The Dutch Electronic Thread

Yeah noticed the same xD and questioned whether it's just the photographer's choice or if they really have such a feminized fan base, as on goa parties usually most of the folks were male (didn't go too often out partying yet though, I'm not compatible with drunken people and goa wasn't mine either.
Most of the electronic shows and parties I've been too were light on women too. It sucks.

I used to have female friends who rolled more than I did at the time and they went to the club every weekend, but I've never had a girlfriend who rolled. That would be awesome.

My ex wife was scared of MDMA like drugs.
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Yeah, it's difficult to have friends who are scared of or against (responsible; I couldn't imagine living with a heavy addict as I once knew one and ended up throwing her out of my home because she fucked with some strangers in my bed, for drugs or whatever) drug use. I'm in the same place, but also lonely in general - drugs were once my favorite way to kill feelings until they taught me better but I still use of course when I get my hands on some decent stuff and it's still escapism but I don't escape from the world just the feelings. Life's nicer to you while high, and turns against you when over-using.

Still questioning whether one can really maintain (close) relationships with non-users when you're using. Sometimes I feel just plainly off and bored with normal people but that's more me than the fact - they usually achieve more in life but boring stuff nobody really likes to talk about (granted, part of them finds me boring too yet some are fascinated at first and then somehow can't deal with the differencies - not just or primarily drug related but it's a major topic/concern etc..)

You needa see this DJane - on Spotify is a picture.. <3 but the track's nice too. Unfortunately she'snt got much released yet.

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And another one (yeaps, seems like I sometimes like melodic stuff which they could play on radio in another world and don't like that fact too much but that's another world..)

One of my favourites (music-wise) - a male this time.

In one of his videos, think it's called World of the Dream, is a visualisation of dark landscapes I used to see on and associate with ketamine.. they also have The Story of DMT at least.
What's really weird about them is that marijuana is both still illegal as well as even more illegal to grow, so the tolerated licensed headshops have to buy their weed on the black market which accounts for the shitty quality some have. That the police there appears to be strangely amateuristic, they accepted a (pretty good probably tho) fake ID, and I read in interviews with dealers and other associated parasites folks that it's not just coincidence but the German and specially the US police enforces on a different level. Never lived there though so I can't really tell. Just once got arrested because I overdid it or they sent me bunk stuff (RCs; DCK at that time) and lost judgement in a hotel. They put me in jail for a few hours (not even toilet available and the speech button disabled), then brought a doc and let me hand them the drugs - no bodycheck or other detailed searching, they just asked and drove me back to the hotel. Many other places I'd gotten into serious trouble.

Apparently K is pretty common there, somebody told me that it's more or less tolerated as well. But the conservative forces are strong in Europe and NL as well, specially fucking shithole Germany leads the war there.
Human existence's the result of a DMT trip.*

Something which after some trippy nights begin to sound not too far off lol at least I like the theory about monkeys on ayahuasca.
Dutch people are crazy. I love it!!!
Same here but as said, conservativism cancergrows everywherre, I think the situation in NL is more of an accident and just became normality and people tend not to question normareality too much when there's more urgent stuff to do - at the end of the day, drugs are a minor problem of modern society even when many see it different. The bigger part of that is also artificially generated by propaganda and repression. For me the argument 'but then everybody will be trippinballz - and I'll lose my job (wherever's the association, I'm scratching my head about that logic - more high people might rather mean more work for the rest, so what the fuck) - doesn't count anymore, you wouldn't throw a 600PS car or whatever strong tool, or medicine, at 17-year olds either.

Still, the people in NL seem not to like the fact about being a narco country (somenbody openly called it such recently, forgot where) too much and guess the headshop people won't have it too easy besides making a fucking fuckton of money. Also the majority of not-so-crazy people is creating said pressure. The legislation just passed a bill for what's basically a blanket ban for many RC classes and people expect a complete one to arrive next year. :( There's not too much* which makes me as sad as to see them cracking down on my beloved dissociatives and I think to be able to moderate more or less (sometimes less, sometimes more, that is) but a life without drugs? Shit, rather assassinate me. Life will kill me anyways so I'd like to have good times before.

* actually, there is. Too much of emotions. Which is why I'm using and I guess both that a majority of labeled-as addicts are self-medicating what these lucky bastards of normic homo sapiens get for free, and they neither know nor care - it's like a war on cancer medicine. Not exactly, but kind of. Also caring about what other people select to do without hurting myself or what/whom I care for with becomes quite stupid and non-relevant too when one once began to tackle the ego down. Politicians should take a nose full of it.
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Dutch madness, continued:

I can't help myself but to see analogies between this music and a weird-ass nonphysical energetic form of a drug. First I didn't like the styles at all when somebody introduced me to - wtf, this noise and music? Then it went after me and now really, I wasn't so avid with music but now I'm craving when once the battery's out and I have to kill some time etc.. strange but sometimes it calms me, much like low dose amphetamine with a pretty nice euphoric edge. But it needs to be loud for sure. Well people had some decades to figure out how to use frequencies the best way, and that's not how they do it for make you buy earworms on the radio.*

* WhoTheFuck actually buys records of what they heard on the radio playing up & down? I know some who do.

Out of prolintane, fuck. I love this drug, it's the perfect functional stimulant, keeps me up 24+h coding some stuff like I did before with DCK, just that the result is actually something. Far better than methylphenidate which I'm currently having probs to doctorshop a script for (and I have legitimate inattentive ADD). I have problems focusing to anything I don't like, with or without drugs, but good stims hyperwire my ability to multitask and at least do something pleasureable (like listening to music) and something boring together, without I'm hopelessly distracted.
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Love them too, while I don't like hiphop itself too much, I don't mind creative mash-ups (happened to be a teen in times of gangsta rap coming up and all the coolies wanna-be gangsta; besides that I just don't like violence their style. Guess some would consider Frenchcore to be 'violent' too, like they do with video games. Fuck yeah one plays them for some reason, and usually it's not to become the next school shooter. Don't know about the states but in the German speaking area there was and is big discussion about 'killergames' and similar stuff.

I've always been curious about prolintane. I found some on eBay years ago but the cost seemed too exorbitant to me to justify buying it there at the time.

The days of research chemicals on eBay are pretty much long gone.
The days of research chemicals on eBay are pretty much long gone.
Unfortunately yess. Even stuff like Russian medicine or plant extract gets banned on eBay when some years ago it was no problem. But what really triggers me is the impending blanket ban of the Netherlands. They are probably current RC capital of the western hemisphere, it's unknown what will happen but most vendors probably disappear.

'Ive always been curious about prolintane

Me too, and mine is seriously overpriced as well - as price discussion isn't allowed, well just say that it's more expensive gram per gram than darknet meth. But it's fking nice, somehow it really is the perfect stimulant to get work done. It strongly increases my ability to focus and multitask, also some hints of euphoria but nut too much, and little teeth grinding - find it better than MPH for sure, probably also than amphetamine and the short half-life is a plus imo as it alllows better sleep and regeneration during that.

With steady redosing I seem to require 50-100mg which fits in the recommended dosage of 30mg and with duration of roughly 3-5h one will redose at least twice.

Guess I needa go doctor hopping for dexamph. I need the stuff to be legal unfortunately. Prolintane was sold OTC in the 1970's or so. Weird. But then yeah even heroin and consorts were once OTC and labelled non-addictive but today they don't risk to produce anything which might end up scheduled or god beware, one might actually like the drug (drug likening is collected as a side effect and I'd bet that the value is used against the drug) - because means loss of money so better patent the next best me-too deuterated or isomer purified antipsychotic.

Loved Final Space anyways.
It's not hard, but in terms of Dutch electronic music I gotta say that I really like the sound of Vicetone's Nevada. On cheap speakers it sounds like shit, but on the right system with the right speakers ... Not sure what that one sound/instrument is (kicks in around 0:48 ), but I like it.

It's not hard, but in terms of Dutch electronic music I gotta say that I really like the sound of Vicetone's Nevada. On cheap speakers it sounds like shit, but on the right system with the right speakers ... Not sure what that one sound/instrument is (kicks in around 0:48 ), but I like it.
This is exactly (one sort of) the style I'm referring to and seeking for! :) and yeah, elextronica needs good quality equipment specially to get used to. They use sound differently than mainstream and cheap speakers are only optimized for that phased shit. Once I know some track, quality matters a bit less as the brain interpolates the missing frequencies much like with low res images.

Not sure about their nationality and too one of the less hard tracks but love it.
This time: Sad love songs.

Other genres just can't cut it. Usually I tend to hate the whole love topic somewhat, just next to wannabee gangsta kidz, Nixon and capitalists.

Here's another one:

I'm free to be the greatest here tonight ...
and another remix of the same track, lol

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So euphoric! I first heard this track on meth/deschloroketamine and it's still euphoric, don't know how much the substances contributed to that.