeing with you man, I didn't mean to come off as offended. heh.

Once I fell off the wagon on to two months of opioid use, it was damn hard to stop.

I dare say that if I had a supply to heroin, or a steady hookup, I very easily could be just another '3 bag a day' junkie. (no offense to any heroin users, I'm an addict, just not physically addicted)
okay so this has PROBABLY been asked here but i dont see it. If i were to use seeds how many would i need...
okay so this has PROBABLY been asked here but i dont see it. If i were to use seeds how many would i need...

Anywhere from a half-pound to a pound. Make sure they are rganic and non-irradiadite. Lemon juice and calcium does help in my past experiencs...
I have 75 stems sitting around from my last box. Should i make Tea with them or consume them in yogurt? Also... If tea method should I grind up the stems? if so...how?! I have them all cut up in little chunks. Is that good enough?
I do want to say not only do I think tums doesn't potentiate pods, I think it actually gets rid of some of the alkaloids.
I had actually added MORE pods then my avg dose, added about 8gms of tums, and I noticed one major wierd thing. The color of my tea only turned yellow. The color of my tea ALWAYS turns dark brown when I make it w/out tums.
I went on drinking it and the tums really made it taste chalky and nasty as shit.

After all was said and done it didn't even feel powerful at all.

I also think vinegar is a waste, or lemon juice. They both make the tea harder to drink, and I've never noticed any added strength from it. The regular tea with just some sugar is good enough.

Now onto my complaints
----------------------------- (this is just a random go off on a tangent type thing)

Absolutely sick and tired of this shit.

What my life has turned into since I started using this shit again a year ago is a fuckning JOKE. A complete utter joke.
I go to bed 4am-5am to EVEN 6am and wake up on avg at 3pm-4pm.
Its getting extremely depressing, I really have a STRONG THEORY that opiates trigger DSPS (delayed sleep phase syndrome - read about it if you go to bed late, wake up late, and use opiates)

But how common does DSPS seem in poppy pod users? Seems very common to me.
I can NOT go to bed at night because the opiates in my blood are too stimulating. THEN by the time I do fall asleep its like my body is in a pure coma state, getting out of bed has never been this difficult.
Theres been times I woke up and started crying thats how BAD I wanted to stay in bed. What are opiates turning me into a fucking 5 year old?

My life is completely null and void of anything remotely pleasurable besides opiates. No girl friends, no job, I go to class 1 day a week. The rest of my week I sleep. My brother works 6 days a week and pays the bills and here I am sitting on my lazy drugged up ass trying to make it look like when I graduate college I'll have a career and will be paying my way on the rent.

I'm a fuckning bum, I'm a fucking scum bag, I'm a loser, I'm a drug addict, and this NEEDS TO STOP.
God damn if these subs don't work that I'm getting this week I may just drink the salt of 40lbs of pods and hope I never wake up. I've tried getting off this crap so far 3 times and I'm still stuck.
Any newbies who wanna "experiment" with pods GO FIND SOMETHING ELSE.

I'd actually rather be on heroin cause at least that would be harder to hide with the short half life and all... FML
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Oh and if that text was too much to read I am really curious if other people think that poppy pods can cause DSPS. (which was what I wrote above)
Once you demonstrate the symptoms of DSPS naturally you become much more prone to depression and anxiety as well, just from the social consequences of sleeping late everyday basically.

(by social consequence I don't mean your roommate or brother yelling at you, I mean not being able to participate in life in general)
I do want to say not only do I think tums doesn't potentiate pods, I think it actually gets rid of some of the alkaloids.
I had actually added MORE pods then my avg dose, added about 8gms of tums, and I noticed one major wierd thing. The color of my tea only turned yellow. The color of my tea ALWAYS turns dark brown when I make it w/out tums.
I went on drinking it and the tums really made it taste chalky and nasty as shit.
That's interesting that you say the tums turned the tea yellow - I always noticed that weak pods brew up yellowish and better quality pods tend to brew up very dark brown almost like coffee. I figured it would probably make the tea taste even worse :p

What my life has turned into since I started using this shit again a year ago is a fuckning JOKE. A complete utter joke.
I go to bed 4am-5am to EVEN 6am and wake up on avg at 3pm-4pm.
Its getting extremely depressing, I really have a STRONG THEORY that opiates trigger DSPS (delayed sleep phase syndrome - read about it if you go to bed late, wake up late, and use opiates)
Poppy tea definitely has made me prone to falling asleep later than usual. My use this past month reached an all time high and combined with working a night shift job, my sleep schedule has gotten completely and utterly fucked. I fall asleep around the same times you mention - somewhere between 3am - 6am (I definitely remember a few mornings where the sun had risen and I was still awake). When I worked a dayshift job and was forced out of bed at a reasonable time my sleep schedule was a little better but for now it's bad. Even when I don't take opiates and/or taper I either have insomnia or still tend to fall asleep at ridiculous times. I noticed this dramatic change in sleep pattern and definitely blamed a lot of it on the pods.

My life is completely null and void of anything remotely pleasurable besides opiates. No girl friends, no job, I go to class 1 day a week. The rest of my week I sleep. My brother works 6 days a week and pays the bills and here I am sitting on my lazy drugged up ass trying to make it look like when I graduate college I'll have a career and will be paying my way on the rent.

I'm a fuckning bum, I'm a fucking scum bag, I'm a loser, I'm a drug addict, and this NEEDS TO STOP.
God damn if these subs don't work that I'm getting this week I may just drink the salt of 40lbs of pods and hope I never wake up. I've tried getting off this crap so far 3 times and I'm still stuck.
Any newbies who wanna "experiment" with pods GO FIND SOMETHING ELSE.

I started out using poppy tea for pain relief and as an escape. Whenever the high would get bland or the euphoria would fade, I would take a short break to bring back the pain relief and waves of warmth/satisfaction etc. About a month or two ago I started finding alternative ways (non-drug) of relieving my pain and suddenly didn't need the tea so much to cope with the intense burning in my legs, knees, and feet. I was actually feeling sort of happy with life itself, but I started using the tea more than ever because a small buzz daily was satisfactory when I wasn't suffering with chronic pain. Basically my use reached an all time high and I made a post over in the TDS heroin/opiate thread and it sounded a bit similar to your post. Check it out if you want - http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=429895&page=26

Basically I hit the end of the road, I wasn't getting high at all anymore and the negatives were FAR outweighing the positives. I was lazy, unmotivated, and pretty much a complete hermit (I rarely go out with friends anymore :( ) I decided the only thing to do was try to taper down and actually stick with it for longer than 2 days (I had a habit of "tapering" only to attempt to try and get high 2 or 3 days later, usually resulting in failure). It turned out to be great for my body and mind - I realized how foggy my clarity of mind was from constant abuse. Within just a day or two of tapering I had normal amounts of energy again and was feeling much sharper mentally.

Tapering is really a good idea if you can do it man. It levels you out considerably and lowers your tolerance - if you're using every day you're probably not even catching much of a buzz anymore. I honestly felt a lot better almost right away. I was so lazy while using pods that I would skip showers and not take care of myself. One of my passions in life has always been playing my guitar and writing music, at the end of my pod binge I hadn't really jammed on my guitar or written anything for at least a week. Anytime I picked the damn thing up I was just too lazy to play it. Within 2 days of tapering I was playing that baby and writing some new tunes. I didn't taper with the intention to quit, I'm still using every couple of days but I'm feeling much better than I was when I took high doses daily. Another thing is that now when I do use I actually feel good again.

You say you tried to quit 3 times. What is your habit like (how many pods/how often) and how did you try to quit (taper/cold turkey)? Why did you give up? I've quit pods multiple times but I always come back again later - I really crave that rewarding high. I have the self control to not use, the problem is I rarely exercise that self control :\ Pain has always been an issue too and I really want to use if I have a day where my suffering is high or I am excessively sore. The good thing is that I think I may have found a solution to my chronic pain besides drugs, it's going to take time to know for sure but I'm feeling confident. Maybe if I'm pain free this summer will be spent clean from pods and I'll start trying to find a meaning in life and try to recover from my abuse.

Feel free to PM me if you want. I'm in a very similar situation with the pods - it's like the only pleasurable thing in my life too. I don't chase women around, it's like I don't have the energy and I know it wouldn't be fair to date someone if I'm hooked on this shit. I've been using a long time, this August will my 2nd year. I never thought I'd make such a long term habit of this shit but that's exactly what happened. Good luck man, let me know if you have any questions or just want to compare notes with a fellow poppy addict :)
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Yeh I hate tapering I always get hot flashes no matter how slow I go it seems. I get hot flashes when I don't taper lol. Usually right before my next dose it sucks.
I use between 50-70gms a day, prob around 10-14 pods I think.
Its 4am as I write this.
But I tried once by tapering got to day 7 and failed. Tried again with tramadol plus tapering and wound up taking too many tramadol. I got to day 3 and got no where. Third time I made it one day lol. I gave up on my strategy I think. Fourth time I'm gonna try subs and 2 weeks dihydro after the subs taper (shorter half life for sub wds and I heard dihydro wds are a joke). We'll see how it goes! And me and you are exactly alike its scary lol, def got to get clean together at some point I hate pods low dose or highdose they kill my motivation to have a life.
I have 75 stems sitting around from my last box. Should i make Tea with them or consume them in yogurt? Also... If tea method should I grind up the stems? if so...how?! I have them all cut up in little chunks. Is that good enough?

I eat the pods, but tea is prolly better way to go about with stems. Eating them would be a bit too much plant matter to consume, for my tastes at least. No need to grind reaally fine. Just cut in small chunks and try to break them a little. Press with a heavy object to break the fibers and flatten the pieces. Simmer in warm water and do a second wash with new water.
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