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The nang appreciation thread.

Where are you guys getting your crackers from?

I'm in Sydney, Australia btw.

Or any tips on how to make a home-made cracker?

Cheers :)

Homeware shops such as 'House' and places like that.

For home made search trusty google and youtube! Easy! Better off investing in one tho imo
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Homeware shops such as 'House' and places like that.

For home made search trusty google and youtube! Easy! Better off investing in one tho imo

Seriously they sell nang crackers in House? You mean the bulberators surely. haha that would hilarious if they sold the crackers.

it is well worth the investiment in a bulberator. crackers are a pain in the arse.

one tip I have for crackers is too secure a short piece of rubber tubbing on the end. makes it easier to use without freezing your hands.
^ they seriusly do. You may pay a bit extra....not as much as my previous post, but ive relied on them numerous times when my supplier out of stock....

But now ive found a wholesaler.... Not as cheap as vic street but but close.
They have cartons upon carton there for sale.

Places like House, sell them, been there done it, they just charge more than your average 'wherever you get them from normally'

They shit cheap in bulk on internet anyways, 16g too. Obviosly totally legal so stock up.

House sell the bulberators at too much like around more than 2 pineapples, and they have the bulbs there too. Over priced but man if you desperate.
Will go on the hunt for a cracker today, but in the meantime I've been opening them in a very DIY fashion:

Get the bulb, scrape it on concrete until the top has worn down considerably, then get a pair of scissors and press one of the sharp tips down and twist while pushing. Eventually after about 10 minutes the gas will start to escape, so then you just whack a balloon over it and nang away.

You do lose a bit of gas doing it that way, and it's time consuming but it works :p
^ yeh I'd rather not. In the interest of safety please don't try this method kiddies :/

The pdf for the home-made cracker is linked earlier in this thread.
Oh yeah I probably should have mentioned i'm doing this is an open space while wearing oven mitts. Kinda crucial.
First time combining lucy and nangs on the weekend and I fekking loved it. 5 boxes later and I think I've found my new staple :D

A hanky over the whipped cream machine ? worked pretty well for me. Didn't notice any solids getting through, just a little bit of oil. Brand was ISI

edit: Just ordered a carton ^.^
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^^ that's how I have been doing it, cloth/hanky over the nozzle seems to help well. I had also my first nags + LSD session bout 2 weeks ago sameria and thought it was balistic too..!

Never knew bout this combination unitl coming BL even after years and years of psychedelic use, but really dig it.

Althoughh I find it does seem to induce trip loops sometimes on LSD which can be good or bad, due to the action of repeated nang loading and huffing...

is it really that bad to nang after nang constantly and consitantly 100 bulbs? Man I love this shit.
^^^ unfiltered probably yes.

But not as dangerous as iruledudes method of piercing a bulb mentioned a few posts back.

Camels also piss and shit on themselves freely...do you do this do? :p
Does everyone else hate picking up their cases of nitrous from the post office?

Every time without fail the employee complains about how heavy it is and asks me whats in the box. I cant lie either because it says "N2O CHARGERS 360 PCS" on both ends of the box (the seller should really be more discrete for our sakes and for the sake of his continued business which must make a shitload of money selling nitrous for recreational use).

They then ask what its for and I say 'cooking', they give me a strange look and I leave lol.

Pretty soon theyre gonna know me as 'that nitrous guy'.
^^^^ haha lol, I have the same problem, my line is 'oh it's for my finance something for cooking' and then shrug when I get that dubious look. Anyways it's fuckin legal to buy nItrous online and I try to embrace the awkward moments in life.
just tell them it is for you to inhale whilst getting high on psychedelics. then see how weird the looks get.

Or you might just get the guy curious and they'll ask you if they can try one.
I just tell them we are throwing a party and have strippers wrestling in a kiddy's pool full of cream.
hey guys,
i'm looking at ordering a shipment of 5 cartons (5x360) from the internet, a certain site that alleges to have its warehouse in bayswater, and was wondering: they say they use only tracable freight options, does that eliminate the possibility of it being held at the post office? cos i really don't want 1800 nangs rocking up on my doorstep with the parents still around...
^ omg thats a lot of nitrous, that must have cost like 2 ounces of dank