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The Big & Dandy Basic Mescaline/Cactus Questions Thread - Round Two!

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maybe take the cactus out of the soil, cut off the bottom, then let it scab over and re-pot it?
How deep should I plant a fresh cutting? Also, does the cutting have to be scabbed over or can i plant it when freshly cut?
god i love watching cactus grow over the months

the bridgesii i have outside grew an inch in two weeks!

LUCKY!! Whereabouts are you geographically? In Southern Ontario I'm lucky to see my peruvianus grow 1-2 inches in a whole summer, then they come inside for the winter on a south facing windowsill.
aha! That would explain it. I was just down there at the end of February, saw some mighty big cacti growing in some people's flowerbeds. If I lived down there I'd have a massive tricocereus garden =D
How deep should I plant a fresh cutting? Also, does the cutting have to be scabbed over or can i plant it when freshly cut?

The cutting must be scabbed over (if you put it in fresh it will surely die). Just leave it out in dark/cool area for a week or two to scab over.

And when it is scabbed, put it only 1 or 2 inches into the soil- just enough so that it will stand up. Roots should take hold in 2 weeks to a month.
In general, would 35g dried San Pedro cactus contain a sufficient quantity of psychoactive alkaloids to produce visual hallucinations in someone who ingests an alcohol mescaline-containing extract? I had some profound open eye hallucinations when on this amount of the cactus but this was only after I had combined other drugs with it (amphetamines etc.).

Would opiates (which are powerful anxiolytics which I would have thought would have the potential to prevent pretty much any degree of anxiety) 'cloud' a psychedelic experience? I have heard this before but wanted someone to confirm it before I decide that opiates waste a good trip. If they do, would a viable alternative be to take a relatively low to moderate dose of a decent psychostimulant e.g. ADD meds to counteract the sedation induced by narcotics (one low enough to reduce the likelihood of heart problems from occurring)?
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I wouldn't go that route. Taking an opiate to ease anxiety and then taking a stimulant to uncloud it wouldn't work. The stimulant would just produce the anxiety you were trying to get rid of. I'd say your best bet for trip anxiety besides the better stuff like deep, slow breathing etc. would be a low dose benzo, just enough to ease the tension but not enough to cloud the trip. Benzos are more clear headed than opiates and better for tripping I think. Opiates are great on the comedown though.

I find cacti to be an incredibly easy, low anxiety psychedelic anyway. I'd go without meds first and just relax and go with the trip, if you end up getting freaky then take a little benzo. I don't think you'll need it though, cacti never produce anxiety in me and I get some heavy anxiety on the come-up of trips on some other psychedelics.
anyone wanna try and build a pereskiopsis graft bi-level pyramid with a bunch of bridgesii pups grafted to the top? it would look so cool and grow so fast after the grafts set!
I hate to do this, but I'll do it anyway, a week or so ago I asked what alcohol extraction tek's you guys have had the best results with, as I may do one in the near future, and never got an answer... so I'm asking again... I've read several of them, and most are pretty similar, just wondered if anyone had any specific info or advice...
my new san pedro cacti

im not sure if this is where i should ask this, but i recently bought three rooted san pedro cacti, all in one pot, and it seems like the people i bought them from really over watered them. these are my first san pedros and do not know much about them. the cacti are brown up to an inch above the dirt line, but look alright above that. but below the line, it looks like they are rotting or something:(. what should i do? will they be able to keep living if i just leave them, or should i cut and replant them? please help me. i love these cacti and would be extremely sad to see them die. here are a few pics. you can see in the one how they are brown at the bases. any advice would be truly appreciated as i have no idea of who else to ask.


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So I've got several cacti arriving today, a couple that are established and ready to root or are growing root stubs already, and some very young ones, and some seeds. I'm about to go to the store to get some materials, and I was wondering if anyone experienced could give me some tips on what sort of soil/soil amendments they need, what kind of nutrients, and also what size of pot they should be planted in.

Thanks :)
At what latitude would growing San pedro outside become futile ? Anyone ? Or is it more a case of lots of UV
im not sure if this is where i should ask this, but i recently bought three rooted san pedro cacti, all in one pot, and it seems like the people i bought them from really over watered them. these are my first san pedros and do not know much about them. the cacti are brown up to an inch above the dirt line, but look alright above that. but below the line, it looks like they are rotting or something:(. what should i do? will they be able to keep living if i just leave them, or should i cut and replant them? please help me. i love these cacti and would be extremely sad to see them die. here are a few pics. you can see in the one how they are brown at the bases. any advice would be truly appreciated as i have no idea of who else to ask.

elektro, your cacti are fine. They look perfectly healthy. They are supposed to be brownish where they emerge from the earth. There is no need to cut them.

If they brown area seems really soft or mushy, then you have a problem. But as long as it's firm you have no reason to freak out.

Also remember that San Pedro are not desert cacti, so they need to be watered around once a week, sometimes more if it's really hot out.

www.sacredcactus.com is a great resource for growing information, check it out.

EDIT: I would recommend that you re-pot them individually however; they look very cramped. Need some room to breathe ;)
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At what latitude would growing San pedro outside become futile ? Anyone ? Or is it more a case of lots of UV

They can withstand temperatures close to freezing, although obviously too much of that won't be good. You're in England, right? You should have no problem with cultivation provided you bring it indoors for the winter. Being native to mountainous terrain in Peru, they actually prefer some shade, or at least less UV than their sun-baked desert relatives. :)
So I've got several cacti arriving today, a couple that are established and ready to root or are growing root stubs already, and some very young ones, and some seeds. I'm about to go to the store to get some materials, and I was wondering if anyone experienced could give me some tips on what sort of soil/soil amendments they need, what kind of nutrients, and also what size of pot they should be planted in.

Thanks :)

Any good well draining cactus soil would be good. They actually sell "cactus soil". I've never used any soil amendments where I live; it probably wouldn't help anyway, growing season is too short. There's also "cactus fertilizer" you can buy if you're not picky about the organic thing. Just make sure to feed it straight water for a while before you plan to harvest. The best type of pot to use is terra cota (the typical orange-brown clay stuff), it apparently helps with draining because moisture will leech out from the sides of the pot. I've seen fine cacti growing in plastic pots though.

Growing cacti from seed is a pain and requires a lot of patients. I have seeds I planted 3 years ago that are still only 2 inches tall but I guess they've had less than ideal growing conditions. The good thing about seeds is you can get A LOT of plants for really cheap, just expect to wait a long time before you have anything consumable, but they're nice to grow anyway; very decorative :)
I wouldn't water your cactus once a week. I'd say once every 2 weeks or so. Make sure the bottom of your pot isn't sitting in excess water either. Rotate cactus every so often to prevent sunburn (I rotate daily- because I have a lot of time on my hands :D )

I've had my SP cutting in soil for less than 2 weeks and I can already see growth :)
I was just thinking...

Do you suppose it would work correctly if one was to chop up a cactus and run it through a fruit juice processer?
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