My Vitamen thingo for the past month or so, whenever I started going into GBL withdrawals hardcore (used benzos, alcohol, ambien, bananas, bicarb soda and the below to taper off that stuff) has been:
* 1 x Centrum once a day Multivitamin in the morning
* 1 x B complex once a day in morning
* Magnesium 500-750mg spread over the day (mainly for arthritis)
* one gram of Calcium tablet
* 4 caps of 1000mg omega 3 fishoil (80% salmon oil) capsules 3 times daily (this is also for arhtritis)
* 1 cap 3 times daily of 500mg Glucosamine and 500mg fish oil joint repair caps (arthritis)
* 1mg of Vitamin B12 (yeah found one thats actually 1mg, not 25ug and stuff, using it for past nitrous and G abuse)
* 1 gram L-Methionine with 20mg B6 added
* 100mg 5-HTP at night (but stopping now, because I want to roll on the weekend, and save them for the comedown days)
* 500-750mg Vitamin C (or one extra 250mg tablet sometimes cos i like the taste

) (I also have a Vitamen C complex powder from a health food store I use for colds, seems to work better than chewable sweet tablets, 3/4 of a teaspoon)
* 2 grams of GABA at night with 200-400mg of L-Thieanine under the tongue for a bit.
* 10-40mg of Vinpocetine, sometimes a tad more, also now (see below) use in conjunction with Piracetam. Mostly take in morning only with L-Methionine on empty stomach, seems to wake me up. And makes colours look brighter depending on dose
* I eat breakfast with most of these things, except the vinpo and L-Methione, they keep me going for an hour before I eat brekky
But the last week, I've been started Piracteam:
In the morning I have One gram, maybe a bit more (1.5 max?) of Chloline Bitartate in water, doesnt taste that bad at all. Not as bad as it smells.
And then I have (I precap 600mg doses) between 4800 and 4200mg Piracetam in the morning, before food. And later on in the day, around lunch, I normally don't re-do the chloline (should I?) and have between 2400mg-4200mg, and don't take it again in the day.
It actually puts me into a pretty sleepy mood if I lay down to rest for a second, and I don't want to get back up. I start getting very weird visuals, not in your face like psychedelics, but definitely hypnagonic like or low doses of shrooms CEVs.. Then for like an hour or two sometimes I repeatedly delusionally think I'm doing something I'm not. Like holding something in my hand, ringing someone, getting up, checking the computer, moving around, thinking I'm somewhere else from a past memory, getting up and doing something, all things I want to do and about to do, but then drift back off thinking I've done them. Until i make myself get the fuck up and do them. On the come up of Pirac, I get tappy foot sometimes but it mostly smacks me out. And has weird effects on me, especially mixed with Vinpo I think, or maybe its the Methionine.
Anyway I figure its been a week or just about a week, I can stop the attack doses now and I'm going to over the next three days taper down to 2400mg in the morning, 1200mg at lunch, then the next day 1800 or something and 800mg at lunch, then just keep it at 800mg a day or twice a day like you guys are saying. Making 400mg caps, So I can decide whether I want 800mg or 1.2g certain days what do you think.
When do I take the chloline bitartrate? Same time as Pirac, and if I am going to re-dose later on, should I take another 800mg-1g of chloline as well? Or just stick to 800mg a day now? I think its starting to get my memory and stuttering/word forgetting from G/alco/drug abuse back in order a bit so should I just do 800mg in the morning and thats it?
The high doses are literally sending me to sleep and doing the opposite I wanted it for (motivation)
I'm taking MDMA this weekend and I rarely do it, did it about 2 weeks ago but it turned out to be very low dose and a bunch of speed (or other satimulant), so that doesn't count, I've got some decent clean but medium MDMA pingers now, and some other MDMA ones with a pinch of meth as well and going to have 3-4 on the night. Whats a good piracetam dose to have before the MD you reckon? Or just stick with the 800mg in the morning? Sorry to ask MD questions but I am mostly asking about stopping my attack doses as it's doing the opposite of what I want. It has releived anxiety though but it's not really making me that motivated, but once I start the motivation, I do end the task(s) if that makes sense.
Rattling off a bit here now, but can anyone offer some advice?