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There is no real point in life.

For a philosophical discussion on the meaninglessness of life, I would not have expected it to sharply detour into a puerile affray of angrily-fingered keystrokes and egos, nor transmogrify into a childish pageant of haughty and contemptible, self-assured doctrinaires—each of whom being apparently too stuck on themselves and the defense their own subjective and uncorroborated weltanshauung to notice none of it is germane to the thread's topic, that no one cares, and that each of them is as profoundly flawed and unsubstantiated as all of them.

This is—as should be salient to all but the insensate, inattentive, illiterate, indolent, or indiscreet—a topic of existentialism, as opposed to futile eegoism.
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For a philosophical discussion on the meaninglessness of life, I would not have expected it to sharply detour into a puerile affray of angrily-fingered keystrokes and egos, nor transmogrify into a childish pageant of haughty and contemptible, self-assured doctrinaires—each of whom being apparently too stuck on themselves and the defense their own subjective and uncorroborated weltanshauung to notice none of it is germane to the thread's topic, that no one cares, and that each of them is as profoundly flawed and unsubstantiated as all of them.

This is—as should be salient to all but the insensate, inattentive, illiterate, indolent, or indiscreet—a topic of existentialism, as opposed to futile eegoism.

Regardless of my thoughts on subject matter, this was very well written. Indeed.
For a philosophical discussion on the meaninglessness of life, I would not have expected it to sharply detour into a puerile affray of angrily-fingered keystrokes and egos, nor transmogrify into a childish pageant of haughty and contemptible, self-assured doctrinaires—each of whom being apparently too stuck on themselves and the defense their own subjective and uncorroborated weltanshauung to notice none of it is germane to the thread's topic, that no one cares, and that each of them is as profoundly flawed and unsubstantiated as all of them.

This is—as should be salient to all but the insensate, inattentive, illiterate, indolent, or indiscreet—a topic of existentialism, as opposed to futile eegoism.

I would have fully expected this OP to go in about any direction it wanted.
It's a discussion on pointlessness.
Were you really expecting a point??
Well, there is that..
No direction although OP wrote like it was an essay..
I would have fully expected this OP to go in about any direction it wanted.
It's a discussion on pointlessness.
Were you really expecting a point??

It's not a thread about the general notion of pointlessness. It is a thread about the pointlessness of life—a topic clearly abandoned by the last several commenters.

I hate nothing more than minced words, and have nothing but disdain for witless dolts and oafish dullards that sincerely believe that either fallacy makes them factual, or that the former is a logically valid substitute for the latter. Please, try again.
"Falacy" is what you are doing now.
Learn to live with diversity other than hearing only yourself.
Sometimes it takes a detour to find the point … even if there is a shift from philosophical inquiry to personal agenda.
Sometimes it takes a detour to find the point … even if there is a shift from philosophical inquiry to personal agenda.

I agree. Yet every time I "detour" some pencil-necked moderator deletes my posts because they're off-topic. How curious.
nom de plume, your doing exactly what you complain about.

how meaningless it was to complain about people going OT.

and, some of us actually did answer OP. but he is clearly absent of his own thread and dont seem to care anymore. maybe he have found meaning :)

be more positive, it serves no purpose for yourself to complain about other behavior and judge them
Murphcat said:
and, some of us actually did answer OP. but he is clearly absent of his own thread and dont seem to care anymore. maybe he have found meaning :)
Maybe the OP is living his/her new found philosophy.
He/she can't stick around cause he/she may find meaning and violate their version of nihilistic existentialism.
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The only meaning is the meaning you assign life.

If you want it to mean something, it can and will

if you don' t want it to mean anything it wont .

Sort of a bleak outlook if you ask me.
good point! and knowing when and when not to assign meaning is helpful in life. ime :\
it's not necessary most often. some are stuck in archetypes for example, sometimes it really makes no difference at all - just mythology, story… illusion. attachment
What happens with experiences we had in life after we die? Where do they go? Are we the only ones who grow from them? Or are we are all one? Then who or what grows from it? God? Is God perfect if he grows?
thunder clap

^I really like all your questions, they include several I have never asked before, such as:

TomK said:
Where do they go?

Were they ever 'here' to 'go' anywhere? What is an experience anyway? Hmm.

By growing from experience; does this happen, or do we just accumulate trace memories encoded in neurons and peptides which become obselete and unrecoverable once the hardware has been broken down and recycled?

we are all one

I don't think we are all one organism, but I believe we are manifestations of one reality. Every atom in your body has lived in many many other humans, but in many more inanimate objects since the beginning of time. We are not one as such, but are like the totality of grains of sand making up a beach. WE will never die but I will :)

God is either unchanging or it is not god IMO. The beginning of the universe indicates that something did change for god to prompt its creativity, so I don't think this conception of it is real.
Let's assume God is unchanging as you said. Does not need our tears, suffering, joy, serenity, all that we feel and experience. But then who does need it? We? For what purpose? To grow back spiritually into God we became separated from at one point? If so, how did it happen? Can something perfect allow such a thing? If perfection is indivisible, what are we and what is God? How can we be part of something perfect if humanity has a beginning? Everything with a beginning has an end too somewhere down the line. Therefore, humanity can't be part of God?
''you'' are the creator
theres the objective reality that is there all along, waiting to be realized
I was waiting for you to say "The point to life is that there is no point".
of course theres a point to life! As long as theres craving to be, you will be. The desire to become is what makes us here, now.
we should maybe discuss what is the path? what is the goal of every living being?
it seems finding happiness is one of them. escaping suffering another. and we all have different strategies to try to reach that.
I doubt theres many path that brings the end of all suffering and find the permanent contentment, inner joy and independant cause of happiness. but thats my gut feeling talkin, I dont know. Will see!
I was waiting for you to say "The point to life is that there is no point".