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The Big & Dandy Day vs Night Tripping Thread

this should be a poll.

almost all of my trips have taken place at night.
My only fear when wandering the streets at night (you know just tripping face, enjoying the town) is COPS coming and fucking with your righteous vibes
dropping acid as soon as you wake up on the sunniest days and spending most of the day outside, nothing like it.

*edit :nearly brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it
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I tend to find the mystery associated with tripping at night to make the whole experience.

That day tripper guitar riff does seem to get stuck in my head for days though...
I like to do both. but my most memorable trip was a night trip, and I watched the sun rise near the end which was one of the most fantastic things I've ever seen.
almost every time I have taken lsd its been in the morning so that I can enjoy nature and the scenery, I love the visuals and the beauty of the world. I have not had much experience tripping hard at night, but from what people are saying in this thread, maybe I should give it a chance.....
Day trips for me have been difficult to get around to cause of the matter of convenience. Fitting trips into your schedule can be a hassle sometime. Trips in the day when you can really see and appreciate all the beautiful wilderness around can be quite damn amazing. But also, watching the sun rise after tripping acid all damn night can be purely awe inspiring.
almost every time I have taken lsd its been in the morning so that I can enjoy nature and the scenery, I love the visuals and the beauty of the world. I have not had much experience tripping hard at night, but from what people are saying in this thread, maybe I should give it a chance.....

I'm exactly the same. I think I've only tripped at night twice and day tripping just seems so much better to me but so many people seem to prefer night so I'll have to give it more of a go.
Dusk/Dawn produce the best lighting effects for me. The shadows are more intense and light seems to shine through the darkness in a way that I love...<3

I also like the idea of taking psyches during the day with the tail end tapering into the night time. I think it is a good idea to get sleep after the trip instead of being up tripping all night. When I am up all night the effects linger around much longer. I feel like I am always semi-tripping until I go to sleep after the experience. Back to normal reality much more quickly and smoothly with sleep at the end.
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I like doing them during the day, just cause psychs make everything look way better and I like it when its light outside cause it looks high definition mode for me :D
My eyes are a little too sensitive to light and the sounds of the city are less obtrusive at night, so I prefer tripping at night. But everyone should have moved the clouds at least once in their life, so a day trip is mandatory. It's a lot more fun than moving stars at night.
I don't mind a couple hours of sunlight at either end of the trip, but full on day trips never go as well for me. Night just has the right atmosphere, and it makes lights, music, electronics, glow-sticks better. I do believe this post makes me a Bluelighter. %)
Smoked DMT at night is underrated I think. There were some incredible darker themed imagery when I did at night... and daytime was quite incredible as well.

To be honest I don't think I prefer either one. They both have a plethora of advantages.
Hard question, I really don't know. I guess it depends on what's going on, I usually shroom in the day though, and LSD at night. Not sure why :)
There is nothing like dropping lsd on a warm spring day. To feel the warm sun shining on you, is an amazing thing, almost like the sun is hugging you. To me, during the winter months, when everything is a colorless winter wasteland, night tripping is the way to go. But, going from day to night is cool too. My last lsd trip, was the week following this past christmas. We dropped the first hits around 1pm, and the second hits around 4. It's awesome, to watch how lighting and color shift, as the sun goes down. If you haven't tripped during the day, you need to try it, but it's best on a warm sunny day.
One of the best acid trips I ever had, my friends and I decided to get up early on a winter morning, in time to eat a little breakfast, let it digest, then drop in time to see the sunrise while the trip was beginning. A magical day; moving at a natural pace from dawn to dusk, with the trip following the sun, as it were, worked beautifully.
it depends on the substance lsd is a night time one.. dissociative anesthetics (dxm being my favorite) are fun during the day.. try this take your trips late 2am or later.. and enjoy both the day and night..
night time as the open eye visuals are incredible in the dark. This is a hard one though as day tripping is fun too.
psychedelics really come alive at night

the perfect trip would be day and night. drop, chill for a bit, watch sunset, night time funs