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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy 2C-T-2 Thread

Because 2C-t-2 has a sulfur atom in it? It's possible the water could've promoted a slight decay, some microorganisms could have eaten some of the solution and metabolized hydrogen sulfide.
Yes, maybe, but I am not sure that the smell is H2S smell. And, did this happen to anybody else?

Also, I thought that PEAs(and particularly 2Cs) are pretty stable compounds even in plain water.
Also, it this matters, I stored the solution in room temperature and kept it from light.
well i think the alcohol is just put there to prevent bacteria from accumulating, it shouldnt affect the stability. so, correct me if i am wrong, put in some alcohol now to make it safer in the future without affecting it.

anyway, back to my body load question, does the nausea get worse with a bigger dose? if i was dry heaving for hours at 10mg, will i be doing it for 5 at 20mg? ....
well i think the alcohol is just put there to prevent bacteria from accumulating, it shouldnt affect the stability. so, correct me if i am wrong, put in some alcohol now to make it safer in the future without affecting it.

anyway, back to my body load question, does the nausea get worse with a bigger dose? if i was dry heaving for hours at 10mg, will i be doing it for 5 at 20mg? ....

Are you fairly new to psychedelics?

If so it may be more of a psychosomatic reaction than real nausea. I've never vomited from 2ct2 (though I've read about plenty who have) I found myself to move around fairly easy on 20 mgs with a slight discomfort but not really nausea. I tried 50 mgs after that and pretty much didn't move from my bed. It felt 'heavier' than 20 mgs for sure but I didn't really feel like I was going to puke, more just like I had a fever. I can't speak in regards to 10-20 but I guess that you are either fixated on the nausea or you are really sensitive to this chemical.
Yeah, the nausea isn't real, it is more of hallucination(but if you vomit - you vomit in reality).

Also, I found that nausea from psychedelics doesn't correlate with vomiting. If I vomit, it doesn't depend on how strong the nausea is.
I went through a 500mg sample of this with my partner, and we had a good time with it. We had a pretty high tolerance from taking 2c-i I think. It was enough for me to want to get some more, but I didn't really feel like I had a full "trip" from it. I think we were doing pretty low doses, though. Trying to decide between this and 4-aco-dipt, though .. i luvs me some 4-aco-dipt. :D
Very interested in this compound. It seems to vary more wildly than any of the other 2cx's. I've heard bodyload can be a great feeling all the way to that you can't move out a bed, to puking everywhere. It seems as though the visuals are pretty much consistently good.
I get not very much bodyload from this compound(and after comeup it is pretty transparent to the body), but no other 2C can make me so nauseous. OEV are quite nice, but nothing special. I remember I get good CEV from my first trip on this chemical.

The main thing I don't like in 2C-T-2 is its duration. I feel very sick for almost 2 hours, then somewhere at T+1:50 I really start tripping, and at T+4:00 it is already over. Ah, it also gives me the worst headache comparing to other 2Cs.

Also, I am going to try a combo of 2C-T-2 and 2C-E. I think that this combo could be a rare, unique and special combination of all side-effects I ever got from psychedelics :)
Best Setting for 2ct2

2ct2 seems to be an introverted experience on higher doses. I find that its important to be in a safe place where you can meditate and not have to deal with any sort of responsibilities. Knowing this, every 2ct2 trip has been indoors, and it happens that every trip has been solo. I am wondering what would be the most impressive setting to really enjoy the visual aspect of the trip. I'm thinking daytime outdoors maybe, peaking on a nice day at sunset. What do you all think is the best way to enjoy the visual aspect of the 2ct2 experience?
I'd definitely recommend trying a full dose before you write it off, like ~20mg orally at least. I got pretty bad nausea from 2C-T-2 as well; you could always try plugging or snorting if it really gets to you.

Snorting probably only increases the side-effects, don't do that. 2C-T-X compounds are especially unwise to insufflate.

Micro-organisms metabolizing into H2S? I kind of doubt it...
Maybe you are just smelling the compound itself that evaporates along with the solvent in minute doses. It being a sulfurous compound it could produce the same smell by lodging into olfactory receptors similarly to other sulfurous substances. Many of them smell like they have something in common, which they do.

Nausea being psychological or fake? Hmm maybe a part of it can be psychosomatic like I experienced with other compounds as well but with 2C-T-7 it felt pretty physical to me. It can easily be tickling of 5-HT3 receptors, someone could find out by taking ondansetron with it I guess.
2ct2 seems to be an introverted experience on higher doses. I find that its important to be in a safe place where you can meditate and not have to deal with any sort of responsibilities. Knowing this, every 2ct2 trip has been indoors, and it happens that every trip has been solo. I am wondering what would be the most impressive setting to really enjoy the visual aspect of the trip. I'm thinking daytime outdoors maybe, peaking on a nice day at sunset. What do you all think is the best way to enjoy the visual aspect of the 2ct2 experience?

Well the thing with 2C-T-2 is that it is so visually involving and mentally immersive that it will always be completely fascinating wherever you take it. That said, there is no comparison for taking any psychedelic out in nature, and the further you get away from the inharmonious constructs of human civilization the more healing an experience it becomes. 2C-T-2, being a very entheogenic chemical, is wonderous for healing in Gaia's garden.

I find 2C-T-2 to be a highly nature-bonding experience, suprising for a synthetic chemical which hasn't been found to be produced naturally. It's important to maximize this aspect of the experience by getting some experience with it amongst the birds and the bees and the trees.
Ha! I reacted the same when I first heard of it, my vote of 'funkiest name for a pharmaceutical' probably goes to ondansetron.

I only have experience with 2C-T-7 of all the 2C-T's (I have four of them), how does T-7 compare or relate to T-2?

Also, I am inclined to call the first time I will be taking T-2 'judgement day' ;)
Snorting probably only increases the side-effects, don't do that. 2C-T-X compounds are especially unwise to insufflate.
I heared this thing too, I am not sure about insufflation, but I plugged 20 mg of 2C-T-2 with great effects.
Come up was terrible: my empty stomach was in one big spasm for 15 minutes, and I drinked water only to give some relief and some material for vomiting. Also, there was the worst muscle tremor I ever had. Fortunately, it lasted only 45 minutes instead of almost full two hours of oral 2C-T-2 come up, and the trip was worth it!
I think about repeating this dose, and I am not sure If I go higher, but if anyone did heroic doses of 2C-T-2, feedback will be much appreciated. :)

Maybe you are just smelling the compound itself that evaporates along with the solvent in minute doses. It being a sulfurous compound it could produce the same smell by lodging into olfactory receptors similarly to other sulfurous substances. Many of them smell like they have something in common, which they do.
I never thought that it may be the smell of chemical itself. Thank you.
I only have experience with 2C-T-7 of all the 2C-T's (I have four of them), how does T-7 compare or relate to T-2?

I´ve only tried T-2, but as I understand it, they are VERY similar, except that T-7 has a way longer duration.

T-4 is quite alot different. I find it to be the least interesting phenethylamine I have tried, even though it does have "something" about it, that will probably make me try it again. it´s definitely not recreational though.

Let me guess.....the last one you have is T-21?

I have ondansetron's relative granisetron, and am waiting for the right time to try it with a 2C-X, which always produce nausea for me.

Although I have no real intention to acquire 2C-T-X, I will post back here on how Granny (Dance-A-Tron's older and less mobile relative) blocks 2C-X nausea in general, for whatever insight it might provide.

As a side note; granisetron comes in a few forms, and presumably the other Trons do as well. Probably the best form for the purpose desired here in this thread is the "dissolution pellet". This form is not a pill designed to be swallowed, but is rather a pellet that is dissolved in freshly boiled water, then cooled to room temperature before drinking the solved granisetron.

My guess is that this enables the Granny to spread out and directly encounter and then antagonize the intestinal 5HT3 receptors rather than be absorbed from the gut to the circulation.
in french, "ondansetron" could be understood as "we're dancing tron"
did this stuff aprox. 6-8 times. snorted it every time. the deal is with snorting is that almost every time you will puke, the come up from insufflating is soo rapid its almost instant. some of the greatest visuals ive ever had.
^I've insufflated it a few times but the overpowering burn just isn't worth it for me. It lingers a bit, and ruins the enjoyment of the peak. It also seems to get worse the more times you do it, or it did for me. Also, insufflation never really got me where I wanted to be. Ever since I discovered rectal dosing I never looked back to intranasal; it is particularly effective with 2C-T-2, especially combined with oral doses. I agree that the visuals are stunning with this compound.