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ur a dumb fuk... shes askin how to taper without goin into WDs...

anywaysssss yea 240mg... pretty solid habit... but she does have a fuck load of pills... her taper with all that would be a hella long time...

first off id save the xanax til the end of the taper... take the oxys (lucky fuck... havnt had oxys in years) slowly... then the dros and start mixing in the one or two zs as the dros run out and use the zs after all the opiates are gone... im not gona do all the math but start at your reg 240mg a day and over two weeks work it down to zero... also clonodine patchs work miracles if you dont wana do the whole ween thing... anyways just an idea... hope all works out well

i guess thatll help if you ever get back on here seeing as you made on post a week ago....
not knowing the answer and not realizing a question was asked are two different things.... and she literally asked advice for a taper...

and dont get all butt hurt about it... i guess you couldnt see me shaking my head as i called you a dumb fuk... i wasnt screaming it lol

I'm sorry, you're right. Like I said, I'm inexperienced with opiate withdrawal as I've never experienced it. But if I may add, I don't think the Tramadol are going to be much help. I know too many people who took Tramadol 50mg trying to switch from oxys/hydros and it didn't do anything on them. Not to mention you're running a risk for a seizure
its all good guess well chalk it up to you bein on FNG status lol...

but i do always think its pretty funny when i talk a little bit of shit on sumone then realize im talkin to em on another thread also....
Lol, I may be new but I have so much experience to share. I've been reading Bluelight trip reports and opiate forums for months and just recently decided to make an account. I'm actually trying to reach my 50 posts so I'll be a little more regarded ;)
How long has she been on the oxy?
Does she have insurance? I would switch to suboxone, especially if she's been on it long, if possible - if she can… and do a rapid or semi rapid taper with a partial agonist.
It can be done with the oxy if necessary. If so definitely don't mix in the Trammies or benzos. Tramadol is not just an opiate, it has it's own makeup. Has she taken Tramadol before? If it must be used, I would wait til the very end but not take it if possible

Remember - whatever amount is dropped now will not be the same percent when she gets down to the lower doses.
a drop from 10 to 5 mg, or 2 to 1 mg is a 50% jump, as a drop from 240 to 220 or 200 is a smaller jump. Not that it will feel that way but something to take into consideration.

It's really great she's making a conscious choice to do this for herself and her child.
Lol, I may be new but I have so much experience to share. I've been reading Bluelight trip reports and opiate forums for months and just recently decided to make an account. I'm actually trying to reach my 50 posts so I'll be a little more regarded ;)

lol yea i went around molesting threads tryin to get to 50...

but newaysss good luck...
ur a dumb fuk... shes askin how to taper without goin into WDs...

anywaysssss yea 240mg... pretty solid habit... but she does have a fuck load of pills... her taper with all that would be a hella long time...

first off id save the xanax til the end of the taper... take the oxys (lucky fuck... havnt had oxys in years) slowly... then the dros and start mixing in the one or two zs as the dros run out and use the zs after all the opiates are gone... im not gona do all the math but start at your reg 240mg a day and over two weeks work it down to zero... also clonodine patchs work miracles if you dont wana do the whole ween thing... anyways just an idea... hope all works out well

i guess thatll help if you ever get back on here seeing as you made on post a week ago....

No need to start out so harsh pb.. how does this promote a positive outcome?
I'm going to merge your thread into one which you should read through.

Homeless -> Other Drugs (opioid withdrawal megathread)
Getting worried about this dying from wds I honestly thought that was a myth.ive done 3 wds and relapsed every one am determined to do the next one and stay clean I've tapered down to 30ml from 55ml of methadone also currently using a bag or 2 of h every other day im holding it steady for the immediate future cus im in a shit situation with my life at the moment but will eventually bring the meth down 5 ml a month and just lower the gear down to days when im really feeling bad . Any advice much appreciated.btw out of the last 2 wds the subetex was by far the worst I couldn't move shit the bed was way to depressed to even kill myself I managed 6 weeks an didn't barely get any better so jumped back on again
Down to 120mg codeine and 300mg opiates now, tremors, shakes, sweats, anxiety, and this is just the start, thanks for posting guys, im dreading this XxxRachelxxx
well, to not even my surprise i ended up addicted to both poppy seed tea and etizolam. i held that weekend warrior complex for a few years and have just realized how heavy into PST my addiction has grown, and i would like to have complete control over my life again. neither addiction is that bad really, but mixed its pretty bad; im taking 2.8lb's of poppy seeds about 5 days a week, and recently got a free gram of etizolam from a vendor, a month flew by and now im needing about 2mg to stay well. i flushed 600mg of that etizolam a day or two ago, have about 100mg saved in VG, i started a hard core taper the other day, just dosing half my normal dose and waiting 48 hours. i will be dosing 1/4 of my poppy seed dose now everyday for a few days, then hop down to 1/4 every other day for a week or two. and im going to be taking only 1mg of etiz a day, and waiting until bad rebound anxiety hits, then in a week or some ill cut that too .5. another week ill cold turkey the etizolam and just keep my PST dose running the same (maybe a small spike when i hop off the etizolam train) for awhile, because i have pain problems in my back and need to be taking something. itys going to be a process and a real test of self control. i dont even mind my PST addiction, but i cant stand being depended on both of them, has me waking up sweating and shit. being hooked on this short acting, hardly noticeable benzo is what pisses me off. the ethics in the RC business are fucked. like i used to buy 50-100 pellets of etizolam, vendors hits me up offering a totally free gram of etizolam powder.
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Tommy7... - you're too young to despair so much, but I understand you've been through a lot, that's not criticism, just an observation most would agree that I am correct concerning your situation. Homeless at 16 is very rough, I'm not making lite of your situation.

I was on methadone 200-mg/day and successfully tapered to 30-mg (several relapses once i got under 70-mg, but eventually I got to 30-mg). You can get Medicaid if you don't already have it- seriously, destitute men are now qualified to get Medicaid, at least in my state - which adopted Obamacare. Consider moving to my state- Colorado. In Denver i know a dozen or two people homeless and your age, so I'm used to helping out through my HR work - been doing this several years as a volunteer. I know I've helped at least a few get off opioids by finding them hard to access services.

Sounds like you have blow, crack whatever type of coke under control. Please tell us (or PM if you want privacy) and let us know what you're using now, your post isn't totally clear, are you currently using meth? That post screams meth (long, no breaks, good grammar and spelling). I'm not judging, but I need to know your living, substances and emotional situation, truthfully, to effectively help you the best.

Here, I'll demonstrate - I take clonazepam, Etizolam, bupe, mood stabilizers, and old man stuff (cholesterol, high b.p.). I'm older, 46.

Do you have a roof over your head again or are you still on the streets? Stability first, taper second is my opinion. You could switch to low dose bupe at 30-mg methadone, probably higher but most docs require three days w/ds off 30-mg methadone (DEA/FDA bullshit) b/f you start bupe. I'd never go above 4-mg sublingual or 1-2 mg insulfated, do not go over 8-mg, really 2- to 4-mg should hold you.

But now you've still got a dependency on a long term opioid. So... may not be your thing. Can you switch to a short acting opioid and taper yourself? If so I recommend dope or oxy for a week or two maximum, then taper that and deal with much shorter, but more intense w/ds, this takes immense self-control and stability... ! I strongly suggest you try to get meds legitimately. But if you can't, that's understood as common, just be careful and don't get caught up with LE anymore than you have to if at all possible. If you have to street buy, try finding as stable dealer with a home to go see him at, if you must use street drugs.

There is a lot of hope for you, even though I sense your despair, you feel like a piece of sheit, I've been there. Be easy on yourself if you can. Exercise! Every day. Taking a lone, quite walk for a half hour and try to clear your mind. Notice the ground under your feet, the ambient sounds, the views and the odors, push negative thoghts aside as they arise. This will help stabilize you, and relieve anxiety, try it you'll be glad you did...

PM me if you need to get more info or want some support, someone who will write back and try to help you. PM where you're at (roughly) I'm not going to reveal your location, but if I know the general area in your state, I can find help others may not be able to through my network of harm reduction programs, many are underground, but are full of good people who give a shit and are there solely to help you, these days syringe access programs do more than just hand out rigs. My place does much more. They are volunteers, mostly, and do what they do b/c they want to, unlike profit driven rehabs. I wouldn't do in-patient unless you feel in danger of harm coming to you (out of control dope, benzo w/ds).

If you're in my state that'd be awesome, but I can help regardless as long as you're US based.

Your past is not good. Here's a thought that has helped me - about forgiving yourself and others for part wrongs - "the definition of forgiveness is abandoning the idea that you can change the past"

That will help you shake some guilt, anger and shame you're certainly carrying with you, we all do, esp., after years of self-abuse.

Take care. Please break your posts into paragraphs, more people will read and respond. There's a recovery forum on BL better suitable for your situation, it may be more help, try posting over there too. Here we're ostensibly focused on harm reduction, try the support forum for more assistance.

I feel for you but there's lots of time and help for you, it can be difficult to find or access, I can help. If you want to, whatever - I wish you better days ahead. You're young... You can rebuild good habits much better than older adults. I wish my addictiion was at 18 not 38 (I'm two years off dope, six years off methadone, six years on bupe. Does the idea of being on bupe for a long time preset an issue? Being homeless where I live isn't a barrier to bupe orb methadone treatment, as long as you commit to the program eventually, if not right away, the docs will give you a thirty day supply (bupe, not 'done) and trust / steer you where you can go to do the hard work- therapy, healing, clean groups (if 12 steps is your thing), etc...

CBT therapy would help. But let's get you stable first b/f we start talking advanced treatment,'k?

All my best, people do care... I do.
Withdrawl or not i have no idea

Thursday night while trying to go to sleep I was hit with the absolute worst feeling in the world. To put simply I could not breathe or catch a breath that would quench the feeling that i needed to. My legs tingled and my chest and left side were burning and tingling. I went to er and they ran many tests that came back perfect. It felt like icyhot in my chest and i couldnt help but cry , it just started. Friday i went to work and was fine untill about 10am when the same thing hit. Luckily i work in a hospital and was rushed to a ekg machine and once again everything was fine. Its like a feeling that i am seriously going to die and idk if its withdrawals or not. I have a messed up shoulder so i have been taking 2-3 percs or vicodins for the last 2 months . This feeling happened about 6 hours after my last dose. Again the feeling starts as butterflies in my stomach, chest is tingly and burning almost like nothing is inside it. My emotions go haywire and i feel a dread that shouldnt be possible? Ive had all bloodwork done, ekg, piss tests and everything came back normal. My doc gave me atarax for anxiety even thiugh ive never had a anxiety attack before? Any help would be appreciated, like i said i only used about 2-3 a day sometimes for but never for recreational purposes .
I think you might be feeling effects of "cravings" that is the delightful effect those little dandies have.

Similarly with +/- 6 hr since taking more than 1-2,+ pills at any given time i would think they probably have worn off by then (especially when abused our take all together) and yes maybe you'd feel bad but you certainly don't sound like your stuck on them.
Ativan would've calmed you down but underneath i think you'll find take half doses and spread that OUT as much as you can you ll feel way better
I threw my bottles of percs and vics away. Then my doc perscribed me t3 and i threw those away as well. The only thing im taking is atarax for my anxiety. I honestly thought inwas going to die. And this is day 5 of being panicky/anxious

Quick rundown on an off user of opoids. 5s,10s,30s whatever. Nothing ever serious for years. Past year or so I've been using more n more due to stress. More like self medicating. I know j shouldnt.

Woke up this morning sick as hell til I reupped. Any advice or tips. I plan on getting off these soon. Positive feedback n motivation. Would be cool.

Any thoughts of short sub taper? I have few dozen 8 mg subs. Some xanax n k pins. I can't afford to miss work.

Plan on doing a short taper 3mg,2mg n so forth.

Any advice would be great
I am new here after lurking for years. I am trying to taper off my oxycodone and am bored to death, which is making the time just drag. I have the time to go C.T. However, I went C.T. off of oxycodone, vicodin, alcohol, and xanax back in March 2013 and was sick and anxious as f&*k. But not sick enough to forego making a conscious decision to go back on oxy's, prescribed, a year ago. Why? I was bored. I think my shi#*y personality contributes to my addiction issues. Anyway, I am dead serious about this taper, b/c my pain management doc does not take insurance, only $$$ or credit card, and is expensive. I want a new car, and I can't afford both. So, to amuse myself, I have done a ton of research on taper schedules, both on forums like BL as well as on medical sites, and have written out a detailed plan. It is a slow taper, because I do not want to feel like I did with C.T. I am on a relatively low dose, and am embarrassed when I read here how others can quit, especially the gear users. I found out that if I lapse even once on my taper, I go right back where I was. Anyway, I am dosing every 10 hours, with mild, but annoying wd symptoms kicking in at about 7 hours after dosing, and get worse until I take my next pill at the 10 hour mark. I am trying to see if what I read is true: after five-10 days of sticking 100% to a taper, symptoms should be alleviated.
I have a lot of free time, so am keeping a journal of my experience. I am giving myself several months to reach my goal of being totally off the pills.
Keeping a journal is fantastic idea. It can be a very helpful tool. I keep a pain journal for my medical issues and it's helped so much. You should start feeling better with your taper at least a few days in, as you found.
Opiate withdrawal question? (OD)

Thursday I banged roughly a half G of dope at like 2pm. It's now Saturday at 2pm and since then I've done a cotton shot and eaten 3 5/500 hydros to get through work yesterday. I've also taken a few megadoses of loperamide. The cotton had nothing in it and if anything my pupils dilated even further as I progressed in to day 2 of no dope.

So my question is, why am I not feeling worse? I don't get it. When I went to rehab my withdrawals with a sub taper of 4-4-3-2-2-2-1-1 wasn't too bad with clonidine and a muscle relaxer, but being 2 days in to W/D I'd think I'd be far worse. Did my dose of 15mg hydrocodone postpone my withdrawals or could the loperamide and my own personal body chemistry be saving me?

dont get me wrong, I'm uncomfortable, craving, my legs keep going in to that weird position where they're just kicking and curled in to each other and I can't really eat but I'd just think after 6-7 months of banging every single day it'd be much worse.

A .2 bag would be my normal every day to be well. Most days I'd buy a half gram and do it all, rarely saving any unless I knew I had a super important morning and wouldn't have time to cop.

(If this could be moved to OD)

Edit-Fuck it idc if it's anonymous or not, if this could be moved