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The Big & Dandy Nootropics Thread

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tyrosine is definitely better, so is phenylalanine. I have pretty extensive experience with the two. You can also empty half (or a full) capsule under your tongue for faster action and more of rush.

If you plan on taking tyrosine or phenylalanine make sure you are aware that they are contraindicated with MAOI's. Also avoid stimulating psychedelics like the DOx class.
Ptah said:
Q: Would the piracetam/hydergine combo be a good start for a newbie wannabe nootropic user?

Q2: (there goes forum policy =D , I trust it doesn't apply to legal drugs) What's a good source/price for those compounds?

Just start with one or the other (I suggest piracetam) then add the other after a few weeks. The best advice I've been given is to always add nootropics slowly so you can understand exactly what each individual chemical is doing to your brain (subjectively that is).

Piracetam + hydergine is a WONDERFUL combo. Too bad hydergine dilates my eyes to an embarassing amount, otherwise I would use that one every day. Its just not useful having to interact with people with these huge saucer pupils. But, supposedly I'm the only one I've ever heard this happen to, but I'm also the only one I know who takes pure ergoloid mesylates (as opposed to the premade tabs).

We can only give sources if its for harm reduction purposes (ie like scales and such). Otherwise you'll have to (hint) search for BULK PIRACETAM POWDER.
How many have tried ADRAFINIL and what effect?

How many have tried MODAFINIL and what effect?

colors said:
can you please elaborate? what's your take on using these 'nootropics' daily? from what i understand they are all precursors to or cofactors in acetylcholine / dopamine / norepinephrine / serotonin production, so why have you singled that one out as dangerous?

You ever seen a Parkinson's patient that was given too much L-Dopa? Spastic/jerking involuntary movements and then going ridgid to the point of straining muscles does not sound like fun to me. The dose curve, IMO, on L-Dopa is just too unpredictable for me to feel comfortable taking it. I'm fine with nootropics, but L-Dopa isn't a nootropic...is it?
Will01996 said:
How many have tried ADRAFINIL and what effect?

How many have tried MODAFINIL and what effect?


the effect of both is making your urine smell weird. like burnt rubber. modafinil is roughly 3x potency of adrafinil. since both are a-1 adrenergics, a bit too much and the effect is counterproductive to that intended, ie anti-nootropic.

in fact, rather than nootropic, both are classed eugeroic, which is a term specifically invented to describe thoroughly non-recreational, long-acting, lame-ass coffee substitutes that cost way too much.

however, should you be a French jetfighter pilot in dire need of a long-acting, lame-ass coffee substitute, you are thoroughly, ahem, sortied.
Sorry about the "thread-o-mancy":
Piracetam (up to 4 gms the first week, now back to 1) is wonderful.
Clearer, happier, better memory in general and especially the fact that I can remenber my dreams when I wake up.
I liked the first dose of hydergine (4.5 mg Novartis i.e. Sandoz) and did another 4.5 later the same day. It felt really good and benecifial.
However, I woke up with a heavy head, seeing streamers and sparks.
Not good.
After a little experimenting I'm at 1.12 mg daily and that seems to be the right amount.
Guess I'm lucky as that means my 60x4.5mg will last a real looong time. :D

Thanks S_s for bringing this up and the advice.
Thanks everyone for the comments and tips.
This is really appreciated.
If you ever start to feel the benefits wane, I would suggest stopping them for a while. I was taking piracetamm hydergine and centrophenoxine daily for over a year, and by the end I felt like it was fucking with my emotions, turning me robotic a bit. So I'm currently on a break and I still use them for special cases. I may wait until I'm older and start using them daily again with short breaks to prevent mental degradation. Truth be told, I feel like I permanently incorporated the raised mental state, without needing to continue the nootropics. At least for now.
I'm wanting to start a nootropic regimen, but since I'm pretty new to it all, I want something simple that I can actually manage daily. From what I gather, a few of the essentials are:

piracetam (and maybe aniracetam)

Those I think I can easily manage, as all besides the hydergine are available from one place. Is there any other essentials I should add while I'm at it, but like I said, I don't want to commit to like 20 different things, just a few for now.
Looks like a good stack to me. If you have to cut one out, cut out idebenone. However, it's a great antioxidant.

Also, definitely make sure you're taking omega-3s (fish oil or flax oil usually), as they are really important for brain functioning. Also, take a good daily multivitamin.

Something else that is cheap and that helps me is gotu kola. It's an herb that is very widely available. I'd imagine you could find bulk powder or extract for cheap as hell.
i also have taken the pure ergoloid mesylates and have noticed no dilation of the pupils. I don't take it daily as I find it gives me strange pressor activity and little cognitive benefit.
I do like piracetam and it definitely boosts the effects of phenetylamine drugs. I do not like the interaction with LSD as it seems to lose the magic and become much more controlled, less being at-the-whim-of-the-universe that i like about LSD.
It also blocks the effects of ketamine to a good degree and so I like to take it just before doing K, as I usually do it before I plan on going to sleep and the piracetam helps me fall asleep and wake up feeling normal.
Hydergine and LSD had minimal synergy.
thugg said:
I'm wanting to start a nootropic regimen, but since I'm pretty new to it all, I want something simple that I can actually manage daily. From what I gather, a few of the essentials are:

piracetam (and maybe aniracetam)

Those I think I can easily manage, as all besides the hydergine are available from one place. Is there any other essentials I should add while I'm at it, but like I said, I don't want to commit to like 20 different things, just a few for now.
My experience is that all you need is piracetam and a choline donator (DMAE, lecithin, CDP-Choline, Alpha GPC, etc).

The rest of the stuff is not necessary and may be counterproductive to your needs, especially if you haven't tried just piracetam + choline donator.

The best thing for cognitive enhancement is exercise and abstinence from alcohol and drugs, and enough regular quality sleep.

Although, people who are interested in drugs and psychedelics tend to gravitate toward the chemical nootropics before getting their own lives in order and thus normally see minimal results.
My Vitamen thingo for the past month or so, whenever I started going into GBL withdrawals hardcore (used benzos, alcohol, ambien, bananas, bicarb soda and the below to taper off that stuff) has been:
* 1 x Centrum once a day Multivitamin in the morning
* 1 x B complex once a day in morning
* Magnesium 500-750mg spread over the day (mainly for arthritis)
* one gram of Calcium tablet
* 4 caps of 1000mg omega 3 fishoil (80% salmon oil) capsules 3 times daily (this is also for arhtritis)
* 1 cap 3 times daily of 500mg Glucosamine and 500mg fish oil joint repair caps (arthritis)
* 1mg of Vitamin B12 (yeah found one thats actually 1mg, not 25ug and stuff, using it for past nitrous and G abuse)
* 1 gram L-Methionine with 20mg B6 added
* 100mg 5-HTP at night (but stopping now, because I want to roll on the weekend, and save them for the comedown days)
* 500-750mg Vitamin C (or one extra 250mg tablet sometimes cos i like the taste :p) (I also have a Vitamen C complex powder from a health food store I use for colds, seems to work better than chewable sweet tablets, 3/4 of a teaspoon)
* 2 grams of GABA at night with 200-400mg of L-Thieanine under the tongue for a bit.
* 10-40mg of Vinpocetine, sometimes a tad more, also now (see below) use in conjunction with Piracetam. Mostly take in morning only with L-Methionine on empty stomach, seems to wake me up. And makes colours look brighter depending on dose
* I eat breakfast with most of these things, except the vinpo and L-Methione, they keep me going for an hour before I eat brekky

But the last week, I've been started Piracteam:

In the morning I have One gram, maybe a bit more (1.5 max?) of Chloline Bitartate in water, doesnt taste that bad at all. Not as bad as it smells.

And then I have (I precap 600mg doses) between 4800 and 4200mg Piracetam in the morning, before food. And later on in the day, around lunch, I normally don't re-do the chloline (should I?) and have between 2400mg-4200mg, and don't take it again in the day.

It actually puts me into a pretty sleepy mood if I lay down to rest for a second, and I don't want to get back up. I start getting very weird visuals, not in your face like psychedelics, but definitely hypnagonic like or low doses of shrooms CEVs.. Then for like an hour or two sometimes I repeatedly delusionally think I'm doing something I'm not. Like holding something in my hand, ringing someone, getting up, checking the computer, moving around, thinking I'm somewhere else from a past memory, getting up and doing something, all things I want to do and about to do, but then drift back off thinking I've done them. Until i make myself get the fuck up and do them. On the come up of Pirac, I get tappy foot sometimes but it mostly smacks me out. And has weird effects on me, especially mixed with Vinpo I think, or maybe its the Methionine.

Anyway I figure its been a week or just about a week, I can stop the attack doses now and I'm going to over the next three days taper down to 2400mg in the morning, 1200mg at lunch, then the next day 1800 or something and 800mg at lunch, then just keep it at 800mg a day or twice a day like you guys are saying. Making 400mg caps, So I can decide whether I want 800mg or 1.2g certain days what do you think.

When do I take the chloline bitartrate? Same time as Pirac, and if I am going to re-dose later on, should I take another 800mg-1g of chloline as well? Or just stick to 800mg a day now? I think its starting to get my memory and stuttering/word forgetting from G/alco/drug abuse back in order a bit so should I just do 800mg in the morning and thats it?

The high doses are literally sending me to sleep and doing the opposite I wanted it for (motivation)

I'm taking MDMA this weekend and I rarely do it, did it about 2 weeks ago but it turned out to be very low dose and a bunch of speed (or other satimulant), so that doesn't count, I've got some decent clean but medium MDMA pingers now, and some other MDMA ones with a pinch of meth as well and going to have 3-4 on the night. Whats a good piracetam dose to have before the MD you reckon? Or just stick with the 800mg in the morning? Sorry to ask MD questions but I am mostly asking about stopping my attack doses as it's doing the opposite of what I want. It has releived anxiety though but it's not really making me that motivated, but once I start the motivation, I do end the task(s) if that makes sense.

Rattling off a bit here now, but can anyone offer some advice?
My stack:

Piracetam 1600-2000mg
Alpha-GPC 300mg
Phosphatidylserine 150mg
ALCAR 1000mg
Fish Oil Caps x 8

occasionally Aniracetam, Tyrosine, SAMe & 5HTP

looking to add:


The piracetam works well at potentiating psychedelics + stimulants, haven't noticed much from the aniracetam in that respect however.
I just got my Piracetam and Alpha GPC in the mail.
The Alpha GPC container makes me feel like I got ripped off. Damn I didnt really think about how little 50 grams really is. I cant believe I paid 30 bucks for this... fuck. lol.

Anyways now I have no idea how I should be dosing this stuff. Ive been following the label and taking 2400mgs 3-4 times a day and one half teaspoon of the Alpha-GPC in the morning with the first dose of piracetam. IM probably going to cut back to dosing the piracetam 2x a day instead of 3-4x.

Well so far the only affect ive noticed is the funny face i make when i dump the powder in my mouth but its only day 2 so hopefully ill notice something here soon... lol.

Also IM waiting on an order of Bacopa and Phenibut that should've been here by now but its looking like BN "lost" my money order or something. Assholes.

When I made my first order it was taking awhile so I e-mailed them and they responded and "found" my money order so who knows what's up...

Also, when I get some more cash I'll be ordering Centrophenoxine and Hydergine which i'm looking forward to adding to my regimen...

Now just hopefully I feel something...
On the whole, I generally find nootropics to be garbage. In fact, if I use oxiracetam for more than 3 days, I get severely depressed.

The only substances in this category that I found useful at all (in terms of cognitive support) are Huperzine-A and Vincamine (Vinpocetine is fine too, but vincamine is more effective and longer-lasting). In fact, the combination of the two can be quite mood-lifting, and even euphoric if combined with Nicotine.

If you count L-Theanine, L-Phenylalanine and Tianeptine as nootropics, then these were useful as well (in terms of mood). L-Tyrosine is useless, I find, and so is 5-HTP.
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