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The Big and Dandy Salvia Thread (Archived start - 1-20-08)

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You may have better luck with an everclear/water mix than with just water.
salvia strength

I got this bowl that has a chamber you can fit about 2 grams of dry leaf in it.Been smoking 20x extract and leaves through this bowl for about a month.pulled the 2 grams out and its sticky and is like tar. question is is does the "smoke inhanced" salvia stronger now (does it share the same characteristics as thc and pot-get stronger? Im going to try it out anyhow but was just curious as to if anyone has tried this before! 8o
I have wondered that myself, but never got around to trying it. Let it dry out good before you try to smoke it, break it into a powder for easiest combustion.
Let us know how it goes;)
eww...... thats my first response but i guess it could possibly be stronger...
empty two strong teabags
put 1/2 gram of 20x in the teabag and tie it
then put that in the other teabag and tie it.

chew the teabag quid while introducing a bit of alcohol (vodka, wine, beer what ever you like. )

swallow the fluid during and do drink some water as well during, spit out the teabag quid 20 mins afterwards, or if you become uncomfortable.

you will definitely feel something, but not your money's worth as if you had smoked even 1/50th of the amount you just got wet.

technically it is not sublingual nor will it ever be, it is buccal absorption (cheek action not under tongue action) followed by gut absorption.

the salvinorin molecule has to be dislodged from the leaves and rubbed into mucous membranes - like the cheek; it is a waxy crystalline solid that does not want to dissolve in ANY body fluids, so you need to keep the teabag quid active, but try not to break it either.
eww is rigth, but it does have the stuff in it.
i use a teeny tiny salvia pipe (does not collect much),
and i clean it so that i can control what goes into my body:
with salvia having the dose fluctuate can be very disconcerting.
Merged two small threads into here. Please, if you have a question about salvia, first search through this thread, and if you find nothing, then post your question in here. We need to keep the forum as uncluttered as possible, especially since Church has left us and we don't have a replacement yet.
I keep going back to Salvia land but I am unsure about it I usually trust my feels about substances and Salvia just does not feel good. I am intrigued by the deep places it can take me and I think the bad feeling is something with in myself that it might be valuable to work though but every time I ask my self why did I just do that? Not sure, I don’t get bad feeling from other substances 5-meo-dmt, dmt ect. I’m just not too sure about Salvia. I think I will put it on the back shelf for a while.
Salvia's Effects on Thought Flow

O.K. so here's my story:

I'm in 11th grade and had to write a two page essay on the corruption of the "American Dream" as portrayed in The Great Gatsby.

I was putting it off all day but finally I got to working on it around 11 p.m.

I was only 40% done when I decided I needed a break. (keep in mind this 40% took two hours)

My dad was asleep so I got out my double bubbler and 10x salvia and sat out on the front porch in my lawn chair. I had done it several times and knew it was a short high but had never really broken through.

I packed a sizeable bowl and lit it up with my torch lighter. I inhaled and held the smoke for 20-30 seconds.

8o 8o 8o

Normally I feel it coming on, like my eyes can't stop crossing themselves. But not this time. Oh no, I had gone from completely sober to completely insane in less than two seconds.

I was just staring at my car parked in front of the house and I began to feel like it was zooming along at >100 m.p.h. and that I was in one of those high speed camera chairs they use to make movies.

Then I was overcome with joy as I started to hear a deafening laughter. Who knows why I was so happy about the laughter, but I turned to see the columns of my porch had grown breasts and were asking each other how high they thought I was.

Needless to say their questions were never answered as I got offended by the mockery and went inside. I don't really remember what happened after that too well but I do recall the feeling of being chased as I hurried to put my pipe and salvia away.

As I was beginning to sober up I sat down to begin writing again. I could still feel the salvia but at least now I was in my own reality. I decided to talk to a friend on AIM instead. (transcript of the conversation at the end of my story.)

I finished talking to him and started writing my paper. The amazing thing was that as soon as I had a thought I immediately wrote it down without needing to process the thought. I was writing better than I ever had in my life, and at three or four times the speed. I finished the rest of the paper in <30 minutes.

I got an 88/100 on the paper. Mind you this teacher is known for her tough grading and this should be considered a compliment from her.

Here is the conversation with my friend:

Me: it'll clear my mind
Me: brb
Him: hey man
Me: ?
Him: light it
Me: zbrb
Me: shit
Him: que pasa?
Me: im so high
Me: dude
Me: everythign
Me: is sayion
Me: is he high?
Me: it's screaming at me
Me: whoa my hands
Me: are spiders
Him: get your limewire working and you NEED to hear this music
Me: runing on the key boards
Me: little arm spiders
Me: whoa
Me: holy shit
Me: im stupid as fuck
Me: i cant write a paper liek this
Him: lmao man
Him: how long will that last
Him: last
Me: like 15 years
Me: lollercoasters
Him: Lsat
Me: oh koes
Me: cannoes
Me: indians
Me: whoaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzz
Me: i love everybody
Me: holy crap I can't stop writing
Me: I've never written so fluidly in my life
Him: hell yeah man
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Psychedelic drugs and schoolwork only mesh well, If you're doing creative writing or art. Art is fun to do when tripping however it is hard to draw straight lines, since they keep moving. I wrote a pretty crazy story along time ago on dxm too.
Newbierock said:
Try doing some maths coursework when your trippin' yer tits off.


P.S. post the Gatsby paper! I wrote the exact same thing last year. Note where Salvia writing began :)
I once wrote an essay about "The Effects of Psychedelic Substances on the 1960s Counterculture Movement" for my History 203 class. I didn't approve the topic beforehand and turned it in a couple days late... still got an A on it =)

Writing stuff when I'm high is nice, but writing stuff on shrooms is insane. I did it once coming up, I was crying the whole time. I'll see if I saved the little rant somewhere...
I'll post it and then you guys can guess where you think it begins.

Hint: it's about 40% in.

Unsatisfying Achievement

The Great Gatsby portrays a lifestyle that many would consider extremely desirable and shows us why it is completely the opposite, a lifestyle just as confusing and full of grief as any other, if not more. The lifestyle it portrays would be that of “the American Dream.” Fitzgerald exposes the “ideal” lifestyle by showing us just how unhappy people can be when they have everything they should ever want. Daisy, Tom, and Gatsby are all leading miserable lives despite overwhelming wealth and popularity. Most of us strive to accumulate wealth in search of happiness but Fitzgerald shows us why that is not necessarily what will make us happy.

The most unhappy relationship in the novel is between Tom and Daisy. Tom, a sportsman past his prime, seeks the fellowship us an obedient and attractive female. Daisy seeks to fulfill this void in Tom's life simply because she is tired of waiting for her boyfriend to get back from World War I. Their relationship is completely superficial. They only think that it will make them happy because that is what everyone is telling them. The “ideal” family portrayed by the media should have a strong, rich husband, an attractive, obedient wife, and a cute, well-behaved little girl that mostly stays out of sight. When examined, this family turns out to be completely and utterly unhappy. The wife lounges around all day with nothing to do but smoke cigarettes and drink whiskey while the husband drives off to New York to sleep with his mistress. The child sees very little of her parents and when she does she does not truly interact with them. She simply says what she has been trained to say and goes on her way, much like Daisy. These people are not truly happy. They go about their lives doing what is expected of them and nothing more. There is no self-fulfillment in their lives and therefor they are unhappy.

Another relatively unhappy fellow in the novel is Gatsby. He has copious amounts of cash but is completely unsatisfied with his life as long as it is not one hundred percent perfect. He can not be content with his luxury car, his mansion, or his imported attire if Daisy does not like them. He refuses to acknowledge the fact that there is more than one person that people can spend the rest of their lives with. He is stuck with an image in his mind of the perfect life, one where he and Daisy live life to the fullest together. He can not be truly happy until he recognizes the reality of the situation and tries to meet other women. Daisy will only disappoint him because even she can not live up to the image he has in his head of the ideal reality. Gatsby's life practically is the American Dream and he is still not satisfied, ultimately leaving him dead and forgotten.

Myrtle can not handle the fringes of wealth that she manages to leech from Tom. She thinks that by sleeping with him she can gain some of his wealth and prestige but she is only causing grief for herself and others. When she goes out with him she gets a taste of what it is like to be extravagantly wealthy. She buys whatever she wants and throws big parties for people she wants to impress. This wealth is fleeting, however, and leads her to experience her “real” life with George from the perspective of a wealthy person, making it seems mundane and plebeian. George can not provide her with the lifestyle that piqued her interest, making both him and her unhappy in their marriage. Her brusque experience with the American Dream manages to end her life as well as ruin George's.

A trait that all of these characters share is their perception of true happiness. They subscribe to the notion that happiness is found in material possessions instead of self-fulfillment. True happiness springs from challenging yourself and meeting goals. These goals can sometimes include acquisition of material possessions but that acquisition should not be the exclusive requisite of achievement. The failure of Tom, Daisy, Gatsby, and Myrtle was their inability to look past the American Dream and realize their own dream based on what will make them happy.
it is great for writing
formenting ideas
designing software
not as good for using tools other than a pen and white paper
or a mere keyboard
don't try to operate machinery.

i think it is because you get to see multiple layers and depth as ideation hovers with its slowly fading genesis.

i.e. things make more sense whenyou see where they are coming from and how they move along their paths.
Merged the thread "Salvia's effects on thought flow" with the Big and Dandy Salvia thread.
So I had a pretty remarkable experience with Salvia a couple weeks ago and am on a mission this evening to go into Berkeley and find some. I was curious for the folks that are really into this stuff, how often do you give yourself salvia experiences. I know the stuff is safe and non-toxic for the most part. Just curious as to how often a big fan of this stuff uses it...
this is a typical and recent trip report (if you can call 6 minutes a trip.
{which you should be able to if you have experience with salvia}.)


I seemed to have had enough time after inhaling to place the little pipe down nicely and to rearrange myself on the bed in a comfortable position so that if I felt like writing I could do that - my pad was on my lap, and pen was easily accessible in case I needed to write.

I went eyes closed all the way.

It seemed that ordinary space was getting larger and shifting, and a white gridwork was emerging of bars with mickey mouse figures riding the midsections of the tubes. my drawing is terrible as there were hundreds of tubes within view, and the mice were cuter looking.

where the tubes interlocked the color was red, sort of like bricks but softer.
everything was moving and intelligent - sifting, the view accumulated more larger bricks and the mice disappeared as I had arrived through this cartoon matrix into salvia space.

I was writing through this period with my eyes closed, half of the words are illegible and all over the page. In salvia space the surfaces were made of large red brick and there were blue leafy linguini noodles everywhere. they had the character and stiffness of hard metal toys formed of shaped metal sheet and cut and painted with enamel, but also of yielding plastic which is contradictory, also the flavor/odor of sugar was associated.

At this point I opened my eyes to see just how bad the writing was, as I had been falling off the edge of paper with my pen, and sure enough the little words looked like gravel strewn accross the page. I sensed beings in the room, who may have been me, and my sleeping wife, was an active member in this group, while I seemed not to be me. We were evaluating the suitability of the dosage for the situation. I saw the clock and noted that six minutes had passed. I was writing in the space left over from the scrawl, preserving it like an architectural dig. The extra beings dissolved smoothly as the mouse grid initially appeared and then transitioned to the geometric toyland of salviaspace.

the experience included a body sensation of heat, and it was envigorating.

for the entire next day my imagination was strong and flexible.
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