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The Big & Dandy Day vs Night Tripping Thread

day tripping is fun cause you can be outside and enjoy all of the beautiful colors.
but night tripping is also amazing because you get to see my amazing lightshows/ poi skills
I usually take acid around 1-3 in the afternoon, but only because I'm forced too. The dark gets eerie but then again I can see how it would be desirable.

I guess I'm more of a day tripper, it just depends on my particular mood.
I usually dose around 1 or 2pm, I feel the day progresses perfectly with my mood, and when Im coming down, the day iss over and it feels right to be laying down in my bed at like midnight. It just does. But also you get to do best of both worlds, daylight and you get to look at stars at night. Sometimes it looks like a rave in the sky. 8o
I can't really say I prefer one or the other, I tend to trip at night but this is because I still live with my parents and unless I'm out for nearly the whole day it's more practical to trip at night than to trip in the day and have to cover it up when I get back in.

Both have their advantages though..

Day tripping:
- Awesome to go out on a bright and sunny day, the sun really energises you beyond belief when you're tripping
- You can take in every little detail of nature
- You can enjoy your normal daily routine with an extra bit of magic
- It feels great to be full of energy while tripping rather than wishing you could get to sleep

Night tripping:
- Great for introspection, calm and collected
- Quite mysterious, adds to the trippiness and often provides a great environment for improved visuals
- Peace and quiet, unless you live in a busy city of course
- You can go to sleep when you come down and wake up the next morning feeling great
Not sure which one I prefer. They both have their advantages and disadvantages. Thats probably why I always prefer to take psychedelics partially during the day light so I can get the best of both worlds.

Both have aspects that can be over whelming is the setting isn't right, like getting nausea in the dark because of the swirling visuals, or having everything seem to fake/dull/scary because of how the light contributes to the manifestation of the visuals.

I will say, for trips that don't take place in a far off zone from civilization, having a large portion at night is nice. The world seems a bit more calm and peaceful with less potential interactions with other beings.
I usually trip at night, but thats just because Im busy during the day. When I have a free day, I love to take advantage of the situation.

And who doesnt love festy day tripping
It's not so simple as to say day>night or vice versa.
For me at least, it depends pretty heavily on the substance and set/setting when I decide to trip. As far as I can remember, most of my trips have been during the day but this is just out of sheer convenience not really any sort of preference.
I really enjoy watching the sun set/rise during a nice trip though, which I suppose would be both day and night...technically =D
I like to mix it up to be honest. However, it seems lately most of my trips have been at night and only when I'm going to a show. Winter just isn't my season for psychedelics, I hate having to bundle up just to walk outside which is where I want to be when tripping face.

I think I enjoy night tripping more though especially if your around streetlights and stuff because it creates amazing visual effects.
night time is the right time. the only time i had a great day trip was after an ice storm followed by snow. i went into the woods on snowshoes and the trees had like an inch of ice all over them. they looked awesome but the breeze made the small branches sound so incredible. no words could possibly describe...
sometimes i miss winter.
I find day tripping much more interesting if your wanting to see what is around you e.g. nature. Night tripping is when I find myself seeing hallucinations like black silhouettes out of the corner of my eye, it's awesome.
I would also night 100% not only do i always trip @ night i do majority of any other chem at night

(lke everyone said so much more essence when @ night)

maybe some ketamine in day lol..............
I agree with the dosing a little before dusk, so that come-up == the fall of night. There's just a very special, "Entering Into The Spirit Realm" feeling to that part of the day, IMO. Then go look the night sky.

Though tripping during broad daylight can also be awesome for a change. I totally agree about how the sun feels amazingly energizing, almost like it is alive and speaking to you somehow. Close your eyes, look up towards it and let it strike your forehead, location of the pineal gland, i.e., the "third eye" so to speak, and it can feel almost like you are receiving Angelic telepathic transmissions via the sunbeams landing there, haha!
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I prefer tripping in the day as personally I find exploring on acid the greatest thing to do and I feel more at ease exploring when I can see what’s around me
Daytime for long trips like Acid, aMT & some of the 2c's. I prefer shorter trips in the evening, entactogens like meph or m1 or short hallucinogens like my newly acquired 5-meo-dalt (juries still out) or 2c-c.
I like tripping on acid at night. You can walk around the streets and parks outside, high as fuck, and not one person is around (other then ur friends) and when ur on acid and walking around and see NO trace of life for hours, it kinda starts to feel like you own the world haha. I love it :p
both have their advantages, but i would say that i prefer night tripping. the visuals always seem much more pronounced and being outside in the dark while tripping can have a kind of eerie effect which i find fun.

and when the sun comes up its like wooow

i like to change it up , like last three lsd trips were at night so next time ima dose in the morning so i can enjoy the day:)
I usually trip at night but I like doing it in the day as well. Not sure which I prefer.
depends on what my poison is acid and shrooms i prefer at night time
but 2cx's i like to do during the day especially if its sunny
I mostly like to trip at night, the only exception being DMT which seems to beg to be experienced on a sunny day. Ive found drugs like LSD and Mushrooms give me insane color enhancement particularly in the absence of a colorful background. Sitting in a dark room on acid with your whole vision constantly shifting colors is amazing.