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Opioids The Opioid Withdrawal Megathread and FAQ

Doing a little research I found a thread here on bluelight http://www.bluelight.org/vb/threads/612223-Gabapentin-for-opiate-withdrawal

People seem to agree in that thread Neurontin(gabapentin) does ease opiate withdrawal symptoms, so that could be your answer. Also a quick search for Imodium revealed it can treat diarrhea which could explain why you aren't experiencing that =p.

Edit: Thanks for being solely responsible for my 50th post on bluelight. Im off to The Lounge =p
Then, I highly recommend gabapentin/neurontin to anyone doing this. I asked for a prescription from my psych, awhile back, since my friend told me it's good for anxiety, but not as heavy as benzos. I never really took much, until now. Looks like many swear by it for WD.

And thank you! I'm happy to be your 50th post, esp since you have been so helpful :)
Hi Movingon,

I don't know about withdrawals from hydrocodone. The only thing I can think of is that if you're not feeling the "climax" of bad withdrawals by now, then you may not ever. This may be your only withdrawal 'moments'. Now, you mentioned you're taking Neurontin. Well, I'm taking it right now too. I've been taking Tramadol for about 7 yrs and I never knew it was addicting...of course, it just now became a "controlled substance" after they realized so many people were getting addicted to it like me! Well, I got up to the point of taking 4-5 50 mg of Tramadol about 10 times a day...that's a lot! It should have caused me to have seizures. Well, I'm now taken Gabapentin (generic Neurontin) and I too, just like you, am having a Low stage of withdrawals. I've had withdrawals from Tramadol and it's the most hallasious feeling in the world and makes you want to just die...Well, the Gaba (Neurontin) is actually helping. I do feel like I'm running a fever, and feel a little 'tipsy' but I don't feel that awful, anxiety of paranoia and feelings of wanting to die....However, this is the first time I've not had the tramadol and am taking a new drug such as this Gaba so I don't know if my withdrawals will get worse or maintain in this stage. I'm terrified, too...I have twins and school and I can't handle withdrawals; they make me feel suicidal. I guess my point for responding to you is to tell you that if you haven't gone through the worst of the worst with your withdrawals, I don't think you will but I'm no doctor; I'm just a psychology student. I have done a lot of research on Neurontin (Gabapentin) and it seems to help many, many people with withdrawals. Every BODY is different, so I couldn't tell you what your future holds with withdrawals. I think you've had enough time for the worst to happen. I've only gone through 24 hours of no tramadol and I don't know what to expect. I'm TERRIFIED....Do you know anything about my situation? Or does anyone else here know?
TwinLizzy- I also have my degree in psych! I did a lot of research after zi3m. Pointed out the correlation of gabapentin and lessen withdrawal symptoms. Looks like that is the key and it is still working for me. Shows positive results with all opiate addictions, including tramadol. Hopefully, you'll get similar results!

I'm at 45 hrs and just cleaned the house and played with my two year old.

I think, you will be as successful with this withdrawal as I am. I also am prescribed SSRI, lexapro, so I plan to use that, after I'm clean and through all this, to prevent depression. I was taking prior to my quit date, so it's built up in my system. You may wanna go on an antidepressant, too, until your brain balances out.

Obviously, I'm not a doctor, but I have worked in mental health for 9 yrs and know my pharmacology well. Just be careful if u go back to tramadol, since that med interacts with many others.

Good luck to u and keeps updated on how you're doing, we can do this together!!!
Yup, the gabapentin works wonders for w/d til you've been taking the hell out of it for like a year and it does not a damn thing for any negative part of your w/d or depression /anxiety. That doesnt happen to everyone but happened to me. Particularly if this is your first time taking gabapentin than it could damn sure be what's squashing your symptoms .
First time on it and don't plan to continue after this w/d. I got it because I was falling apart bc of work stress. Now, that stress is down, I'm just gonna take for few more days then done!
GOOD. The stuff has a withdrawal syndrome of its own. Some people come off it no prob. I kicked gabapentin ...lol that sounds ridiculous but ya, I KICKED gabapentin and it was a gross time.
Question about medications for tramadol withdrawal?

Hello all! This is my very first post on Bluelight!

I have been taking tramadol since I was 12 (got it for migraines) and I am 20 now. My dose has really gotten out of control! I started with ultracet pills which was only around 30mg of tramadol per pill plus some apap. I would take 2 of these at a time and get completely wrecked. However now I use pure tramadol IR or ER pills, up to 1200mg a day on the IR and for the 300mg ER pills (which I am now taking) I would take about 5 or 6 throughout the day. I know this is well above the seizure limit and I admit that I was stupid for this. Its really hard to control myself since I am addicted as well as suffering from severe fibromyalgia, hemiplegic migraines, and cluster headaches.

Tramadol isn't the only thing I have been on though. I have been on hydrocodone binges for around a month at a time, this happened around 10 times over the last 2 years. It was when I used my prescription up way to early and went through withdrawal. This was up to 80mg a day. I do have experience with hydromorphone too but only up to 12mg oral.

Now I am completely done with narcotics and I want to get my life back on track and manage my conditions without the use of painkillers. I took my last ER tramadol pill around 10 hours ago, so i have 14 hours left before it wears off. I have quite a stash of medications that may be useful for the horrible tramadol withdrawal and I am wondering what I should take, when to take it, and what dose. Here are the ones I think will help

Some cold pills that contain APAP, DXM, and Doxylamine
An old Sufentail patch my friend from Europe gave me. Im to scared to use it due to the fact that it is strong enough to kill me 10x over

Oh as for my age and information..
210 Pounds
6' 4"
20 years old, 21 next month
Never smoked or drank
I have cluster headaches, hemiplegic migraines, chronic daily migraines, fibromyalgia plus chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic depression, ADD, and hypothyroidism.

For those of you that think tramadol withdrawal is nothing, do not post. It is the worst thing I have ever went through! Many others agree too!
54 hours in and nothing major. Just feeling lazy, but got all my chores done: kids homework done, they're fed, bathed, and just chillin.

I think I'm in the clear! My head is a little fuzzy and emotions are slightly numbed, but all good, in terms of, physical symptoms.

And NO cravings!
Ya if its been that long I'd say you're in the clear . I'm actually pretty surprised because of how long you took the stuff. Happy for you man. 54 without the shit and Id be sick as a dog.
Good on you and may it continue.
A word of caution for the future though, it might not be so easy next time round, withdrawing sometimes gets harder with practice.
I'm not planning on going back...i know all addicts say that, but so many positive changes lately, and i don't need it to feel happy anymore!

72 hours and still good. I really feel lucky.
I think I might just grab a 'lucky freak's' lottery ticket too cos the Universe is paying out on you right now. :D
Maybe it's the good karma I have been waiting for, the universe has been good to me, all the more reason to stay clean and count this blessing! Still feeling good, 89 hours clean!
tramadol withdrawal is quite nasty. up there with the worst for me. it can however easily be eliminated by simply combing gabapentin/pregabalin along with hydroxyzine and a low dose benzodiazepine. i would honestly recommend that you forget about most of the medications you have on your list. you could hypothetically replace the benzo for soma. even gabapentin and hydroxyzine alone would knock you out cold in the height of withdrawal.

homeless -> other drugs (opioid withdrawal megathread)
Kratom question

This is my first time posting on bluelight. And although my join date is recent, I have searched bluelight for a few years to help with my opiate use. I have been on opiates for 5 years now. Fentanyl patch 75mcg every 3 days and Percocet 10/325's @ 4 p/day. Though my perc's are gone within a week and I supplement that with wearing 2 patches at a time on occasion. I go to a pain clinic. I was recently discharged without my knowledge. I found out when it was time for my next appt. So I am now without ANY opiates. I am not only dependant, I am a true addict. (obviously) ANYWAY, I just wanted to post how much loperimide has made a difference in my withdrawls!!!!!!! The anxiety, insomnia and diarrhea are the worst for me. I can not sit or lay down at all when I am withdrawing. With the loperimide (and tagament) I can function almost normally! The only problem is the constipation and dehydration. So I am taking a stool softener and drinking lots of hydrating fluids. I can not stress how much loperimide is a life saver! And you can get it OTC. I have ordered some red vein kratom and I am VERY anxious to try it in lieu of my regular opiates. If anyone can give me any advice as to the amount and how often I should use it, considering my past opiate use, I would be very thankful. I purchased the red vein kratom capsules. I'm not looking to get high, well maybe a slight warm, numb feeling, but mainly to maintain and to not crave my patch and pills.
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please help

Please help!!!, to cut along story short, id been clean from heroin for over 17 months, for the past 6 weeks ive been using again ( just smoking on the foi), I have a good job, im a groundworker n I get paid well, well my habit is 3 £10 bag of heroin and I need to get off this crap starting today, ive got 5 days of work to get of heroin and back on my subatex ( which im presribed), I have a decent amount of valuims to take the edge of but I just need some advice on how to make it as painless as possible, so again pls help with some good knowledge, Thanks Everone and I look forward to your replies. ?.... love n peace!!
Ok. Well I'm not into H, but I've done my fair share of oxy. Do u have access to a GABA med, eg: Gabapentin or Lyrica? Both are unscheduled meds, and for me they calm ur receptors down a lot! Either should be easy to get from any doctor. Also, some Loperamide along with ur benzo will make the next five days almost ok.
