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The nang appreciation thread.

had my first nang last nights at a private bush doof, on about 3.5grams of shrooms, and wow, i see the love for them!

so where can i buy the cream dispenser from? or should i make the balloon hand cracker? any other recommendations?

I suggest looking online for a decent dispenser. You will pay big $ in home ware stores and some require you to state an ABN to purchase whip cream dispensers.

I have seen too many people freeze their hands when fucked up using crackers at doofs etc. I have lightly freeze dried the skin on my thumb once at a doof and it aint fun :\
love doing nos after being awake for 3-4days on stim. each bulb is a garenteed good nos bubble ;D :D

guess what i'm doing right now?

u guessed it. *cracks a nos bulb*
hey all, just lobbing in here to profess my love of nangs.

but i have a serious question regarding after effects that have not been answered well in other threads (having searched.)
not wanting to piss off anyone, i ask: is here an appropriate place to ask?


i've only had nangs like... maybe 5 times? not 5 bulbs, but 5 sessions.
each time it's been fun, each time i've gone a little further, but it's all been cool. i don't do many drugs, just weed on a semi-regular basis.

now the last time i had a nang sesh, we picked up 5 boxes between 4 of us, iSi brand, and were hitting them in a friends cream whipper (never used for cream, just hitting nangs.) prior to this, i'd only ever done a maximum of 2 one after another (ie. full breath of nang, hold till need to breathe, exhale, hyperventilate for maybe 5 breaths, hit another nang and hold as long as possible,) but this time, after some singles and doubles, i did 4 in a row, same method as before. it was fine, i mean, shit went whacked out, but nothing abnormal according to what i've read on this forum.
woke up in the morning, though, and couldn't really feel much of anything. this persisted for about a week, and is only really clearing up now.
this was combined with a large amount of sleep deprivation, as ... well, i dunno why, but i couldn't sleep for like 3 days.
got some B12 on saturday, and have been having that, and it seems to have helped.

so, it seems to me as though what i experienced is very similar to what happens after prolonged nang binges. does anyone have any idea what's going on? might i just be not a nang person?

oxygen, YOU NEED THAT SHIT. thats all.

dont do 4 nos balloons consecutively in a row dude. u are just depriving your brain of oxygen to the maxxxxxxxxxxxxx. no wonder u woke up next day with side effects.

do maybe max 2 balloons rest 1-2mins be4 doing another one. then repeat process.

Back in my early days i used to smash 6box-60charges a night, never woke up next day with pain.

but yeah B12 is a deff if you gonna be hitting the nangs hard. I had to get a bottle to then.
cool, thanks for the sensible reply - ie, not piss off noob :)

i was thinking (hoping?) it was probably just the lack of oxygen, but wasn't sure, as what i experienced seemed to me to be discomfortingly similar to what has been reported from binging. that it's passing so swiftly is reassuring.
extended period of lack of oxygen is your main problem here dude.

as i used to abuse a hell lot more boxes than u, like day by day week by week, months at a time.

and i've never gotten that side effect except for the depletion of b12 ;0
seriously Mosa best by far IMO. Do you worry about cleaning you're bong after a decent sesh?
fuck it just do it, if you do it as I do, no orse thsn smokin out of a dirty bong
What are we bluelighter druggo's reducing again?

Ah yes, I nearly forgot that we were reducing harm ;)

Stay safe Azron, you only have one set of lungs...
sorry to go off topic but are dirty bongs really that bad for you?? I smoke out of a dirty billy more days than not coz I cant be fucked cleaning it..
have you ever heard the cough of someone that has sucked on a dirty billy for 20 years?
makes heavy cigarette smokers' respiratory functions sound downright healthy and wholesome.
yeah, it's bad for you. fluid on the lungs plus cannabis resin...mmmmm.
i haven't used a water bong in years - gives me nasty lung problems.

and as has already been noted, cream charger residue contains metals. not exactly good for your lung tissue. probably in a different category to smoking related harm.
Where are you guys getting your crackers from?

I'm in Sydney, Australia btw.

Or any tips on how to make a home-made cracker?

Cheers :)
What are we bluelighter druggo's reducing again?

Ah yes, I nearly forgot that we were reducing harm ;)

Stay safe Azron, you only have one set of lungs...

Noted. I dont mean shit dirty...Of course a good water change, but to scrub the pyrex as new after every sesh, I'm just to lazy, but some other peoples springers (i only own full pyrex) iv'e seen should def. be thrown away. Off Ya Tree dont sell em cause of the chemical reaction with the plastic or some shite.... Plastic bongs dont have a long smoking life.

Sorry back on track.....
Where are you guys getting your crackers from?

I'm in Sydney, Australia btw.

Or any tips on how to make a home-made cracker?

Cheers :)

I got mine off ebay from a US seller.

Its brass so a bit more expensive than aluminium or plastic but its much much better in the long run. I've cracked literally thousands of bulbs with it and its still going strong. The alluminium one lasted maybe 200-300.