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The singles thread v 'Your VD really scares me'

Ended my last relationship on good terms in early '09

Recently moved to the sunshine coast from Vic and have been enjoying the single life but I want something more stable

I'm not sure how long i'm going to be living here and don't want to start something that i'll have to move away from again

I just found out that a good friend of mine died in Melb from a heroin OD last night and i really wish i had someone to cuddle and talk to right now :(

Sorry to hear about your mate Psilo, condolences to his/her family/friend's. Were all here for ya <3 :)

Well my girlfriend ended our relationship because her New Year's Resolution was to quit ALL drug's and my resolution was not to completely quit but to lay off a bit.

Pathetic really, but i think it's mostly due to her friends thinking that i "force" her to take drugs which is bullshit....
^^Don't you hate that! I feel for you mate, had a similar situation a few years back. Drug pig slut GF was smashing drugs that she was scoring and i was getting the blame from friends pfffffffft What can ya do...

I'm just a bit angry that my mate barely took a pill and drank once in a blue moon. Was in Melb for one month and ends up dead on heroin in such a short time

I used to date his cousin 6 years ago and he taught me so much about drumming

He has a tight knit family so they would be going through hell right now

That's really sad to hear, psilo :(<3 Hope you're holding up ok.

TG: One of my friends swears by internet dating. She uses RSVP and Oasis (I think it's called) and is always has stuff going on. She was with one guy for around 3 years who she met through RSVP but the rest has mostly been pretty casual I think. I guess it depends on how you feel about that style of meeting people. She was always one to meet guys in bars when we used to go out and just has a really outgoing/approachable personality so that kind of thing suits her style.

I don't know that I could use an internet dating site. Mind you, I've been out with people I've met as a result of the internet, but it's been something that has just developed as a friendship first. The whole idea of dating itself kind of freaks me out. I get pretty uncomfortable at the thought of putting myself out there with people I don't really know.

Anyhoo, I'm still here (the last sentence of my last paragraph probably has a lot to do with it). I was having dinner with a friend tonight and realised it's been a good 5-6 years since I was last in even a pseudo-relationship. For the most part, I like my life as it is and I tend to headfuck myself so much when I like someone that it's kind of a blessing not to be interested in anyone. But I realised that it's been a really long time since I even met anyone who set off any kind of spark and I kind of worry that I've built up such immense emotional walls that I'm not keeping myself open to possibilities.
Oh Psilo! So sorry to hear ... that's terrible. Sending you many strong positive vibes man <3

Sooo, anyone here done the dating site thing? I thought it might be a bit of fun.

Give it a crack, ya never know! :) I have heard good and not so good stories, but in all honesty - the same outcomes can occur from meeting people out at bars and clubs, and even at other social events. The internet dating industry is booming now days, and it's not just full of psychos like some people think.

I personally have never used one, but if i was single and keen to get back out there again i would certainly give it a go :)

Let us know how it goes yeah? :)
Thanks everyone, you're all awesome

I say give the net dating a crack trancegirle, i've never done it myself but i have met people over the net that have been friends for life so best of luck!

One of my friends is driving 200km to see me tonight so guess who's getting cuddles?

Sorry to hear tha psilo but glad that you've got someone that would drive 200km to give you cuddles :)

and trancegirly I say go for it but try to get to know Someone before before you do any meet up, a little facebook stalking never hurts anyone either lol.
I'm just a bit angry that my mate barely took a pill and drank once in a blue moon. Was in Melb for one month and ends up dead on heroin in such a short time

I used to date his cousin 6 years ago and he taught me so much about drumming

He has a tight knit family so they would be going through hell right now


This is such a tragedy :( Sending a lot of love your way Psilo <3

Let us know how it goes yeah? :)

Well at first glance it’s been interesting… I joined up a couple of days ago and although I can see it would be fantastic for some people, I don’t think it’s for me. It just reaffirmed how much I want to be single. If I meet someone in my travels then so be it but I’m not ready to actively seek yet. I have been emailing a guy I could maybe be friends with, but it’s hard to gage his intentions.

From my 2 days of internet dating expertise, I think it’s better geared for professionals who don’t have time to go out and meet people in bars, clubs, strategically placed in libraries ect. I don’t feel like I have a lot to offer a relationship at the moment so something casual would suit me just fine but I don’t think I’m going to find that in a forced dating environment. Back to the celibate life for me...

Anyhoo, I'm still here (the last sentence of my last paragraph probably has a lot to do with it). I was having dinner with a friend tonight and realised it's been a good 5-6 years since I was last in even a pseudo-relationship. For the most part, I like my life as it is and I tend to headfuck myself so much when I like someone that it's kind of a blessing not to be interested in anyone. But I realised that it's been a really long time since I even met anyone who set off any kind of spark and I kind of worry that I've built up such immense emotional walls that I'm not keeping myself open to possibilities.

I think a big part of feeling the spark is opening yourself up to feeling it. The rawness of a new relationship is scary for anyone who has asserted a lot of independence in their life. Being single for 5-6 years, you have your own way of doing things and have probably created a very comfortable life for yourself.

I have a close friend who’s been single for 6 years and a part of being happy on her own was shutting down (subconsciously) a lot of her “want” for another relationship. Even though I don’t think she’ll ever actively seek a relationship she’s getting herself used to the idea of being in one again. It sounds to simple but I really think a lot of what we attract has to do with what we project.
^ Internet dating is just the norm these days. I had a crack at it a couple of times when I was in Melbourne. I didn't meet anyone I wanted to see again- wanting to meet someone special and actually finding them are really hard put in sync.

I went on a date here in Queensland with a guy who I ended up seeing for a little while and we have been good friends for about a year and a half- so no romance again but something good came out of it :)

As for now- I'm not single and have not been for a while. He's most probably the love of my life. This is our second time around and now neither of us do drugs and have our shit together we are really tight.

He is the only person on Earth who has never called me "weird" and has that quirky side of his personality that would be construed by others as odd. <3

I was wondering how you were doing lately Trancegirlie! Hello!
Things I have been thinking about lately.

- The longer I go being single and the older I get, more and more people around me are having children. I've only really had 2 or 3 girlfriends over the last 10 years and I have always thought of myself having a lot more relationships than that before I settle down. It's like even the thought of me as a parent is ridiculous and 20 years down the track and completely out of the question.

- Would a chick be weirded out having a boyfriend that has had fuck all relationships at 30? I think I would depend how old they are themselves. My psychologist told me that women would find that reassuring.

- Mainly I have just been thinking it all over too much and comparing myself with other people. Thinking of perfect worlds, what I would have wanted. What my parents did wrong, blaming them.

I do think I'm old enough and have been so out of the loop that I deserve to be jaded about relationships now.
^ First thing; stop comparing yourself to other people. That is a negative and emotionally draining exercise. You are never going to be like anyone else. You have your own features, emotions, attitudes, values and experiences. You are always going to either come away disappointed or with a negligent value of superiority. Both of those things will eat away at you.

I would tend to agree with what you have been told, a woman would find your experiences assuring. It may even make them feel more valuable just knowing how selective you at least "appear" to be.

The most important thing is to believe in you. Get a piece of paper and run a vertical line down the centre. At the top of the first section write "ASSETS" and at the top of the other "LIABILITIES".

Now write down the all of the assets you have that make you a great person and likewise, in the liability section, write down all of the things that are stopping you from getting what it is you want out of life.

First thing you'll see is that the Assets column is longer and the liabilities section will point you in the direction to getting rid of negativity.

Good luck and if you need help with those assets, just let me know.
^ Yeah, I have been pretty negative lately. The last 12 months have been pretty fucked with depression, I need to give up the booze. It's hard though. Nasty fucking stuff.

Thanks for the advice.
I went on my first "date" last night. It was a bit awkward but nice. I think more alcohol needed to be involved. I don't know if i'm ready to be dating yet either but i think i might like him... eek
^ He’s actually a friend of friends of mine. I only met him a couple of weeks ago though. We went out on Friday night to brown alley and met up with him and afterwards I ended up spending all morning in his bed with him :D Nothing happened though! He was a complete gentleman. I saved that for our "first date" haha, i really should learn how to wait. We’re going on another date tomorrow night. I’m scared!
^ Yeah, I have been pretty negative lately. The last 12 months have been pretty fucked with depression, I need to give up the booze. It's hard though. Nasty fucking stuff.

Thanks for the advice.

Wishing you the best dude. I find that the girls who think anything 'bad' of your lets say, just lack of girlfriends concerning at all, are girls you are better off without :) I've been with my fair few relationships, age around 22, had slept with 300ish chicks, prolly 30-40 girlfriends over a month, none lasted a year tho. Now with my wife, LOVING her soooo much, we've been together for 10 years this year, out first child is 4 months old and I have NO CARE about what my past relationships were/are like. All that matters is how now is and how I handle it and the future! :)

Once you do find someone worth being with and are with them, all the past should fly out the door and just try not to ever worry about mate. And the way I had discovered Emma was a bit after a troubled relationship (the ex got a couple dudes to kill me, literally. They had gone through my flat with guns looking for me cause after we broke up, she told the people we hung out daily at our local pubs I used to bash her. Too bad she NEVER had bruises/sadness during our relationship but once we broke up, her love turned to acid. I had decided to be done with females (for romantic purposes) and was living life with mates and stuff, she came into my life as a friend of a mate I've mine. We clicked and 10 years later, life has never been better =D

Do your best to not let any current situation get to ya man and yeah, alcohol isn't the best ;) Hell, I can't even finish a beer these days due to the feelings of 'yuck' I get from it now, guessing my 4 years of daily opiate need (nerve damage pain) has made me 'go off' beer. Which ultimately is great, it's a great money saver not being on the p1ss :D
Thanks for the advice Waz. I've decided that this year I am just going to put my head down and get on with it, I've just been thinking about things too much. There are so many things that I am passionate about to keep me feeling good, hopefully it will happen in it's own time.

Plus, where I live is pretty isolated. Moving up the coast is one of my goals in the next twelve months too.