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The Big and Dandy Salvia Thread (Archived start - 1-20-08)

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i cant smoke tat stuff regularly. Its crazy. The last time i did it i had a really intense trip and im just gonna leave it at that. Im glad i felt the full effects, but the full effects scared the crap out if me.
^you're not supposed to put sources, even if the shit is legal.
theres stuff on it @ erowid.

But my friend and I split a bottle of something similar, and it didn't do much for either of us. One drop was interesting on the comedown of a mushroom trip but by itself i only felt minimal effects. Then again the set and setting was all wrong when i gave it a try. its supposed to be more gentle than smoking the stuff (which can be uncomfortable/scary).
read up on it. don't expect it to be like any other psychedelic you're done. salvia is in a world of it's own.
I have done salvia via the quid and tincture methods, and it is a far lighter experience than smoking it. The tincture goes very well with a hb woodrose trip, though it tastes pretty bad and holding it in your mouth for 15 minutes is a bit of a challenge, especially if you are already tripping:\

oh, and get rid of the link;)
much longer and slower experience than smoking it, and it's all absorbed through your mouth you dont even need to swallow it
Would be good to take it after you smoke some and got past that super intense mind blowing stage, then you just prolong it :D
Ismene said:
...... have an enjoyable if light salvia experience.

Call me softhead, but I get a level 4/5 for 15 mins from tincture, with level 3/4 for 25 mins on the comedown.

I feel very fortunate :)

White knuckle ride followed by a lovely long spiritual experience of being back at the dawn of time.

I ain't complainin' =D

Hmm...sounds interesting...I've heard of the sublingual method before (chewing I think?). I fear salvia though...is it an ally? I don't know (/my big fat greek wedding voice).
EntheoDjinn said:
Call me softhead, but I get a level 4/5 for 15 mins from tincture, with level 3/4 for 25 mins on the comedown.

I feel very fortunate :)

White knuckle ride followed by a lovely long spiritual experience of being back at the dawn of time.

I ain't complainin' =D


Well it is a "sacred essence of enchantment"!!...;)

Yeah i quite enjoyed the tincture too. It always seemed to take me back to a certain place from my childhood tho. Every single trip I'd end up in the same place. Really nice afterglow tho.
samadhi_smiles said:
Hmm...sounds interesting...I've heard of the sublingual method before (chewing I think?). I fear salvia though...is it an ally? I don't know (/my big fat greek wedding voice).

Scarily, I think salvia is one of THE allies, on par with DMT for out there revelations....it is a drug better grown and cared for, then used, then bought. Even the growing plant has a strange energy in its humble appearace.

But yes, I truly fear salvia 8o
Ismene said:
It always seemed to take me back to a certain place from my childhood tho. Every single trip I'd end up in the same place. Really nice afterglow tho.

Exactly the same here. I haven't worked out yet whether it's a 'fixation' in the Freudian sense of regressing back to a point where I was "stuck" or otherwise (I know that's only one psychological model that I could choose from to articulate the experience, but until I experienced Salvia, I never really appreciated what a true 'regression' was actually like). I guess a few more ventures to that time/place of my childhood will eventually reveal something.

Ismene - any insights that it's brought you about that time of your childhood ?

Does it take you back to the same scene every time? I thought that was only me :)

I find myself on a street where I lived as a child, a red postbox across the road and a few green trees around and I sit there for an hour or so observing life go by. Nothing ever happens apart from that!

On one trip I did leave that place and gently float out into the stars as the trip came to an end.

Hello everyone. I am new to the boards and I thought I would start posting on this forum considering I took Salvia for the first time yesterday. I am pretty sure it was 15X and also somewhat old.

(btw, I was not sure if this should be posted in basic drug discussion or trip reports, so sorry if I posted in the wrong place.)

I anxiously took a hit out of a small metal pipe. The reason why I use "anxiously" is because I have not done that many psychedelics before and I was hoping I wouldn't try and tear my face off during the experience. I got a warm tingling sensation and felt very "rooted" to the ground. that was the extent to which it lasted. I then proceeded to take an even bigger dosage out of a bong (I have heard that using a bong is not the best way, but it was my friends stuff so I was not complaining.)

after 30 seconds I exhaled and it slowly came on. it lasted about 3 minutes.
in that three minutes I felt like I was looking into the future. I was watching my wife that I don't have, pack luggage into a car for some sort of family Trip, and she started yelling at me because I was apparently just sitting and watching her.

after that, I felt like a light house. plain and simple, ahah. I was looking down at my body, but it felt like I was looking at the ocean...or something....it was very vague visually, but mentally I felt it and then the trip ended. I got a headache afterwards and then I smoked which didn't make matters any better for my head. that was at 7PM yesterday and I felt stoned up until about an hour ago.

seeing as it is the summer and I have just quit my job, I want to try more of salvia, but also some other hallucinogens.

for salvia-I want to have the full experience so I really do not know where to start. I will look around the forums for advice, but I mainly just wanted to post my experience.
You need to get some 80x, 1 big hit of that and it will likely be 100 fold the most intense trip you've ever had.
EntheoDjinn said:
Call me softhead, but I get a level 4/5 for 15 mins from tincture, with level 3/4 for 25 mins on the comedown.

I feel very fortunate :)

White knuckle ride followed by a lovely long spiritual experience of being back at the dawn of time.

I ain't complainin' =D


So the trip is 80% and the comedown 75%, interesting, so overall you would rate it as 77.5% of what smoking does I assume?
You don't "need" to get 80x. That's way too much imo. I've had breakthroughs on multiple occasions with 5x and 10x. Why not just buy bulk salvia leaf and do the extraction yourself if you want such a large dose? It'll cost way too much to buy 80 from a head shop or online.
Merged two threads into here which were posted as questions and/or comments about salvia.
I'm going to create my own pure salvia, I was woundering would it be usable if I were to soak the crystals in alcohol then drip the liquid onto paper, let the alcahol evapourate; and then hold the tab under the tounge.
DOHP said:
I'm going to create my own pure salvia, I was woundering would it be usable if I were to soak the crystals in alcohol then drip the liquid onto paper, let the alcahol evapourate; and then hold the tab under the tounge.

It would be difficult to get any sort of crystals to form, I think. By the time you have crystallized salvorin / plant matter, its probably more potent than you could imagine, and you might want to smoke it just for the sake of going all-out. I don't think a sublingual dose of any potency will produce breakthrough effects.
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