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Opioids The Opioid Withdrawal Megathread and FAQ

I will make my story quick, or at least try. I hurt my back in the military, and before in the past the military doctors were big time drug pushers. They weren't trying to hurt anyone, but they realize that we were in real pain. Anyway I got to the point where I was taking 15 40 milligram oxy cotton a day, and it didn't even put a buzz on me. it was such a terrible feeling, at first painkillers and all drugs for like a bad girlfriend before she's bad. And then she turns evil, and just being around her is enough to make you think you're going to be happy, but you never are you're actually more miserable than you've ever been in your life but you convince yourself that she makes you happy. With me, I had a voice screaming in my head every minute telling me I want more oxycontin, I wanted my brain to shut the fuck up but it never would. I finally realized I was in a world of trouble when I was never going to do heroin or anything, but the amount of painkillers that was I was going through was getting pretty hard to get a hold of. Finally I found Suboxone, and I will tell you in my opinion, it is a miracle drug for me. First of all, with oxycotton, I NEVER forgot my dose! In fact I was always doing it way early and way more than I was supposed to, one of the first things about Suboxone I realized, the voice in your head that always wanting more went quiet all of a sudden. There were days I went two days once, I forgot to take it, that's how my brain works. I never went two seconds and forgot about oxycontin. the completey makes your brain content. Now the best thing about Suboxone, is that once it's in your system, you ain't getting high on anything else. It's impossible. You could do a whole syringe full of heroin and you won't feel shit. You're probably thinking ñwell that doesn't sound good", it is food because your brain is no longer pressuring you to get high. your brain knows there's no point, you can't get high anyway. So it just shuts up. So once you start getting the box, you would have to go about 3 weeks before it gets out of your system is good. So it didn't I work 3 weeks of withdraw?
Please put this thread where it shoul be. (Wirhdrawal symptoms)

Hi. This morning around 7 am i had whats left, 15 mg oxycodone and 50 mg of morphium. Now its 9 pm. Im keeping my self 90% pain free so far. Very mild RLS. Thats because I took some tramadol, gaba-something and have an electrical heating pat.

On Monday my doctor said he will give me 20 mg 2x per day of oxy, every day that dose and i will wean me off if i ever need to. I am in dillema if i should take it on Monday or never again. IF YES HOW TO SURVIVE UNTIL THEN?

Anyway my real question is this. Why am I crying? Every little thing from the past that crosses my mind makes me cry. Ex wife, my age, ex women, family that i disrespected which I shouldnt have etc. Something that i usually dont give damn about

Is this fucking normal? Help
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So, seen the doc and he upped my ER from 20mg 4x a day to 40mg 3x a day. I'm still on the 10mg IR 4x a day also. So, I am hoping to find some more relief, although, I still really want to get off of these. IMO, the mg makes it harder to come off of the higher it is, I am just glad to be taking less pills a day. Anyways, my goal will be to use the red kratom when I taper. I will come back and let you all know how it goes. Probably will take one less pill a day starting off and supplement with one of the red kratom pills or two?!? Again, not sure how the dosing works on kratom. I really wish someone would post some experience with This stuff. I can't be the only person who is curious and who stumbled upon it. So, I wish you all the best. You know, when I was reading all the posts from everyone, I can't help but wonder how many of them are currently dead. I lost so many friends from highschool and just my brother this year do to drugs. There are only so many ways this ends...and it's scary to think that one day you just won't wake up and your kids, parents, spouses, brothers, sisters, and friends will all lose you. I've seen it a thousand times, and going to NA for 15 years, you see it a lot and attend a lot of funerals. Sheesh!!! So, good luck all, take it seriously, because these drugs are dangerous. Good luck to all and pray hard! See ya on the flip side!!
hydromorphone withdraw.

Hi. I been on hydromorphone sense Aug of this year. About four months or so. About 16 to 20 mg a day. I had a back injury and that's what they gave me. I been getting injections and don't want to take it anymore. How much withdraw should I expect. I'm a little worried. Really don't no what to expect. I'm a 36 yr male. Thanks.
It should be pretty bad.
This is not a good basis for a wiki article; please pay attention to where you post.

I don´t think you have been take too much neither have been taking it too long.
Expect mild w/d, a couple of days feeling uncomfortable. Not so much to worry about.
taking vicodin during heroin w/d

Hello everyone. I am new to this site, but have checked it many times for usefull advice. Thank you for that. My question is; can j take a few vicodin a day to soften js heroin w/d? He's been using h everyday for about 5 months. A usual dose for him was about .2-.3 gs a day. He found that taking vicodin def. Helps but he absolutly gets no high at all from even 50mgs. Any advice or comments is/are much appreciated. Thanks
Beating opiate withdrawal completely

I'm not quite sure how this is possible?! I've gone through withdrawals in the past, they are horrible. But now, after 18 months of copious amounts of oxycodone and morphine ER, I'm now free, and I had about 12 hours total withdrawals!

I did this at home! With no prescription medication. No runs! No RLS! No insomnia! No vomiting! All of this thanks to ONE vitamin. It's called 5-htp. It has prevented anything from happening. I started it 3 days before stopping opiates, and I have had literally 12 hours of withdrawals, took a nap, woke up perfect.

I was doing 180+ mg a day of both oxy and morphine, on a daily basis, for 18 months! I'm still in shock that this works, I've now been clean for 3 days, with no other withdrawals. Thank you vitamin 5-htp. Everyone check into this, it's amazing!
So at 12 hours from last shot of heroin.. I like to take my Loperamide dose at the 12 hour mark, go to sleep and wake up not in withdrawals you know? I took 33 Loperamide (66mgs) on top of 800mg cimetidine and 15mg of valium to help with the anxiety when I wake up without any dope tomorrow morning... but then I decided to take 30mgs of mirtazapine to truly knock my ass out, I don't have work tomorrow and usually when I take my mirtazapine really late (it's 3am right now) I can sleep away the day which would be day one for me off Heroin but I'll just be tapering the loperamide... but hopefully this combo will hold me thru day one. I also have more valium and gabapentin and mirtazapine and imodium at my disposal so I should be okay I believe... I hope this is the one... I can't keep doing this, 10 years of fucking up... 10 years of working for so much only to lose it in a matter of days when I start using again... I hope this is it.... doubtful. I love opiates
well i woke up fine, barely any withdrawals, slept til 2pm but got paid early and picked up,... hurrah! whatever...
If anyone can help me with this symptom I would greatly appreciate it, I know we all have that ONE thing of all the withdrawal symptoms that really really bugs us. For some its the RLS, some it's the cold sweats. For me it's my saliva. My saliva gets thick and nasty tasting/feeling and I have to constantly spit or if I swallow my saliva I get really nauseous to the point where I'm dry heaving bile.

Does anyone else get this nasty saliva build up? If so is there anything to do that can combat it? It seriously drives me insane that when I kick I have to have a trash can next to me FILLED with spit like almost a couple gallons... IDK please help!!
I experienced this as well and vaporized some good Hash which gave me cottonmouth and helped with the nausea but is obviously not for everyone. Smoking would make me even more sick, so yeah...
Good luck on your way dude!
First time post but thought I share my story. Actually just a very small part of it, the drug part. I must also note that I suffer from PTSD. I've been an opiate addict for 15 years. Started with Vicodin which quickly escalated to a 20-30 per day Norco Habit. This habit eventually made me so sick to my stomach, I wasn't even able look at the pills in my hand without gagging, but I still swashed them down sometimes 15 at a time (very dangerous)

Then one day someone introduced me to methadone. This actually saved my life. Had a great Dr. Who prescribed me 80mg per day and kept me on a program to drop me 10mg every month, I made it all the way down to 40mg per day and my Dr. Died. (RIP) I could not find another Dr. Who would prescribe me Methadone so in comes Fentanyl.

So I do browse these forums often and I'm not sure if I have seen someone yet with a habit very similar to mine. I absolutely love Fentanyl. So at my peak, every month I would get 40 - 100mcg Patches and 30 - 75 mcg. They would be gone every single month and this has been my habit for the past year and a half. I also need to mention that I didn't stick them on, like you're supposed to, I like to chew whole patches. This fixation with chewing them was most likely attributed to me quitting smoking 2 years ago today, that was a nasty 17 year habit. My fentanyl tolerance was so high that I would sometimes eat 2 100 mcg patches at once and Id get a little buzz if I weened my self down. Sometimes I would ween down just so I could get high. Fentanyl owned me.

Now I do posses a very strong will and have always lived by a strong credo. I never put drugs ahead of my family, true friends or my job. I currently hold a high paying 6 Figure Upper lever Corporate Job and have been married for 20 years to my best friend. She is fully aware of my addiction and would give me her last dollar if it meant me feeling better. Which brings me to November of 2014 when almost my entire supply dries up and I'm am really hating this addiction

If you can believe this, I have only been in withdrawal 2X in my 15 year addiction and not even crazy withdrawal. The first time I didn't even know what was happening, so I went to the emergency room, thinking something was wrong. The Dr. monitored me for about 2 hours, finally asking me if I had beef taking Vicodin for any extended period of time, where of course I replied, "No Why" and he said, "Because you're displaying signs of withdrawal". I was discharged went out and picked up my script and that was the first time I knew I was addicted.

The second time was while on my Methadone Maintenance, I took a few more than I should, ran out early, a friend gave me a suboxone...............need I say more? PW hell for about 2 hours until a friend brought me over some Oxy's

So it's my opinion that in 15 years, I have been very lucky or there is still a little bit of self control left in me. I can honestly say that without a doubt, I have spent easily over $500k in the past 15 year on opiates and am hating myself for it. So let's fast forward to this November when nearly half my sources dried up, I'm sick of spending money, sick of having something control me and am ready to be done with opiates.

Mid- November 2014 (15 years on opiates and a Heavy fentanyl addiction) I'm able to make it through this month decreasing my dose to about 100mcg per day, but run out at the end of the month.

Dec. 1st - I come across 60 10mg Methadone. That only lasted about 6 days

Dec 7th I come across 10 75mcg 5 days (Damn going Back up again)

Dec 13th I come across 10 100mcg patches, Gone by the 19th

Dec 19th I come across 10 30mg Morphine that barely get me to the 21st

Dec 21st I come across 10 75mcg patches and tell myself, make them last because the holidays are coming, I'm going to need them. Because I know it's a month before I'll see anything else.

Dec. 24th- I take my last 75mcg patch, (I will admit that a small part of me wanted to run out just so I would have to force myself to quit.

Christmas Day Dec 25th, I convince a friend of mine to give me 5 methadone, which I took all 5 on Christmas at 8am

Friday Dec. 26th a friend gives me 6 8mg Suboxone plus a dime bag of methamphetamine and a few Xanax

Now like I said, I've had PW with Suboxone before so I started researching and understood the induction times but also came across some post where a few people who claimed to have rapidly detoxed by precipitating withdrawal on Suboxone. Dangerous and not many people agree that it works but now you know my habit and I'm going to share my detox Experience so far.

Friday morning Dec 26th 9:00am I take 4 total 8mg Suboxone, 1 8mg every hour until about 1 o,clock. The PW's symptoms began around 10am, were just as severe as I remember and lasted all night.

Sat. Morning, Dec 27th I take 1 more at 8am and the last one at 9am. I'm back in PW for another 4 hours. At about 1pm the withdrawal subsided and a little and walking around outside helped a lot plus a few hot baths.

Sunday Dec 28th- in bed all day took a half Zanax and slept for about 3 hours, stretching legs yawning, sneezing but manageable

Monday Dec 29tb, consumed a little methamphetamine for energy which I was able to take a shower and took a small square of a Xanax bar but still no sleep Monday Night. But I did eat an entire pineapple.

Tuesday Dec. 30th- consumed a little more methamphetamine and was able to go to work. When I came home took half a Xanax and slept for 6 hours

Wednesday, Dec 31- took some vitamins and feeling weak but no withdrawals. Slept about 4 hours

Thursday Jan 1- Wake up early, no meds but also no withdrawals. Just weak as hell

So this Im coming up on day #5 with no opiates, weak as hell but no more withdrawal and very little sleep.

This is the longest stretch ever for me. Could the worst possibly be over??

I'm already determined not to ever take another opiate but is it possible this method worked for me?
So im looking for some input from someone whos been on methadone.

Long story short, been on Methadone since 2010, 120mg per day.
In late summer 2014 I ended up in the hospital and went down to just 10mg which ive been on since August 2014.
I am going to quit the methadone very soon but im a little worried about going from 10mg to 0.. but still im not. Mixed feelings.
Its such a LOW LOW dose so it really doesn't do much for me but I have NO IDEA if or what the WD feelings will be from 10 to zero... some input?

Thanks in advance!
I have a friend that was the same as you who I just talked to yesterday. He said he was scared to be going from 10mg to nothing so he decided to do 5mg per day for 1 week and was done and had hardly no withdrawal mostly just mental. Now he has been clean for 8 mos. He said it was easy as long as he stayed busy.
I've been a slave to opiates for about 4 years. Anything I can get. Ive been going to a good pain doc and I'm down to 25mg per day of methadone for back pain. Anyway, I ran out 9 days early and in moderate wd. I have some neurotin and took it this morning. I've taken 900mg over 3 hours. The wds are down 80%. I've been very chatty, I cannot shut up. Feels like a smooth opiate/alcohol buzz. Legs are relaxed,no more "kicking". Anxiety is down as well. Feels like a weaker lyrica buzz. This drug is wonderful for opiate wd!
Wow im on day 4 im done too 210 opana 90 oxycodone 30mg and 60.32mg exalgo im just starting to come through the other side i hope but i wish my stomach would stop hurting so bad