The Dutch Electronic Thread

This is killer!!

Rotterdam terror Corp
Release your anger megamix

3This is actually something I consider to be totally idiotic and at the time I consid as asered it quite a scandal, however I really want to share this here; in the 90s, whem the gabber culture full development, a big sub hype got created, namely hakken en zagen for kids, it pushed children ages 11 to 13 to become actual skinheads and presented these children with hardcore tracks with childlike melodies and often vulgar lyrics only about drugs and sex, very explicitly, ranging from things like im overamped got 25 xtc pills in my stomach and snort snort I do amps and I do coke to I love all these big tits and wet cunts (I must point out - and this might very well disappoint you, it might not, or maybe some of you are exactly like me, frankly I dont care one bit - the track I selected over here for you guys, the track I sekected to introduce you guys to this violation of music,.its lyrics are not at all representative for what I just told you about the common lyrics of this music, but this track really actually is one gigantic exception, I simply very specifically selected this track because Im really very allergic to all types of expressed vulgarities, besides I figured this probably doesnt make much of a difference since pq2robably you dont even understand one single yota of whatever Dutch lyrics I would have selected...

The worst thing about the gabber scene was the extreme violence and agression, one day it was.on that that.morning, the morning after a hardcore rave at the local club, the cleaning crew of that club found a dead kid on the toilet, it turned out that this kid was actually beat to dead with.his own combat boots, and get this, this tragic event simply took place for the sole reason that this kid in fact had combat boots and not nike air max shoes, and shockingly enough this was the very general attitude in the gabber scene, and it is also shocking that this event in those days wasnt considered to be real shocking, but these gabbers where not quite done yet and outbursts of violence, agression and vandalisme were brought upon the poor family of the dead kid culminating in that a large group of gabbers overpowered the few police men at the actual funeral of the dead kid, jumping on police cars, trashing everything possible and eventually invading the church and for no reason at all started severely kicking the shit out of random and totally.innocent ppl that were simply present in the church at that time...

Of course, this I consider to be of a really high degree of violence, I consider a kid, Im guessing 16 yrs old, being beat to death with his.own combat shoes and this for no other reason than that he had combat boots instead of nike air max shoes, to already be something quite extreme, and even tho you couldnt say it was this extreme all the time, you can very easily consider a lot of the agression that was generated by the gabbers to actually be extreme...

I also want to mention that I do not wish to make an absolute generalusation here,.of course not all gabbers were like this, but to me it seems to be a fact that these problems originating out of the gabber scene were more than just a bit common...

I myself was kicked to shit and beat to pulp quite frequently by the gang of gabbers that consistently terrorized my block...

It is very strange tho, I used to know really a lot of the pioneer dj's and producers and they did not display any agression -.on the contrary, their mentallity seemed to be more.hippie-like, they preached peace and love, and not one.of them was a skinhead, they.more looked like metal fans, I remember a lot of black jeans and t shirts and more than.just one of this.pioneers fashioned really long hair, also I cant remember of one of the pioneers actually air max shoes but if one did, he ,was an exception and I consider it far more likely that was influenced by the gabbers and not that pioneer so intinsically influenced the entire gabber scene while other pioneer made any kind of impact (other than Its really bizarre that these pioneers impacted the gabber scene so little, while this scene was bulking with very profoundly present, very specific clothing style and (no) hair style and some behavorial rules that was widely considered as an absolute code.of general conduct...

So enjoy this.piece.of shit >I hate call it music.

Edit: ps I truly consider everything that has to do with hakken en zagen for kids as well as the overall very narrowminded and extremely violent mentality of the actual gabbers - since these are things that not only were but actually still are a.huge and very famous (infamous) part of the Dutch culture (luckily these days Im not aware of any worrysome agression in the scene and it has become way more progressive) - to be things the Dutch nation as a whole as well as every single Dutch.individual with even the least amount of nationalistic convictions, should really be very ashamed that in quite recent yrs such primitive and depraved, utterly.idiotic, stupid and dangerous things came to develop and came to shape a huge part of that certain generation...

Btw, I actually dont know if there is still is a reasonable amount of gabber scene present, scene and Im behind on the proper terminology of really a lot of the current subcultures...

The real oldschool gabber seems to have disapeared to quite some extent, now and then you come across a real hardcore, oldschool gabber, uniform: tight jeans or black and white army pants,.a lonsdale sweater.or an aussi,.nike air.max shoes,.a bomber jacket,.skinhead and one earring...

The ones that kept developing over time by now have transformed in something completely else, now.its.not all the time hardcore raves anymore,.there is lots of frenchcore, not too many skinheads present there tho a lot of ppl with dreads,.however nowadays everyone can visit such a rave,.once and then even I do and I do so regular fully alternative outfit (I.never was a gabber but I never was a skater either, however I did quite like my all star shoes,.if I had been totally crazy and.visited a 90s.hardcore.rave with.those shoes, there simply only was one.scenario possible; namely that I wouldnt maken it even so much as close to the entrance before an entire army.of drugged out and overamped lunatics who get a.huge boner out of inflicting severe pain and suffering.on quite some non gabbers would either beat me to the bringe of death.or,.with some more or less.luck,.completely death. And that was the reality.back then...
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Yeah well I understand a little Dutch because my native language is German but more from reading than listening. Same here though, being usually allergic to overexpression of vulgarity specially in songs, I don't have a problem with violence eg in movies or games but I hate it in real life. Specially when it comes out of nowhere with no real reason. I consider dosages of speed which make you aggressive to be overdoses and I myself can't stand this state, I don't get aggressive but of course overamped and anxious/jittery and avoid crowds in this state specially if compared to empathogens - possibly would alcohol plus speed lead to a toxic mixture, I don't like alcohol at all, it has such a high price one pays for a little altered state and I hate what it does to people.

I still don't know much about the gabber and Frenchcore scenes, just fell in love with the music since I got introduced to it. Feels a bit like a dopaminergic drug on its own when listened to loud music. Thanks for the background info, it is always valued!

Would love to go to a Frenchcore rave one day, seems like they have some un South America as well but at the moment I can't afford the luxury if international travel and it doesn't seem to change in the near future.

Interesting to hear about squatting in the NL btw. If I was there I would consider engaging in such places. Modern hippie sounds good. Better than the overamped rave crews.
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My previous text about gabbers was already quite extensive, yet I feel a stronge urge to add something; Im not too sure about it, in those days I had only limited experience with amps, definitely compared with today, but in those days I very strongly associated the agression in the gabber scene with the use of really shitloads of amps, maybe this in combination with the vibe of the agressive music (tho there is more than one example of scenes with maybe equally agressive music where in the scene there is not really a sign of increased agression) created this completely intolerable vibe, or perhaps the speed in those days was really very potent, like the XTC was in those days - of which for sure I can was really very potent, but like I said, due to my limited experience with amps in those days I cant say anything like this regarding amps - and they maybe were so fucked up and totally overamped that they simply lacked all control over their agression...

None the less, no matter what I try to come up with that in any way more or less could explain why agression was so prominent present in exactly.this specific subculture, I cant seem to shake then feeling I miss an essential my, knowledge, perhaps even insight, but I strongly feel there must be a logical and if Im really.honest I suspect an equally obvious reason as to why this scene developed that way, however it seems that this is something zijn- even after all those years -.I am still comepletely blind to and I seem to stay just as ignorant to it...

I believe it might be a good idea that I try a bit to explain why exactly my posts about this are this extensive, but this is something that goes quite deep,.I already mentioned this in my that I got really fruequently - on bad weeks this could very well simply mean daily - got b kicked to shit and beaten to pulp by the gang of skinheads that ruled my block,.but it was more than that, when it started I was still just a kid really that wanted to play with.his b football on the empty one way street where I lived, I wanted to ride my bike there and so on... Suddenly these things where rendered impossible, not only I got beat up, it happened more than just once that they took every single piece of clothing that I.had on my body, by which point they would take me to a virtually deserted street and then tied me,.butnaked I remind you, to a street light or something, there were moments I.hang there for several hours, they trashed the brand new bike I NM had gotten that very same day for my birthday that summer, later on they would steal,.and so on with much more for several.yrs nonstop, now dont get me wrong and whatever you do, do not take this the most dramatic way, I got over it pretty soon and I developed no trauma's because of this, I got really a very good life the last few yrs and I can honestly.say that on an average day I can actually feel some satisfaction things are going lately (however,.I say this uttermost carefully, Ive been through enough that there is a very delicate balance between this current state.of affairs or the Hell it for various reasons could suddenly turn into introducing what could very well be several years of being clouded in utter darkness...

Anyway,.however fine I coped with what I.consider to be more than common bullying, I developed a kind of fascination with the gabber scene and even more so with.this specific aspect, and.of course these things in some ways did.have an impact on me, for example it was quite difficult for a while to not simply consider every single gabber to be this way, it.took some time, but I can now for already quite some time say I rid myself of that narrowminded and.judgemental attide, of which btw I at all times during my life was very aware it was a flaw I posesded...

Furthermore, I also am and always have been a very devoted pacifist, I believe violence to be something very primitive, and be sure to me know find anything I say perhaps to ,be black/white, but unless you find yourself vesides 25thin a very primitive state of being, like being.homeless, and primitive has no negative connotation here whatsoever,.but it refers to the more primal drives yo÷6are in that situation in a way and to some degree reduced to (your concerns are now very simply food,.shelter and basic safety,.you are forced into a mode that for a large consists and focusses on.very little more than survival, well, unlessb you find yourself in such or similar situations, I have always considered.violence to be the final and most likely only way in coping with hostile situations for those with.inferior intellect (this possibly might sound wrong, but Im really stating this in a very rational way without any.judgement intented)...

To me it seems to be more than just.obvious that most.of the situations violence is just out of pure anger and out of the lack of capacities it is most likely someone else might be able to solve such a.situation by or more.of the various often very clever and creative ways that have absolutely no need whatsoever for violence,.or.profanties or other vulgaritie, and for those who do.not necessarely want to do good, I am cometely convibced one is very easily able to fully destroy someone using.virtually or even completely nothing else than the.pure and brutal power of the mind...

Anyway, I feel like.I could and also very much would like to say perhaps even an infinite amount of these and so many other things, but simply, cause of the size that - once again ,-.a.typical text.of mine turns out to be, I am going to stop typing now...
Yes, exactly like I already stated and unless my current sleep deprivation recently took me to new intellectual depths, I suppose its safe to assume we share some similar views regarding strong profanities, vulgarities (for me personally.vulgarities must.not even have reached excessive levels, even little bits in even.small amounts could very well already
Repulse me to some degree...),.violence and if mind currently wasnt limited because of certain temporary flaws Im quite sure I would be able to figure out many.more connected in some ways specific things that might repulse us both...

Yes, again same and same; I dont like such things to be present in music,.to be perfecy honest,most of the times I dont get why music should contain literally any of such things, luckily Im a very tolerant guy cause my.personal,.I could perhaps try to say my most primal, level of tolerance is by nature very low,.luckily Im able regarding such things specifically to act rather well socially adapted, however, even then I have my limits...

I also dont mind violence in movies or games, on the contrary,.in such a bit more innocent, controlled and safe ways I.can actually rather easily enjoy quite well a good portion.of.violence from time to time (I will always remember, with great joy and pleasure, the many action movies I saw, of which.I would like to mention rather specifically the movies of sylvester stallone and arnold swarzenegger, which were back in those days,.during my childhood, considered to be really hot stuff...

I dont really consists out of a lot of anger, let alone agression, I did my share of heavy duty amp binges and Ive been totally fucked up and seriously over amped not just a few times before, but I never felt any.(real) agression and only once in a blue.moon I ever felt like seriously expressing such agression,.of which I actually did express it on a rather rare moment, however this never exceded a certain way in which this happened in a, to a certain degree, more or less controlled way, or at least in a way one is able time start up control to prevent it from crossing any boundaries which it never did case...

I also am very careful with alcohol, my dad was a severe drunk and really, only this provides you with more than enough reasons to very consciously start avoiding drunks (to simply anyone: really no offense whatsoever)...

Yeah, I did some good frenchcore parties, mostly back in the day, not way back but still, mostly back in the day... I actually believe my party days are at least for the uttermost part behind, with a little.bit of caution I even dare to be so bold as to say; if.not entirely...
Yeah,.for quite some time, and point this turned.into; for already way too long, I tried to, kinda in a .more or less desparate way, hold on to the party life while I already realized for a while I would rather not have been at a party in that stage life, but Im quite confident I simply was suffering one or another form of denial or at least something closely related, mostly I feel like I dont actually fit in anymore, but its more than just that; back in the day I was a really severe party animal, and equally important; I heavy duty dance machine, I can almost say that on most parties you could find me pretty much all.night, and a.lot longer too if it were parties that didnt stop at dawn, and.more or Iess non stop on the dance floor (besides regular moments of cooling down outside or in the chill room with a drink - I was rather careful about this, at the time I was still young, not that experienced yet but popping what I back then considered to be already rather large amounts of XTC,.and even today I still consider be at least not small amounts, and drugs were still quite new, I found what I was doing back then somewhat more risky than I now would consider it to be...

But simply.not in any way able to still get me on the dance floor, I just miss a certain amount.of special or.maybe extra energy that seems to be needed for dancing these days, besides,.nowadays I rather enjoy not that loud music,.not that crowdy and hot clubs, I really enjoy simply relaxing way more, preferably combined with a.pleasant,.an interesting (or both,) conversation...

Also, at a party, I feel way too tired way too early in the evening...

Yet,.despite all these things,.I kept holding on to the party life, things started changing, my age for one, while the age of the general crowd simy remained as young as I used to be, music.started changing but what.hit me a lot harder was that vinyls disapeared, from now on compact discs and later on also laptops ruled the entire music.scene, to me this meant an utter and absolute degenaration, also it meant that the entire concept of a DJ was suddenly rendered completely meaningless, I dont consider anyone that came after the age of vinyls to be neither a real DJ and also not artist, Im actually.a.bit violating my own personal opinion by adding this but what the hey; at least I dont consider them to be in the true meaning of the word...

But regardless how crude or maybe however subtle I try to put this.into words, the simple matter of the fact is from that exact moment on I would not ever again have any interest at all anymore in going to party to check.out a (so called) artist... Now you may agree with me but I suspect you probably dont,.but even dont, you surely see how this is a regression and now - to me personally at least - this simply rendered the entire concept of a party almost entirely pointless...
Even dont agree with this, can you to some extent understand me?

Edit: I.just real quick want to add a bit of rather relevant information; most friends also virtually never go partying anymore, most.of my friends.are a bit older than myself by the way...

Its quite to seriously relevant that most of my friends quit the party scene as now, however, and this is the point I actually wanted to make with just this specific sentence,.however it is very little to perhaps not at all relevant that most of them are a bit older since I.consider that to be something that shouldnt really matter...
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I was never much on parties, but when I was I was as well most time on the floor and of course drugged. It's an unmatched experience so far and I even still have my first full-on roll ahead of me. This is an experience I just need to make, even when I'm a bit older now and my physical shape has suffered during the last years. First party was with 20mg pharm d-amphetamine, think nowadays I would require more but back then it was a good dose. Have to say though that I don't like high doses of amph, they make me jittery and anxious, let alone together with alcohol, what I think might be the reason for violence. Alcohol can make even me quite angry for little reasons. But the amph, yeah I like stims but not to go into crowds, then I guess empathogens do a better job. One thing is I never was much into going alone into crowds so I was kinda waiting for others to join but these others were never around.

I think it's harder to make friends for fun stuff as you get older, unfortunately, everybody is occupied with business and family. I had huge social anxiety when I was a teen/young twen but some day I found the anxiolytic effects of dissociatives and this could have been a game changer if used properly. It was one even so but I did make a lot of mistakes which would have been entirely avoidable with having legal drugs and friends who were into the same stuff.

Yeah, guess the art of being DJ was different back in the day with vinyl discs instead of computers overall but I think I like the possibilities modern technology offers, nowadays everybody with some talent can begin to produce music, not just remixes, I would like to learn the art but don't know where to start. And modern tech has its scary aspects like how it's already being and will be used to surveillance and control. In many cities you can't move from one block to the next without being caught on video. Everybody tells well but they had nothing to hide, yet I think most people have at least something to hide. As long as half of prison population is in because of non-violent drug 'offenses' this is quite a part of the population. Sad that alcohol and tobacco are available 24/7 at gas stations (minus some countries who regulate the hours) while something as lovely as MDMA is deeply illegal and even part of the users thinks it was correctly illegal. I could ponder about this for longer but I'll stop now.

The violence you'd to go through as a children/teen sucks, even when you say you didn't suffer trauma from it (I did, from objectively less damaging psychological bullying throughout the school, because I didn't blend into the crowd, my mother was seriously ill - which made me make my first friend at the age of 18, and is where social anxiety and the need for drugs came from). While I see the recreational aspect of drugs which are for many people so seem some to have more of a need for altered states as a shortcut out of some bad places. Self-medication. We even have some senior addiction researchers calling for legal drugs.
I was never much on parties, but when I was I was as well most time on the floor and of course drugged. It's an unmatched experience so far and I even still have my first full-on roll ahead of me. This is an experience I just need to make, even when I'm a bit older now and my physical shape has suffered during the last years. First party was with 20mg pharm d-amphetamine, think nowadays I would require more but back then it was a good dose. Have to say though that I don't like high doses of amph, they make me jittery and anxious, let alone together with alcohol, what I think might be the reason for violence. Alcohol can make even me quite angry for little reasons. But the amph, yeah I like stims but not to go into crowds, then I guess empathogens do a better job. One thing is I never was much into going alone into crowds so I was kinda waiting for others to join but these others were never around.

I think it's harder to make friends for fun stuff as you get older, unfortunately, everybody is occupied with business and family. I had huge social anxiety when I was a teen/young twen but some day I found the anxiolytic effects of dissociatives and this could have been a game changer if used properly. It was one even so but I did make a lot of mistakes which would have been entirely avoidable with having legal drugs and friends who were into the same stuff.

Yeah, guess the art of being DJ was different back in the day with vinyl discs instead of computers overall but I think I like the possibilities modern technology offers, nowadays everybody with some talent can begin to produce music, not just remixes, I would like to learn the art but don't know where to start. And modern tech has its scary aspects like how it's already being and will be used to surveillance and control. In many cities you can't move from one block to the next without being caught on video. Everybody tells well but they had nothing to hide, yet I think most people have at least something to hide. As long as half of prison population is in because of non-violent drug 'offenses' this is quite a part of the population. Sad that alcohol and tobacco are available 24/7 at gas stations (minus some countries who regulate the hours) while something as lovely as MDMA is deeply illegal and even part of the users thinks it was correctly illegal. I could ponder about this for longer but I'll stop now.

The violence you'd to go through as a children/teen sucks, even when you say you didn't suffer trauma from it (I did, from objectively less damaging psychological bullying throughout the school, because I didn't blend into the crowd, my mother was seriously ill - which made me make my first⁰ friend at the age of 18, and is where social anxiety and the need for drugs came from). While I see the recreational aspect of drugs which are for many people so seem some to have more of a need for altered states as a shortcut out of some bad places. Self-medicati on. We even have some senior addiction researchers calling for legal drugs.
What is a full on roll ahead or, if it turns out not to be some specific item, what exactly does it mean?

I was very heavily into the party scene, started doing illegal underground techno parties, and considering the depraved and drugged out scene, I started doing this at really a very young age, way too young when I look at it in hindsight - dont get me wrong, it were such new experiences in such a rather insane situation that it were quite overwhelming experiences that opened up an entirely new and exciting world for which I was actually to.young to be able to be fully be aware of everything that was going on over there, and there was a lot going.on at such parties at that time, even more so since it were illegal parties, and even later on in life I encountered certain things or certain situations developed at such parties that, even still in my adult life, took me a bit longer to process, and I someone that always finds ways to pull tru, Im a real survivor, I have moments that I feel so invinsible that I actually think its possible that one point or another Im going to start taking thjs really very.powerful notions that I have of being invinsible and immortal and some other such notions seriously,.or perhaps I really am invinsible and immortal, I even my now and then already came to a point that to some degree I was.already doubting to consider taking such things at least a.bit more serliously...

Yes, I believe I already told you this so Ill keep this subject short, but I had a professional DJ career for some yrs, I launched my career at age 15 off like a rocket ship right from the start, but if its actually possible to get to a level that you could actually reach a level of which you could truly say it is some degree of genius than I was truly genius, except for ppl of who I with a bit more ease can consider to be genius,.like for example jeff mills, I really wasnt aware of any DJ at all that could even come as.much as a little bit close to posess the really many, various and most complex skills I mastered with nothing less than great ease, I also was by far the most creative, DJing was really a very intense thing to do the way I did it, every other DJ I knew was frequently chatting with ppl behind his decks during his set,.their even were more than few that seemed to have so much time (read:.had so little to do) that they actually made it all the way to the bar during their set at times when the usher forgot to bring them their drinks, if that happened to me I just stayed thirsty even till after a full 3 hour set if that was what it took, Im sorry but such fakers I dont actually consider to be DJs. I didnt even.had one split second to look away from my gear, I always played with 3 decks and a roland mc 909 groovebox, so my sets actually always were semi live, I knew every record.I.had, and I had a serious collection,.inside out and by this I mean I exactly could count every beat of every record, so if whatever record was.playing and you would.pick out any random beat and you would ask me exactly which beat it was I could immediately say 24,.but Ill let you in on a little secret, I actually have a mnemonic memory,.but make no mistake, I truly was a DJ with geniune love for the artform and I still invested every single day a great deal of time, effort and practice in getting to know all my records, in figuring out all the best possible combinations to be able to be as possibly, to switch 3 records constantly off.with each.other in various ways and by doing so in a way create a whole new record out of the constantly switching.fragments of at the same time 3 records and a groovebox,.,I spent hours on a daily bases perfecting my skills and scratches and.I constantly searching for new things, always kept experimenting and learning new tricks, yes, I really take such things very seriously and I have by nature a very huge b drive, I can really put on hyperfocus and devote myself for several yrs straight every day about all days and just obsessively try to master this one very specific.thing and afterwards spent some more yrs on doing the same thing only now trying to, I really.have an iron discipline for stuff like that, I did this with a few various things a few times troughout my life, no wonder I won the I love techno dj contest and as at I love techno in the.main hall for a crowd of, hold on to your socks, actually 25000 ppl, that was one of the highlights of my career, and luck had nothing to do with it, my success purely came from musical talent, intellect and simply a great deal of serious work...

Im really sorry, I let myself get away and I started with saying Ill keep this subject short, epic fail I would say, but I hope you can understand a bit, such an passion never goes away which makes me excited and enthousiastic just taking about it...

Yes, its a b serious crime making drug use a criminal act, I just dont get how wrong, absurd that is and it that they lack certain qualities that would make them see the errors in their ways while at the same time they are so stubborn they wont listen to those who could actually turn us around in a direction.that.has least some reality value in possibly stumbling on paradise, but instead many things are stagnating and some things actually take steps backwards...

Okay.should.have really stopped typing, I really feel like my sleep deprivation made it during the last things.I was typing impossible to express what I wanted to say and even worse,.I even somewhat fear as well as suspect I wasnt even able to actually make any sense anymore, I would like to delete it but Im too scared to now by accident read the things I said, the sleep deprivation is so bad at this point that at some point my otherwise flawless memory simply crashed since I cant remember at all the last thlings typed....

I dont know why, but this track has the image of the wrong Thunderdome, there was a megamix of every previous Thunderdome on each Thunderdome, so this should have had the image of Thunderdome XV as it is the megamix of Thunderdome XIV...

The best of all Thunderdomes is imo Thunderdome XIV.

"Take a trip to paradise".

"Dont hold the beast back".
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Somehow for me oldschool styles like this thunderdome feel subjectively more aggressive to me than the more recent music like frenchcore but also hardcore. But I like Deadly Guns.

What is a full on roll ahead or, if it turns out not to be some specific item, what exactly does it mean
The MDMA experience, or possibly any empathogenic but usually MDMA. As I had some deep depressions I was afraid of empathogens for a long time, as it seems unnecessarily so but I only dabbled a bit with 4,4'-dimethylaminorex - and absolutely loved it, it's a cousin of the rare 4-MAR which combines empathogenic experience with MAO inhibition and avoids a good part of the comedown. Also I was on it for at least two weeks straight, and never felt happier besides my first real drug experience (at least I consider it this, know some people have preoccupations about robotripping as a kiddie drug) with DXM which lifted the dome of depression very efficiently. Recently I did a low dose of 6-APB, then lost the remainder of the gram. Was great as well but nowhere near 4,4'-DMAR.

Somehow I think I missed an important part of youth by not going out, not just partying but it's an important aspect and I guess a heavily euphoric experience like the synergy of drugs and music already promises. I always felt kinda disabled by social and general anxiety, and now that I discovered a tool against them and how to use it now I cut myself off my supply and can't use it. But watching these party clips make me crave something.

Yes, its a b serious crime making drug use a criminal act, I just dont get how wrong, absurd that is and it that they lack certain qualities that would make them see the errors in their ways while at the same time they are so stubborn they wont listen to those who could actually turn us around in a direction.that.has least some reality value in possibly stumbling on paradise, but instead many things are stagnating and some things actually take steps backwards...
I honestly believe that drugs could do more good than bad to society when legal and available in purity. It's incredible what the anti drug policy of a single president (Nixon started all war on drugs if I'm correct?) did to the world and countless collateral victims who went to prison or had their lives otherwise destroyed for non-violent drug offenses. Legality would have a huge impact on organized crime and violations of humanitarian rights. But then again probably do the politics profit from drugs being illegal, I recently read that before the ban of cocaine a gram was usually cheaper than a bottle of red wine which is absolutely astonishing given the prices street drugs have in many countries nowadays.

But it's similarly astonishing how many people believe the stuff about that drugs were only there because mafiosi wanted to exploit young, naive and weak individuals by making them dependent to their evil substances. Even people who usually do think their own 2 cents tend to believe this narrative. Or people who fell for addictions blame the drug instead of themselves.

So you taught yourself the art of DJing, or could you learn from experienced people? I didn't make it much further than downloading some apps and play with some samples but I currently really lack concentration for learning and try to convince my gf that amphetamine was a good aid used by millions of ADHD people ...
Somehow for me oldschool styles like this thunderdome feel subjectively more aggressive to me than the more recent music like frenchcore but also hardcore. But I like Deadly Guns.

The MDMA experience, or possibly any empathogenic but usually MDMA. As I had some deep depressions I was afraid of empathogens for a long time, as it seems unnecessarily so but I only dabbled a bit with 4,4'-dimethylaminorex - and absolutely loved it, it's a cousin of the rare 4-MAR which combines empathogenic experience with MAO inhibition and avoids a good part of the comedown. Also I was on it for at least two weeks straight, and never felt happier besides my first real drug experience (at least I consider it this, know some people have preoccupations about robotripping as a kiddie drug) with DXM which lifted the dome of depression very efficiently. Recently I did a low dose of 6-APB, then lost the remainder of the gram. Was great as well but nowhere near 4,4'-DMAR.

Somehow I think I missed an important part of youth by not going out, not just partying but it's an important aspect and I guess a heavily euphoric experience like the synergy of drugs and music already promises. I always felt kinda disabled by social and general anxiety, and now that I discovered a tool against them and how to use it now I cut myself off my supply and can't use it. But watching these party clips make me crave something.

I honestly believe that drugs could do more good than bad to society when legal and available in purity. It's incredible what the anti drug policy of a single president (Nixon started all war on drugs if I'm correct?) did to the world and countless collateral victims who went to prison or had their lives otherwise destroyed for non-violent drug offenses. Legality would have a huge impact on organized crime and violations of humanitarian rights. But then again probably do the politics profit from drugs being illegal, I recently read that before the ban of cocaine a gram was usually cheaper than a bottle of red wine which is absolutely astonishing given the prices street drugs have in many countries nowadays.

But it's similarly astonishing how many people believe the stuff about that drugs were only there because mafiosi wanted to exploit young, naive and weak individuals by making them dependent to their evil substances. Even people who usually do think their own 2 cents tend to believe this narrative. Or people who fell for addictions blame the drug instead of themselves.

So you taught yourself the art of DJing, or could you learn from experienced people? I didn't make it much further than downloading some apps and play with some samples but I currently really lack concentration for learning and try to convince my gf that amphetamine was a good aid used by millions of ADHD people ...
I taught myself and learned a lot by anylising the Gods of techno, my primary rolemodel was Jeff Mills (you can see that in that I used 3 decks and a Roland MC 909 groovebox and Jeff Mills uses 3 decks and a Roland TR 909 drummachine)...

Oh yes, amps can give hyperfocus, tho I prefer coke for studying...
XTC created this amazing feeling of being one with the crowd, and this powerful feeling of love...

Its the best party drug I ever did... On amps you can also have great parties but it doesnt has that same 'warmth' to it...

I really know nothing about 4-MAR and such things...

That sucks that you feel like you missed out, make sure you dont keep missing out...

Yes I too believe in the positive aspects of drugs...