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Opioids The Opioid Withdrawal Megathread and FAQ

Damn I had my last dose of AH-7921 yestarday 12:00am its now 6:00am I havent sleep much that night, I got a few hours in the early night but from 3am to now, nothing... I thought the withdrawal would not come so fast... its actually not even 12h. I most say... I was abusing hard, snorthing about 120mg every days in about 5-6 dose. Im going to have Tapentadol at 13:00 today, I cant wait no longer, the withdrawal has begun and I feel terrible. I wish I had only 1 dose to reach the famous 13:00. Omg if only I had anything else like a benzo or something. AWW.
Cold Turkey off opioids using adderall

Hi all
I'm on day 2 cold turkey from opiates, feel not bad. I snorted 30mg-60mg of Roxies a day for almost 2 years. i never went past oral or snorting it..I tried w/d's with out any help and no success, so this time around Im attempting it with 5 days supply of 30mg adderall capsules.
First day was lil tough and decided to go with one dose of 30mg capsule time release. I made myself eat 2 waffles before I took it at 8:30am and by 9am it was ON. Keep in mind you will not have appetite till around 9pm.. Great time till about 5pm. Thought of taking another, but I would have never fell a sleep.. So I decided to get some grapefruit juice, great idea because it kicked back in till 9pm. That's when the crash happened, no energy, sore, cramps. I took 1mg of xanex and feel asleep at 10pm or so and slept with no problems till 7am..I just was to throw it in as I'm attempting this I work from 9am-9pm at my own restaurant and I can't Not Be There.

Second day woke up at 7 with a cup of coffee "as always" and made myself eat again. Than took another dose of 30mg adderall at 8:30am and I'm sitting here on my break and its 3pm still good.. Repeated the process on the second day with succes.

As I'm writing this its day 3 cold turkey. I did exactly the same as I had for last 2 days and still good, but adderall is wearing off earlier each day. Since my doses are in capsules I opened up one and took out about 1/4 of capsule beads. I wouldn't recommend full dose, most likely will result in NO SLEEP. Going to continue with 1mg of Xanax after 9pm or earlier if the anxyity intensifies. Remember adderall is also addictive and can have big withdrawals also, if you never taken adderall I would recommend to do some research on it before you attempt this.

I would recommend some kind of Loperamide Hydrochloride, <-6$ at local pharmacy or even gas stations carry some kind..I'm 225 lb and 2 mg work great for whole day and I was able to use the bathroom once a day, so far. Make sure some 800mg of ibuprofen for the muscle aches, it helped me.
Keep in mind, not all people react the same and my whole objective was to stay busy. Not hard with adderoll,etc read and time will fly by.

I'm not a doctor or have any experience in the medical field, all this info is from personal experience.
I hope I helped some of y'all, I know by reading these posts this process has been, well I can't say pleasant but def easier than before attempts.. Will keep up with post as days go ON!!!
Good luck all
No actual hr question here so I'm just going to put this in the withdrawal megathread as it doesn't really warrant its own discussion.
First post, hi. Just wanted to share that I get a lot of relief from taking an l-theanine supplement. 200 mlg in the morning and another 200 in the evening and it really helps to stem off a lot of the withdrawal symptoms for me except for the diarrhea and stomach pain :\ Ended up buying pure stuff that comes in a powder form on amazon after trying a couple different gel caps. Good luck God bless.
Damn I had the worst withdrawal ever... I vomit everything I eat or drink, I had to go to hospital where they prescribed me some morphine to taper off... I vomit the pills... now I have no idea what im going to do.
Damn I had the worst withdrawal ever... I vomit everything I eat or drink, I had to go to hospital where they prescribed me some morphine to taper off... I vomit the pills... now I have no idea what im going to do.

Have you considered the rectal ROA?
Have you considered the rectal ROA?

Not really everytime I tried to plug something, I shit it before it become active. I stopped vomit by now but the dose are so small (5mg morphine oral) that I have hard time to deal with the symptom even if its MUCH better than before.
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Not really everytime I tried to plug something, I shit it before it become active. I stopped vomit by now but the dose are so small (5mg morphine oral) that I have hard time to deal with the symptom even if its MUCH better than before.

See if you can get ahold of some ondansetron. It can really help with the constant vomiting.

That's a go-to in my withdrawal kit.
What about snorting small amounts? Don't know how the drip affects your gag reflex but the bioavailability is higher.
I would try to taper that way and switch to Gabapentin/Pregabalin after going to 0 with maybe a few Benzos to help the first nights.

Good luck.
I will receive Etizolam tomorow, it should help alittle with sleep and some of the physical symptoms. I have difficult time to eat solid food, I lost 10 pounds since I stopped. Thats really bad.

About the Ondansetron its not OTC, for the moment I take some Dimenhydrinate to help with that.

By the way do you know Morphine intranasal BA? I know oral is about 30% rectal about 50% and IV/IM 100% but I have no clue about intranasal.
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Hi all,
wellim 2 days into opiate withdrawal. Ive been using heroin on and off the last 10 months, not daily at first, just once or twice a week. Then the last month i used more often and ended up using for 2 weeks straight.
Was only using small ammount a day, but opiates is opiates.....so here i am on day 2 of cold turkey.
Have been using gabapentin for last 6 days to help with W/Ds, though i only quit heroin 2 days ago - - only 2 x 300mg pills a day - i plan on taking another 2x 300mg tomoz, and then 1x300mg pill for 2 days , then quit them and ride the rest of the cold turkey out.
So anybody got any advice please, am i safe to do what i am doing?
anybody else used gabapentin like this?
Im also coming to the end of a 6 month bout of chemo therapy treatment, and the opiates gave me respite from the awful side effects of the drug.

I dont like the gabapentin as it makes me feel 'drunk' and off 'balance'. not in a nice way, kinda like being spaced out, blurry eyes and wobbly when i walk. Thats drom a low dose of gabapentin, ive read that most opiate users take massive ammounts of the gabapentin for W.Ds....God knows how they manage that lol.
still the effects of the gabapentin are better than full blown withdrawals. But after i get the first 3 days outa the way im quitting the gabapentin as i dont want to be addicted to that too.
Any advice or words of wizdom is appreciated.

Plenty of people use gabapentin for withdrawal. If it helps, great. Take it. Like you said, just be wary of becoming addicted to that.

As for your overall withdrawal, stay strong. Remember theres a light at the end of the tunnel and eventually it will end. I know it's hard to keep that in mind when you're at your sickest and you wanna die but, your doing this for a reason, right?

Good luck.
Thanks, its late afternoon now and the gabapentin has wore off mostly, apart from the ''spaced out'' feeling in my head.
Not taking more till 2moz though, have to 'ride it out'. As for staying motivated, I got plenty to help me, my 3 year old son, the fact I don't enjoy being stoned on 'heroin - but at the time it was better than chemo side effects.

Im also 3 weeks from the end of chemo treatment, ive had chronic fatigue all through the last 6 months, so I want to be well when I finish the chemo, so I can feel the benefits of it, if that makes sense.

So relapse or further heroin use is not an option now, I know i'll be ill for a few days to a week, but that will pass, only thing im worried about is the use of gabapentin, as I could not find any info on ''low dosing''.....their was only info telling you to take 2400 - 4000mg a day - which I dopnt need, 2x 300mg pills a day knock ne about all day.

Dose antbody know about low dosing on gabapentin??
Am I using it right with regards to stopping use of them - was on 2x600mg pills once a day for 6 days - then had a 4 day break from them. And have now been taking them another 6 days ay 2 x 300mg a day.
I plan on taking 2x300 tomorrow - then 1x300 the day later half of a 300mmg tab the day after that, and then quit them altogether and just get on with my opiate withdrawal.
Is this the correct way? Im not using any other meds', though I bought some valerian root capsules, expensive shit, didn't do nothing for me. may as well of ate my money instead of putting those foul tasing things in my mouth.LOL

thanks again.
So I was chipping up to 2.5 months ago and one day I said fuck it. I've been through full wd's from 100 mg oxy a day and thought aw I can do it again. However it was effing hell.

Somehow I was 120 oxy a day up to like 2-3 weeks ago and I took some time off. At home I would just eat um when I felt like it. One day a week ago I took over 300mg not at once in like 60-80 mg a time. Now I find that I'm normally craving at least 200 mg.

Some days I take 240 others 180. What I'm getting at is..

How Can I stop? I have access to plenty. How do I taper and do it successfully?

I like these things too much and I hate it. I hate the idea of having to take them so I can survive.
So I was chipping up to 2.5 months ago and one day I said fuck it. I've been through full wd's from 100 mg oxy a day and thought aw I can do it again. However it was effing hell.

Somehow I was 120 oxy a day up to like 2-3 weeks ago and I took some time off. At home I would just eat um when I felt like it. One day a week ago I took over 300mg not at once in like 60-80 mg a time. Now I find that I'm normally craving at least 200 mg.

Some days I take 240 others 180. What I'm getting at is..

How Can I stop? I have access to plenty. How do I taper and do it successfully?

I like these things too much and I hate it. I hate the idea of having to take them so I can survive.

You have to really want to quit.. and if you do, it's very possible, albeit still difficult of course.

To start tapering, just slowly take less and less everyday. Obviously, the more gradual you decrease your dose, the easier the withdrawals will be.. but that means a lot longer period of tapering. If you want to do it faster, you'll have to make bigger jumps down in dosage which will be more uncomfortable.

See if you can handle taking 25% less each day.

Tapering fully with ones DOC is very hard. That's why drugs like methadone and buperenorphine are popular. For your case, I definitely wouldn't advise methadone, but bupe might be good for you. Get down to as low of a level of oxy as you can and then transition to bupe, doing a quick taper off of that.
So I was chipping up to 2.5 months ago and one day I said fuck it. I've been through full wd's from 100 mg oxy a day and thought aw I can do it again. However it was effing hell.

Somehow I was 120 oxy a day up to like 2-3 weeks ago and I took some time off. At home I would just eat um when I felt like it. One day a week ago I took over 300mg not at once in like 60-80 mg a time. Now I find that I'm normally craving at least 200 mg.

Not Again

I found myself in your situation. I used hydrocodone for a couple of years with very gradual increases. With the oxy the increases were more frequent. I remember being at 120 mg, taking 20 mg pills & thinking that wasn't to bad & i could taper. Next thing i know i am not "feeling it" at 120 & at the end of my run (now) I would easily take 300-360 a day, every day, of the 30 mg pills- crazy amounts. The high was so nice then it would only last an hour, then half hour & I kept chasing that good feeling the rest of the day. I kept trying to taper & would do ok for a few days then "reward" myself by using high amounts again. I just couldn't get off the oxy. The hydro i tapered but the oxy is just to hard for me. I went to a doctor, an addiction specialist to taper & he put me on oxycontin 80 mg twice a day with oxycodone to equal my usual dose then started tapering me. I still couldn't do it so now I am getting set to do the short sub taper with another doctor (i am older with health issues, that's why i have to use a doctor), this Sunday i should be able to start. I am a bit concerned because i am on extended release but hopefully 24 hours will be enough. I have comfort meds so i should be ok.

IMHO the only way to taper is write it out on paper (or computer spread sheet), have someone strong hold your pills & dole them out to you or get one of those pill safes so you can only get a certain amount per day.

Maybe you are stronger than me & can taper, if you can hate what the pills have done to you that may be enough to get off. It's not worth using everyday & being stuck. Good Luck!
OMG, that dumb bitch nurse told me Opioid Withdrawal doesnt exist, can you believe that ??? Im so hungry, I cant eat, I vomit everything, I vomit blood. I lost 17 pounds. No one take me seriously or what !?!? It beens 2 weeks, I feel like Im going to die from this. WTH IS WRONG GODDAMIT.
OMG, that dumb bitch nurse told me Opioid Withdrawal doesnt exist, can you believe that ??? Im so hungry, I cant eat, I vomit everything, I vomit blood. I lost 17 pounds. No one take me seriously or what !?!? It beens 2 weeks, I feel like Im going to die from this. WTH IS WRONG GODDAMIT.

what drugs were you taking? Street heroin? methadone? pills..or what?
without knowing how much and of what you were taking, its hard to associate your symptons with anything.
2 weeks of cold turkey from street heroin use, even with a fair sized habbit, should of seen you getting better by now,although everybody is different of course.
I also find it hard to believe that any doctor in the modern world would state '' that their is no withdrawal from opiates'', as its one of the oldest drugs in the world and morphine is a commonly used medicinal drug along with many other opioids. So all doc's know about the effects and dependency that opiates create.
have you been using anything medicinally wise to help you through the 'cold turkey''?

And if you are still vomiting blood,i would seek medical advice from the E>R...and ignore your doctor.
Personaly i have never vomited blood going through an opiate withdrawal, but i would be concerned if i was.
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It was AH-7921, theres the full story if it intrest you http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/689803-The-AH-7921-Side-effect-and-withdrawal-WARNING?

It wasnt a doctor who said that, it just that dumb bitch nurse at the hospital registration. She takes me for a joke, everytime I get to hospital this idiot is there. Seeing a doctor in my country is pretty hard specially at hospital, I have to wait for ever if the #$%@#$%@ nurse say my case in not important. I saw a doctor at a clinic during the day that didnt said much about the vomiting and the fact the my weight is going down like a rock in the sea. He told me to hydrate my self...
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