The Suicide support thread

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I got some really bad news today. I'm going to be kicked out of university. In Pakistan (where I am), university is the only way to ensure a good life for yourself, else there's just misery, disgrace and poverty. I haven't told my family yet, it will kill them. especially after I already wasted 3-4 years, having trouble over and over again in academics. Now there's no future. I've asked some people to pull some strings but its doubtful that I'll stay in uni. And there's nothing else. I'm going to kill myself now. This anxiety is too much. And I need a hug, so bad.
somethingswrong.. I am so sorry to hear about University, that's awful. I can imagine how completely hopeless you feel, especially with the fear of telling your family. You must be feeling very scared and alone. I'm so pleased you have posted on here though! <3

Please, please reconsider suicide! If you are worried about how your parents will react to finding out about Uni, imagine how devastated they will be finding out that you have committed suicide over it.. that would be so much worse. If you can't find a reason to live for yourself right now, please try to hold on for their sake...

I really hope you will want to live for yourself, too. I understand how you feel like you are at rock bottom now, but it won't be this way forever. There is a chance that someone will be able to pull some strings and you will be allowed to stay, as you said - so surely it is worth being alive to find out if this is the case? If not, there are options. You always have options in life - however, when you are dead, you don't have the liberty of being able to choose. You don't know what your life has in store for you - you might be able to go back to University at a later date, you might be able to make a life for yourself without University, you might even end up leaving Pakistan and making a life elsewhere. You have choices, and there is hope, even if you are in too dark a place to see it right now.. If you kill yourself you will remove that hope :(

I appreciate how worried you are about telling your parents, and not knowing them I can't offer reassurances that it will definitely be okay, but I will say that often parents surprise their children. They love you and I am sure that ultimately they want you to be happy. I am also sure that they would rather have you alive and kicked out of University, than dead.. <3

Do you have anyone you can see at the moment? I think a hug sounds like an excellent idea! I also think that you really shouldn't be alone right now. Keep talking to us on here, but I think someone in real life (who can give you a real life hug!) is what you need. In the meantime, have a virtual one - *hug*

If you are worried about your immediate safety and think you might harm yourself, please please call someone right away, or even go to hospital. I get the feeling from your post that you don't want to die, not deep down, you are just desperate and in a dark place.. Let someone help you. Things will not stay this dark forever.

Stay safe and be kind to yourself <3
I'm going to wait for a day.. I'll find out by then if I'll be staying or leaving university. There's no one I want to talk to. I don't want to talk, I just want... a time machine. I don't want to die, but I can't bring myself to hope for a future. This is like deja vu. the same kind of scenario has happened so many times before. Me having to break some bad news to my parents. Only difference now is that this was the last time. too late for 2nd chances now. Yes I guess I could rebuild life, taking years and years. I want to leave pakistan, make a life somewhere else. But really, I'm not up to it. And conditions won't change to make me able to cope with my environment and my own self that I've created. I can't live with myself anymore. And now with no external hope I just want to die.
I'm glad that you are waiting, even if only for a day. I hope that tomorrow you can find a reason to wait a bit longer, too. Please keep posting here and talking to us..

I understand how exhausting it is when you keep getting knocked down everytime you pick yourself up again. I know you don't feel up to rebulding your life - now. You're in a dark place at the moment, and the cruel thing about feeling like this is that you can't conceive of ever being okay again. I promise you though, that you won't always feel like this. One of my favourite quotes seems very apt now:

"This too shall pass."

It is so true. Nothing lasts forever, while we are still alive. Things change, dark times pass, and you will feel stronger and more able to move forwards in time.

You say "I don't want to die" and "I want to leave pakistan, make my life somewhere else". This gives me hope, and it should give you hope too! I know it seems impossible at the moment, but surely it is worth a try? As I said, death is so final. There is zero chance for things to change and for you to move forward once you are dead; while you are alive, there is always hope, even if you can't see it.

I know you said your parents won't give you another chance and again I don't know them so I can't make a promise that you are wrong, but I do feel confident in saying that they would much rather you lived than died, no matter what you have done and no matter how much you feel like you have let them down. Is there any way you can be open with them about how you are feeling at the moment? If not them, do you have another family member or a friend you can talk this through with? Would you consider getting some professional help?

Of course it is hard moving on from something like this, but it is certainly not impossible by any means. I think you just need some help and support at the moment, while things are so difficult. You say that "conditions won't change to make me able to cope with my environment" - how do you know this for a fact? Have you tried absolutely every avenue available to yourself? There is always another way out, apart from suicide..

You end saying you just want to die, but earlier in the post you said you didn't want to die.. I believe the first statement; you might not want to live the life you are in right now, but you don't want to leave it either. You just want some hope and you want things to get easier; there is hope, and they will get easier, you're just not in a place where you can see it right now..

Please, get some help - speak to someone, family, a friend, or a professional. It is not worth ending your entire life over something like this, I know you can't see it, but please try to trust me..

I have been suicidal in the past, and I honestly believed that I couldn't cope with living anymore and that things would never get better. But they did, and I am so grateful that I am alive right now..

Please keep talking to us on here and please reach out for some help in real-life too.. <3

Feel free to send me a pm if you want to talk, but keep posting here too. And be kind to yourself <3
well i got on insurance but a lot of my medications aren't covered so they are going to do a TAR which could get my insurance to cover my meds it might take a little while though and i'm out of my meds so i'm a little worried
I manned up and told my closest friend how I'm feeling. I haven't told anybody except strangers online about feeling suicidal in...shit...I can't even remember.
I hope I did the right thing.
My head is spinning so bad since I quit taking my meds cuz i ahven't been able to get in to see my dr, that I feel like I'm physically spinning.
He wants me to go see my doctor on Monday and I told him...I can't take off work with such short notice like that...
He's coming over now to talk to me.
I feel like curling into a fucking ball. I don't like admitting shit like this to anyone. But I did it. Now I have to deal with it. Sane people to rationalize with me is best, I guess.
I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear that, ZAP! You definitely did the right thing. It's awful that you can't get time off worj - maybe things are different in the States, but here, companies have to give you time off for medical reasons like seeing a doctor! I hope you get to see one soon..

You have definitely done the right thing. That was an exceotionally strong thing to do as well, when you are feeling so rubbish and it is something you would find hard at the best of times..

He sounds like a great mate too. It's really important you have someine you can talk to and who understands if you are having a really bad day - no matter how vulnerable it makes you feel.. you will become more comortable about it in time too, I am sure.

Hope you get some good rest tonight and and look after yourself. Remember, if you are worried that you are going to harm yourself tonight, please ring someone - your friend for example, or just head down to the ER <3

I know I don't really know you yet, but I am so oroud of you for telling your friend. Is so hard to do, but you did it! :D <3, I'm really glad about the first part of your post, but not so much about the second part :( that's so rubbish! Do you have any way of getting hold of more pills? What meds are they, do you mind me asking? Sorry if you have already said, my brain is tired.

How are you doinf doing overall?
He's here, but it's the same as always. Only difference is now he knows how I feel. We're both socially awkward so we haven't really touched on any of why I feel like this. Screw it. I tried. I was reading my natal chart (astrology), and it sort of makes sense now why I am the way I am. My moon is in scorpio on my natal chart. Scorpio in the astrology makes for intense, deep emotion which isn't easily understood by others. Maybe that's why nobody gets alot of the shit that I feel, or seems to relate.
I really, really wish I was dead. The only reason I can post this is because of the anonymity.

I don't do it because of my parents. I have already broken their hearts because of my addiction. They have already lost one daughter. So, y'all see how it is.


rocketqueen that is an awful situation. but i am glad you are able to see how horrible for your parents it would be for you to kill yourself. i have been so angry and frustrated at people who love me for tying me to this earth, denying me an escape plan, but in the long term am grateful. you can get through this.
thanks effie.. I'm still here. It was confirmed today that I'm getting kicked out of university. I guess there are still options left for my life. I was planning to climb a cell phone tower and jump off it today. But changed my mind slowly.. mostly due to being with a good friend, and getting a call from another friend when I was alone later in the day. Haven't told my parents yet.. they're old, they might have both have heart attacks. Some relatives are coming over in a bit to break the news to them. They're the relatives I was hoping could pull some strings.. something I'd never have asked before but now I was desperate for a way out.
I can't imagine what the following days will be like. What I will do. I can't bear the idea of sitting at home doing nothing. I can get a job at a call center or online article writing, but I don't want to do that for my entire life. I want to study. But a 4 year bachelors degree seems too much now.. now I'll settle for even some diploma or something, and get a humble job anywhere, just away from here. I want to leave everything. It hasn't been possible so far. I have a friend in the US, he's always asking me to come over there and start a life there. I'll try to move away, anywhere.
I'm not that worried for my own self. I wasn't ever very ambitious or high achieving. It's my parents I'm very worried about. This will completely shatter them.. once again. And now I'm almost 24, going nowhere in life. Not even a bachelors degree. I might try for the army. Anything now. Shit. The future seems very bleak..
I've said it before and I'll say it again...a degree doesn't "make" you. It doesn't define you. It's simply a piece of paper. I've always been against college and shit cause degrees for the most part leave you with student loans and unable to find a job or pay back the loans. I guess it's for some people, whatever. But even if you do get a job at a call center or won't spend your whole life there. Life happens. Things change. I never thought 4 yrs ago that I'd end up working at a steel factory which would lead to other factories which would lead me to where I am now. Jobs come and won't be stuck there forever.
i got my doctor to give me my pills so i'm ok on that but i still hear voices telling me to kill myself and my depression tells me they're right
The voices are NOT right mrflowers, and you know the reasons why. Please keep fighting <3
i got my doctor to give me my pills so i'm ok on that but i still hear voices telling me to kill myself and my depression tells me they're right

I once was SO overwhelmed by the thought of suicide. My only try was when I had the cup of poison ready to swallow. I went to the balcony. Saw everything, the light of dawn, the birds. Moved the cup close. Thought for about 10 minutes that I had noone. I thought who I had and it turned out to be so many people. All of them loving me. Threw the cup down the balcony. Determined not to do anything that will destroy my beloved ones' lives. I am here 3 years after that. My life is good. Not perfect yet. However I have the ambition of it to be perfect and it doesn't seem that hard. Do the same please.
^^ That is an extremely powerful post. Thank you Orpheous, I am so glad you decided to stay <3
i don't plan on killing myself but if i didn't have anyone to leave behind i would do it without question
I'm pleased you have a reason not to kill yourself, even if it is purely that you don't want to hurt others..

In time I hope you will want to live for yourself, not just for others.

I don't know you very well yet - are you getting psychiatric help? Do the people who love you know how you are feeling?

Stay strong and stay with us <3
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