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You know what? you can fuck around looking for something to make you feel better, lofexidine, buscopan etc etc knowing that it won't help much really or you can just grit your teeth for 36 hours after which you can start back on the subbies without any problem. 6 weeks of £30 is going to equal some pain but not nearly as much pain as if they took the subbies away and left you with no safety net. A bit of pain can be a good thing in these circumstances anyway as it may remind you that you are probably never going to be able to use heroin occasionally so you either need to stop altogether or get on and enjoy yourself without worrying about it. You clearly know where you are at with the valium but dont overdo them with alcohol or you will wake up in a cell.
The only thing that really helps the restlessness i.m.e. is meditation, which sounds like bullshit but it is a good exercise. Lay on your back in a cold dark room( or on the ground during a warm day) with your arms at your sides and just try to spend a few hours focusing on nothing.
There's a RLS supplement you can get at Walmart called Hylands Restful Legs. It is the only thing that works for me and I get the thrashing arms really bad as well. Some ppl say it doesn't work for them but it's worth a try. Also loperamide should quell the restlessness a bit
I started with 15-20mgs of lope and that made me feel significantly better after being in cold turkey suboxone w/d for 2 weeks. I've heard doses ranging up to 100mgs but that is just overkill. Keep the doses low so you can quickly taper down over the next few days. Have you tried kratom? Works great for easing withdrawals and helping your mood.

Good luck!

You can put it into capsules and swallow those. Also, mixing it into yogurt or apple sauce is a pretty good way to get it down there.
just withdrawing from 2 month heroin/methadone bing. Low dose thanks to my tolerance now its 4th day without any opiates. Lucky i was in comfortablke sitiuation to have all good medication gotten beforehand : Lyrica 300mg , Clonidin 150, Flunitrazepam 1mg, Ab-Fubinaca

Clodidine was really the best helper, Lyrica very good for my mind, the flinitrazepam just heavly sedated me, with the AB. I hope i keep beeing strong its my second major und 4 withdrawal experience this year.

Now i feel so weak even after drinking a whole Coffee bottle...buts its getting better now...
Can anyone predict how bad my withdrawals will be, I'm tapering down to 20mg/day of morphine IR, my highest dose was about 60-70mg of Oxycodone IR per day and I have been on for 3 months or so. Have gone through withdrawal twice before which were not bad but I was on like half the dose and a bit shorter duration.

Trying to get gabapentin, clodidine, and some valium to help.
Can anyone predict how bad my withdrawals will be, I'm tapering down to 20mg/day of morphine IR, my highest dose was about 60-70mg of Oxycodone IR per day and I have been on for 3 months or so. Have gone through withdrawal twice before which were not bad but I was on like half the dose and a bit shorter duration.

Trying to get gabapentin, clodidine, and some valium to help.

I really don't think that will be bad at all. Uncomfortable and restless sleep for a few days, but doubtful that you have to worry about anything truly horrifying.
I should have been in major withdrawals when I stopped my habit on the 9th, but I think I stumbled upon my lifesaver. I was on 150-210mg Hydrocodone + 2 OxyContin 80mg + 40-60mg IR Oxycodone per day, for a couple years now. Before that I was on Suboxone until an injury put me back on painkillers. And before the Suboxone, I was on hydro+oxy for another injury in 2005. I'm presently on vacation, and since the painkillers aren't doing crap anymore and I was spending 1000's per month on pain meds over what I was prescribed, I decided to quit completely, no long term sub this time. About 3 weeks before I quit, I switched to MS Contin, I bought a bunch of 60's and went from 6 per day to 3 per day over 3 weeks. I also bought 10 2mg Suboxone. When I ran out of MS Contin, the following morning I took 4mg Sub plus 60mg VYVANSE plus 0.1mg clonidine, then 2mg Sub at night. I was just fine. The next day I took 2mg Sub plus 60mg VYVANSE plus clonidine & 10mg loperamide upon waking up. I was just fine all day, a little exhausted, but nothing to complain about. At night I took 1mg sub plus clonidine & Benadryl and slept pretty good. Day 3 I took 1mg Sub and 60mg VYVANSE plus clonidine and 12mg loperamide and was fine all day. Clonidine and Benadryl at night and I slept ok. Day 4....NO SUB, 60mg VYVANSE and clonidine as needed all day. Definitely not feeling normal, but feel pretty good and should be in hell about now. I read online a short term sub detox and I was following that.
Today is Day 8 no painkillers and Day 5 no sub. I took 60mg VYVANSE in the morning and am taking clonidine as needed for rapid heart rate and loperamide 12mg twice a day still. I feel GREAT. No cravings, still no energy to get up and sleep still sucks, but I feel like I dodged a bullet. I've been thru withdrawal more times than I can count, and this was a cakewalk. I am prescribed VYVANSE, but I stopped taking it when I switched to MS Contin for 3 weeks. I felt weird and attributed it to VYVANSE, but it was just withdrawals. So when I started VYVANSE again the day I quit painkillers and started sub, it worked awesome. I'm determined to not get back on sub again, and I'm glad I read that short term sub detox post online somewhere. I'm gonna try gabapentin tonite to see if it helps me sleep. I'm tossing and turning until 3am and wake up unrested with vivid dreams all nite. But all in all, best, easiest detox ever. Spending a lot of time on the couch, but definitely not hurting and in a pretty good mood.
Are there any health consequences from rapidly cycling through withdrawl and addiction? I prolonged the withdrawls from 12.10 by relapsing some days after. Then i was clean for little more then 2 weeks, felt great again , gained weight and all, but then got slowly back on methadone and H for 8 days. Now i feel shit again !!! I can easily see this as a form of white torture...
This must seriously stop, it has bad consequences for all areas of my Life (relationships, hobbys, money, job).
Now is my second day off and i feel ok to go to work with clonidine and lyrica. But i want to finnaly break free of all these medications. And the life centered around a substitute opiate is not i possibility i consider yet, or even at all for that matter. Because i would surely inject it, and thats a nogo...
Does tapering on heroin reduce the withdrawal intensity?

So basically I'm trying to figure if tapering is worth it. So first question I have is...Does the amount of dope used daily effect your withdrawals? As in, is tapering worth it?
If I'm using XX bags a day will tapering down to X bags make any difference in the intensity of withdrawals? I can taper I've done it before but wasn't as serious about quitting as I am now. Trying To figure out if i should start my detox now cold turkey off an XX bags a day habit or taper over the next few weeks and then go cold turkey.
And trust me I know it's going to suck, I'm not naive to that fact. I've been through this more times than I care to admit but haven't wanted to be sober this bad ever in my life.
You may also have advice about the consistency of dope and how you can't taper exactly. I get that but my gear is quite consistent and know my doses quite well.

Thanks in advance for the help!
Yes it is a very worthy exercise in making withdrawal bearable. Just not many people can do it, I struggle with oxy, but I find heroin even more you know moreish than oxy, like if it's in the houuse I can't leave it alone.

So I'd say taper with something that's not H. Because odds are against you succeeding in tapering H.
Hello all, this is my first post. My back story..,quick and dirty. I've been clean from H and everything since 12/30/2003, yes, coming up on 11 years clean. I had cancer and got put on opana about 1 and a half years ago for pain . Currently on 20mg ER 4x a day and 10mg IR 4x a day. I take them as prescribed as I don't want to lose my clean date. You can debate me about that, but I don't care what you say about it I've been around NA for 15 years and I am secure in my belief, higher power, and clean date. Anyways, I'm at the point where I want to get off these meds. I have some other meds at my disposal, listed below. My question is, does anyone know about Kratom with helping get off opioids? Does it help? Is it useful? Is it worth a try? I only want to use it to ween myself off the opana and for nothing else. I want personal experiences please...not website jargon. I have Valium and loperamide at my disposal. The Valium will also be used as prescribed, it's to help with anxiety and sleep. And of course a large supply of opana which I don't want to use. I know tapering is the best approach and that's what I will do. Anyways, I just miss being clear headed and being free. I hate being controlled by these pills everyday. Thanks all in advance for any help. Also, I've spent two days reading every post on this entire thread. Very very insightful.
^TheWhosoever - I am also in the process of preparing to withdraw - would love to hear how Kratom helps too.

Previously, I've done cold turkey from Percocet - nightmare but got through it. Restless legs the absolute worst symptom. I want to be more prepared this time around. Currently taking oxycodone IR 40mg/a day. If I taper should I use anything from my "withdrawal kit" clonodine, gabapentin, loperamide, klonopin, etc. or do I save those for when I jump off after tapering down? I cannot imagine how I am going to taper without help from any other drug. I've tried and it just doesn't work for me. Anyone with suggestions would be appreciated.
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Kayaker318, I would say that with all those meds you have a good shot at doing this. My equivalence is = to 240mg of oxy. I don't have a choice but to taper. One thing you have that I don't is clonodine. That stuff is the best for the chills and hot flashes. Those are unbearable for me, along with the anxiety...In which you have the klonopin for. Those will be your life saver. On the street we called those "super Valium". Anyways, I would drop 5mgs a day and you have other meds to help ease the pain during that taper. I wouldn't take any clonodine until you're off the oxy completely. But, I think you can do it. You are on a low dose and you have everything they give you in detox. The rest is the mind game. What helps me is just trying to be angry at the drug and having my mind set on the fact that I'm finished. Stay convinced! Again, I was hooked on H for 3 years 2000 - 2003 and withdrawal and detox's happened pretty regularly for me. I think I am going to try the red kratom when I do my taper. I've read a ton on it and it seems to completely lessen symptoms. That along with loperamide (12-20mgs). But screw cold turkey, you have enough stuff to not have to face that beast. Good luck and I look forward to Hearing how it goes.
Hey thanks @Whosoever. Appreciate your thoughts. So I will utilize what I have while I am tapering and save the clonodine/loperamide for post-taper. Don't you think you should get some Gabapentin if you can? My biggest fear is restless legs/jumping out of skin feeling during WD. I never used it the last time I went through WD, but will this time around. Maybe with your Kratom you won't need it. And don't worry about NA anniversary date changing - you know what's best for you. Good luck to you too. Keep us posted.
Hey guys!
I've been withdrawing for 2 days and I wonder if the shortness of breath and coughing is normal?
It's a really bad cough and I think I broke a rib.
I feel like I have a bad flu aside from the respiratory problems.
I was using mostly Heroin, insufflating and when this shit started I switched to IV.
Thanks for the info :)