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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy 2C-T-2 Thread

I found my way back to this substance again a few days ago.....been stuck on 2c-i/2c-e so long I forgot how great this one is :) The body load is minimal for me....just some mild stomach issues as with most 2c's. From a visual standpoint this one is one of my favorite psychedelics........my stovetop(got a drink of apple juice from the fridge and then got lost) was creating a tiny army of fully 3-D cubes and pyramids that would form on the flat surface and then rise up in the air like balloons. I got those kind of results from just 20mg's oral :) I agree with the statements above about this one being "organic" feeling and 2c-e being more of a "mechanical" feel. The main difference between the two is that 20m'gs of 2c-e would blow my world as well as my ego into millions of machine parts!
well, I'm really digging this thread so ill drop in with some input that most could not give. I am a huge fan of 2c-t-2 and have had many experiences with it as well as other phens. with regards to the comparison to 2c-E, I would also say it is significantly less stimulating.

-I've done 120 mg orally (dissolved in water) and this trip was probably the best I've ever had. The primary difference for me between this drug and 2C-E is that T-2 has a positive and euphoric push to it, in contrast to the markedly neutral and analytical nature of 2C-E. It should also be noted that I do seem to have some remarkable resilience to body load of all kinds, as I am aware that most feel nausea at dosages much lower than this. I, however, attribute this to my pre-trip ritual, which consists of a benadryl or two (phenylephrine; this mitigates the muscle tension and cramping wonderfully, yall should try it!), and lots of water and electrolytes. also, ginger is phenomenal for the stomach discomfort caused by 2C's.

I'd be more than willing to go into more detail with advice for reducing body load, or anything regarding increasing the comfort/getting more out of this chemical. Feel free to PM me about any specific/personal T-2 questions

happy tripping!
^^^Wow, that is a hefty dose of 2c-t-2!! You are right about the lack of euphoric push to
2c-e, but it is always hard to say which one is "better" as they are just so different. 2c-e just commands respect in every way, even for people like me who have had many LSD trips and took it at a very young age.
^^^Wow, that is a hefty dose of 2c-t-2!! You are right about the lack of euphoric push to
2c-e, but it is always hard to say which one is "better" as they are just so different. 2c-e just commands respect in every way, even for people like me who have had many LSD trips and took it at a very young age.

2c-t-2, has built a tollerance, I think I need to take around 30-40 to even "trip" anymore.
-I've done 120 mg orally (dissolved in water) and this trip was probably the best I've ever had. !

Have you by chance written up a trip report of the 120 mg experience? I would like to hear more about it. I'll be honest and say that the dose you list is alarming, although I've only ever gone up to around 60 mg or so myself, and that was extremely intense and high on the body load for me. If someone is reading this and trying to figure out a good first time dose to try, please don't start at 120 mg. Way too high to begin with...but with that said, I'd love to read more about your 120 mg experience.
I am actually working on a report, It's pretty hard to capture something that intense, and I'm busy as hell these days with school, but it should be up soon
Have you by chance written up a trip report of the 120 mg experience? I would like to hear more about it. I'll be honest and say that the dose you list is alarming, although I've only ever gone up to around 60 mg or so myself, and that was extremely intense and high on the body load for me. If someone is reading this and trying to figure out a good first time dose to try, please don't start at 120 mg. Way too high to begin with...but with that said, I'd love to read more about your 120 mg experience.

Yeah, honestly, if you've taken PD's before then 20Mgs would be a "safe" yet fun experience on 2C-T-2.
I am actually working on a report, It's pretty hard to capture something that intense, and I'm busy as hell these days with school, but it should be up soon

I'd write everything you can down now, even just in scribbles and notes. It will get harder over time I bet...or maybe not. Some people probably frame it mentally over time and can then think and speak better about what they experienced. Either way, I'm eager to hear about it.
just tried this one for the first time last night, and all I can say is wow! Took 25 mg, was expecting a bit stronger version of 2c-e but 2c-t-2 really blew me away. The come up wasnt to bad, and I never had to throw up either, which I thought I would. For 3 hours or so during the peak I was floored, didn't really move at all, just lied on my back starring at the ceiling. Mentally I was extremely fried, I've seen some people describe the mental effects as "dissociating" and I could definitely agree with that. I didnt get any "insights" or "revelations" and actuall found the head space to be counter productive to thinking. Either my thoughts would get stuck in a loop or Id forgotten what I was thinking bout before I could get anywhere with it. Either way was a great time, may try a bit of a lower dose next time but really was impressed with this chemicals strength.

But I was wondering I noticed on the Pihkal page Shulgin basically says 2c-t-2 was very similar to 2c-t-7, with the distinction being that 2c-t-7 lasted about twice as long. Now really my only complaint about 2c-t-2 was that after the peak ended (t04:00 and onwards) the come down was pretty quick and I was down to only a + by 8 hours in (which is shorter then even 2c-i for me). So people who have taken both, do you agree with shulgins statement or are the 2c-t's all their own monsters?
How would people who have tried both t7 and t2 compare the two?
T7 seems to be a very rich experience, with its bad reputation completely unfounded.
Is T2 a weaker version of T7, or a compound that has something unique to offer,
if so, what does T2 offer that T7 does not, or what does T7 offer that T2 does not.
The body load for T2 seems to be worse than T7,
the duration of T7 is longer than T2.
What else can people say about the effects of these compounds?
anyone here tried 2c-t-4? My vendor is the only one I've seen with this compound, and it intrigues me deeply for what I've heard about it bringing repressed childhood memories to life. Could be of great value to me if that's true.

Anyone? Many thanks, sorry for the OT post.
How would people who have tried both t7 and t2 compare the two?

They're both good (and v. similar) but T-7 is the one to go for for sure. Everything 2C-T-2 does well 2C-T-7 does even better; even more visual, more euphoric, more sexual, more of a malleable gentle headspace. Less body load and nausea as well. Top drawer psychedelic, is 2C-T-7.
Ive only really heard good things about t7, ounce i started looking harder.
as i said before, it seems its bad reputation is just propaganda..
I think im going to just go for the t7 and not the t2.
Im sure there is probably some benefit to t2 over t7,
its just t7 does sound like the one to try if you were going to try one of the two.
i love how in Canada t7 is still legal. or semi legal...sigh,
still available, and not too risky to order, from what i gather.
definetely deserves a top spot on my list,
but until i get an acurate 0.001 scale, 200$ + and move out,
it will be mushrooms again this month, because tripping time is just around the corner, hehe.
Ive only really heard good things about t7, ounce i started looking harder.
as i said before, it seems its bad reputation is just propaganda..
I think im going to just go for the t7 and not the t2.
Im sure there is probably some benefit to t2 over t7,
its just t7 does sound like the one to try if you were going to try one of the two.
i love how in Canada t7 is still legal. or semi legal...sigh,
still available, and not too risky to order, from what i gather.
definetely deserves a top spot on my list,
but until i get an acurate 0.001 scale, 200$ + and move out,
it will be mushrooms again this month, because tripping time is just around the corner, hehe.

I can safely say after only 5-6 trips on t2 it has earned its place as one of my favorite psychedelics, certainly my favorite PEA. I seriously cant get over how well this chemical treats me everytime I take it. Even just 20 mg of 2c-e will leave me throwing up for 2-3 hours, but Ive never thrown up for this compound, and between t2 and t7 this one is suppose to be worse on the stomache. doses between 15-20 are perfect for some down and dirty introsprection with very nice visuals and insane sensory effects. 25-40 mg, i'm much to high to get any meaningful work done but the introspective disssociated mind states is one of the most unique and entertaining I have ever been a part of. Really a great chemical. Sadly t7 is illegal here in the land of free so its put me off on ordering some but ill get to it eventually. If I had a choice I would much rather have t7 as the twice as long duration sounds like a winner to me, my only complaint of t2 being the abrupt drop off going from +++ at t5 to baseline by t7
tried 2ct2 last night for the first time.

from what i had read a low dose would be around 8 mg, and that is what i was amining for, a short but expressive taste of what the chem has to offer.

boy was i wrong. i had planned the whole trip to be over in 4 5 hours, at least enough to function in society.
took around 8-10mg (measured 8mg but tha scale sometimes rounds down). 1h in the first effects started to appear. followed by 2 h of dry heaving and feeling like i am about to vomit (without actually vomiting). the visuals were really innaparent at this point. i jsut wanted it to end.
relaxed a bit with some music, and watching some documentaries. i remember all my feelings (about what i saw/heard) being enhanced, and 4h in i was finally starting to enjoy it somewhat, having renounced any plans for the night and just deciding to ride the wave.
at the 5h mark things got nicer, some nice body tension and increased music appreciation. visuals were ...mild, but in a strong way. how do i put this, they were not really changing teh world but they were very hard to ignore.
towards the end i just wanted to come down.

im starting to think this 2c is not for me. i will be leaving it for a while, but was wondering if i took a higher dose will the body load be a bit less, or more (as underdosing sometimes does this)? this is probably the worst ive felt under any substance i ever took, and im not one to vomit but the heaving gave me muscle fever....
I'd definitely recommend trying a full dose before you write it off, like ~20mg orally at least. I got pretty bad nausea from 2C-T-2 as well; you could always try plugging or snorting if it really gets to you.
Is it alright for 2C-T-2 solution to have a smell?

I dissolved 125 mg of it in 12.5 ml of plain water, it was on bicycle day in April. Then in July I dosed 2 ml of this solution and it didn't seem it lost much its potency, but it got some strange smell slightly reminding me of H2S. Yesterday I checked the solution again, the smell was present, but it didn't become stronger.
^ However, this didn't happen to other 2Cs: 2C-E, and 2C-I.
Why 2C-T-2 is so special?