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There is no real point in life.

But what if you're BORED of this?

I can't tell if you mean bored of life or bored of the spiritual journey...? FWIW, I'm not sure its possible to get bored of the journey, different permetuations exist everywhere :)
It's not possible in the sense that the real end of it is a form of enlightenment that would make it impossible to feel that way. But it's possible to feel you've had enough for now. To be honest, not many make it that far.
^The feeling may well return. I'm sort of emerging out of an almost shadowed period in terms of spirit, in that I had no desire to explore, but its returning after some kind meaningful experience of awareness. To be honest, nothing catalyses a desire to search for something metaphysical like psychedelics (especially of the earth-born type) :)

Also, summer, happiness, sunlight, stimulation. Mainly summertime. <3

Of course YMMV, each to their own, etc et al.
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I was thinking that when quarks are indifferent of their leptonion counterparts, the photons will dissipate.

You see, when certain interests follow unscheduled guidelines, agendas will then be procrastinated.

Like when the firefly does the dance of a 1000 candles.
Maybe they just get bored by their counterparts. Maybe they're not that interesting.
Ime, when those that are searching for enlightenment it will always be too far away. It's an illusion… something kept at a distance.
It's not a state outside of what simply IS, maybe?
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Transcendent experiences are real, and drown everything else out, but it's hard to sustain that state.
Yes, Very true….
They come and go, I have experienced these without any thought or belief system making them happen… Some might call them mystical experiences.
It's something outside of this life in the same way drugs can put you into a state that's outside of this life. But it's more of an energy-high and much more clear and real. You don't lose sight of the rest of reality, it just goes out of focus for a while.

Drug-induced transcendent states are artificially induced and when you come down you're not really any further.
Imagine being a police officer and having to deal with me. They always feel I'm too innocent to have done anything wrong, even when there's evidence of it. Before Christmas I got a call about a possible court case, as they had ceized so many illegal imports, but in the end I only got fined for one.
I have a way with police officers
Did you miss an 'IT' in there somewhere?
op, life is a adult education class.
the point of life is to be happy, calm and not needing anything.

I used to think like that, youll get out of it. but yeah, the life weve been shown in our society is totally meaningless and wrong. wrong bcause it doesnt bring any happiness or security