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The Big & Dandy 25D-NBOMe (NBOMe-2C-D) Thread

What [b]in your experience[/b] would be a maximum responsible buccal dose for 25D?

  • up to 400 μg

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • up to 600 μg

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • up to 900 μg

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • up to 1200 μg

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • up to 1500 μg

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • a dose higher than 1500 μg

    Votes: 8 27.6%

  • Total voters
Just a quick question since I havent yet seen anything on the subject. I recall a lot of friends back in the administering LSD blotter directly onto the ocular nerves (eyes) as a fast method of absorption. Since this and similar compounds are orally inactive and seem to be best administered buccal sublingual or insufflated as a means of quicker passing through the BBB would it be possible or even acceptable to administer this in the eye? While im sure this isn't the best idea in the world id think it would be an acceptable solution to achieve maximum dosage output while still fully bypassing any loss from risk of enzyme action in the oral cavities.
Please do inform as this is a little of a grey area for me and id like an answer on the possibility of this being a useful route of administration. Like I said though I am sure it has the potential to cause some side effects in your ocular cavities but im wondering to what extent.
Theoretically possible? I see no reason why not, but advisable? not at all. You don't want to mess with your eyes - they are sensitive and can be damaged by chemical exposure while the nose and buccal membranes can tolerate significantly more. Even if these NBOMe compounds are not orally active there still remain other fine options that do not involve putting things in your eye. I'd think common sense would keep people from drugging their eyes. With LSD it is also recommended against since liquid acid is often in a solution that is partially or completely alcoholic. Alcohol is bad as well, I don't care about people putting a vodka bottle to their eyes - it's really stupid and not safe.

The options you have are snorting a liquid NBOMe solution or if it is put on a solid carrier that can be snorted like I have previously suggested and done myself with 25C-NBOMe. Also you can use NBOMe's sublingually or bucally so under the tongue and held against the inside of the cheek. Unlike LSD which is readily absorbed and not much tends to be lost once it is in your body... NBOMe's can have a hard time finding entry and can be lost when swallowed or expelled by natural ways of the body. This could also be expected with the eyes: tearing can be a way for your body to remove things that don't belong there.

Complexing with HPBCD improves this situation and allows NBOMe's to get better entry into the bloodstream. I'm afraid other methods are always liable to have part of the dose lost although this is the case most with sublingual or buccal dosing or when too much liquid or powder is used snorted and the excess drips down the throat and is again mostly lost.

I'm not sure about the effects to your eyes, to what extent there would be damage. But the risk doesn't seem worth trying that out for me. Sorry. It seems foolish when other better options are present. The ocular cavity? I don't presume you mean the frontal sinuses? If you mean the sinuses, they would also be affected when snorting compounds and I would always choose them to take the load of a relatively unknown chemical rather than the eyes themselves.
well like I said I knew there were risks involved I was just wondering if it was in fact feasible. THank you very much for the information. Just thought it would be a good illumination of the possibility or lack thereof. Very glad this forum has good info and knowledge on the subject because these chemicals are highly potent and measuring and titrating dosages can be extremely difficult. Im very impressed how far the community as a whole ahs come over the years. Not nearly so much blatant miscalculations and stupid unneeded blow ups (though there are still some from what I see). Keep up the good work guys. im very interested to see your work on these new compounds and maybe try them myself over the coming months.
You mean extracting 25D and either doing nose drops or drying the substance in some creatine/tobacco?

Safe, I've done the nose drops. The trip was pretty short-lived, though.
25D is one of the last RC's in my stack still untested. I intensely enjoyed 25C, and didn't find it too stimulating at all (500mcg intranasally). I'm quite sensitive to strong stimulation, so how does 25D compare to 25C in terms of physical stimulation?
Nah I meant snorting the blotters that are being sold at the moment. I usually use liquid too, just wondering what negative effects there would be from snorting paper.
25D is nice and friendly, the experience last night was pushed a bit further with 70 mg of methoxetamine 5 hours after dosing 1.6 mg 25D and a bit of JWH-203 a a bit after that. I may have a bit of a tolerance to methoxetamine so try the combo at your own risk, felt fine to me but every person is different. Was able to integrate the MXE experience much better due to 25D.

Snorting a blotter seems like it would be ineffective due to the fact that it is on paper and the substance would not be directly applied to the mucous membrane. You may have better luck plugging it but who knows really.
For a blotter to work it needs to get wet and soaked, then 'extracted' under your tongue (or generally in the mouth) so there is a flow of liquid going through it all the time transporting the drug out of the paper. In your nose there is not enough water, it seems to me. The paper would mostly dry out the inside of your nose. Maybe if you'd apply nose spray but still it probably won't work very well.
Remember that people can have a hard time with this stuff when blotter hits are used properly under the tongue - so with plenty of liquid-saturation. So making it even harder than that is not a good idea. Yes it is said that nasal absorption can work better than sublingual blotter but nasal blotter should not be considered to have this same advantage.

I think I read that since these compounds are so potent and selective they need to arrive in the brain as quickly as possible to work well. Otherwise immediate tolerance could act as a defense against it, I think especially since doses are low. Mescaline which has massive doses to be active, works alright even when taken over the course of an hour. It would make sense that the amounts are just so high that even in that hour there would not be appreciable tolerance. LSD has low doses, but is absorbed very well so not a problem. 2C-B and other things like that seem to be in the middle: redosing after an hour is less effective than dosing immediately, but it is not like it doesn't work at all.
I extrapolated the info I got here, I am not talking factually.
I get the feeling that this compound is some sort of creativity tool. The experience is opposed to other more immersive experiences most psychedelic explorers seek. I don't know jack about receptors and selectivity but from what I see, highly selective at points, makes complete sense.

I think this is what was meant when it was said these were not 'classical psychedelics'.

(was that by Dr.Nicholas? I'm not sure, but up until I saw 'Dirty Pictures' I always thought he was against psychedelic use, but it seems otherwise from the film.)
Freedstar, if you have tried 25C, how do they compare in that creativity aspect? I found 25C to be very nootropic, and cognitively and creatively stimulating, so if 25D-NBOMe is anything like 25C it would be a great tool.

Solipsis, I think sublingual/buccal NBOMe dosing works very well actually. I had an immense trip on 750ug 25C dosing sublingually/bucally, by holding the solution in my mouth for 45 minutes without swallowing. It was one of the most intense visual experiences of my life.

I believe the reported lack of efficacy with sublingual dosing of NBOMes is with people not holding it in their mouth long enough. You can tell there is still compound in your mouth as it numbs your tounge as you swish it around. Don't spit it out at first alerts. Keep it in your mouth until your are well on your way. For me, I was coming up hard by 45 minutes, so I spat it out then.
Sounds good! :)
Oh I didn't mean to leave the impression that it doesn't work, but it just doesn't work as readily as most other psychedelics taken that way. Which clearly can be compensated by giving it more time. Though 45 minutes, I can't imagine the amount of saliva in your mouth at that point. It may be manageable but certainly not ideal. Still seems worth it to me to remove hurdles with cyclodextrine or similar compounds but I might be saying that since I expect to have some in a while. If it would not have presented itself to me I'd probably have thought: whatever it is not completely necessary, and snorting a carrier containing 25X seems to work okay. I have not been able to verify how well (i.e. how much I am still losing in the process), more tries would be needed.
I haven't had a chance to try 25c but its next on the list once my tolerance drops.

Trying to hold the tabs and saliva in my mouth makes me gag, I blame my weak stomach, but it's not an easy task to hold a mouthful of nasty spit in your mouth for more than 5 minutes. Anyone have any tips?
25D is one of the last RC's in my stack still untested. I intensely enjoyed 25C, and didn't find it too stimulating at all (500mcg intranasally). I'm quite sensitive to strong stimulation, so how does 25D compare to 25C in terms of physical stimulation?

I seem a bit like an attention whore by quoting myself here but since the question still remains unanswered and probably will get forgot, does anyone have any answer to this?
25D. holy moley I was expecting something mild, boy was I wrong.

A few days again my crew and I high-end dosed 25-NBome at 2mgs for 4 of us, and another guy at 2.3ishmgs by means of creating a solution 2:1 ratio of 25D to root beer vodka solution and dripping 1mL of solution up the nose with an oral syringe. The come is FAST and the first thing you start to notice are the mega-tracers and trails, visuals: Open eye, closed eye, in the dark and with the light turned on .

One friend stated that one of the visual experiences he was having was of a mini-hellicopter in front of his face, that while it was a coherent object kept flickering in and out.

Another reported that she could see words coming out of people's mouths as they were speaking and they would become stitched to the side of their faces. Also reported copious amounts of bubbles as visuals and that they were distracting her from conversation.

My buddy who did 2.3 is less prone to visuals on psychedelics and reported only minor enhancement

For me I was trying to internet at this time, which was exceedingly difficult because visuals would just pop up or fall down into my visual field, making it difficult to see objects (ie. computer screen) that were beyond the visuals.

We mixed later in the night with MXE, I did about 80mgs which I felt it had a nice synergy.

Overall the 25D lasted for me about 8 hours. Very gigglely, yet the headspace was quite clear, no stomach discomfort, except for squirting vodka up the noise isn't the most fun thing in the world. The come up had some body shakes, which I compared to the shakes I get when I eat a ten strip of LSD. No serious body distress was noted.
Whoa whoa whoa let me get this straight....

You dripped root beer up your nose?
25D-NBOMe - Most Accurate Way To Dose?

To err on the side of caution due to the extreme potency of the NBOMes, I planned my first dosage to be at 500 micrograms of 25D. I was thinking that I'd dissolve 5mg of my 30 into vodka, and use a dropper to measure out .5ml = .5mg and drop it under my tongue. I can't find a whole lot of information on liquid dosing with NBOMe, although from what I've heard it's soluble in ethanol. Is there any reason this wouldn't work, or does someone have a better method to dose such a small amount?
Sounds like a good plan. Be aware that maintaining 0.5ml of vodka "under the tongue" without your mouth becoming full of saliva will be a little difficult. IIRC there are many reports of failure to "blast off" with sublingual dosing... then there are those who say you should brush teeth and use mouthwash beforehand to increase permeability of the membranes...
After quickly glancing over this thread it seems the most effective method would be to just use an oral syringe and drop .5ml up my nose, rather than trying to hold it under my tongue, seems like even the flavor of the chemical would be too much to handle especially mixed with vodka, so I'll just do that. Never a fan of sublingual dosing of anything- and when it's ever so easy to put a drop or two up your nose and fly away, well, why not.. looking forward to this, seems promising.