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The Big and Dandy Salvia Thread (Archived start - 1-20-08)

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Since Salvia does not act through the seratonin receptors I highly doubt it will be effected... it's a kappa opioid agonist. I can't speak from experience on that, though. I don't care for SSRIs at all personally.
automaticmojo said:
have any of you had experiences with combining salvia and ssri's? I am currently taking 150 mgs. of fluvoxamine (SSRI) and am wondering if the ssri will block the effects of salvia or cause other bad side effects.

No reduction in effects, and no interaction known. have done so myself (I take zoloft).
As far as people talking about salvia making people walking around and its danger, I think that as far out as consciousness gets blasted on salvia, there is still a lot of your brain thats working and has some sort of plan.

However that can be more dangerous, as I was smoking with a friend in his odd apartment that had one big window all the way open with no screen, at the sort of focus of this long skinny room. He is depressed as fuck and a big guy, and after ripping about a half g of 10x he just got up, walked towards this window, (3rd floor) and started trying to crawl out. There was no ledge. I grabbed him by his waist and pulled him in as his skinny coke dealer roommate was just geekin out and laughin like a retard. My friend started fighting me thrashing around and punchin me fighting to get back out his window. It was seriously one of the most fucked up things ever. I don't even know why I hang out with him really. He would have cratered right on Clark and Belmont and maybe even shocked the roaming gangs of black transvestite cross dressers that haunt that area ~4am.

And this is the ultimate transcription of my salvia experience into an advertisment http://youtube.com/watch?v=PWSMH279sKA
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^The only explicitly bad experience I've ever had from salvia--rather than just really confusing--was while I was depressed. I was just starting college and a new job, and had no idea why I was at either place; I felt directionless. I thought I would utterly remove myself from the situation using salvia, and come back laughing at how silly my worries were after being exposed to the radical perspectives afforded by the experience.

It didn't work. Instead the sadness was simply magnified. I took my usual dose but there was no salvia trip--no sideways gravity, no ego loss, no visions--just a magnification of sadness and doubt to a level I had never felt before, or since. This extraordinary shift in its focus was alarming. I paced around in circles frantically, wondering what to do. I ended up calling a friend, and simply described what happened. Talking about it to another person helped immensely. Within five minutes I felt completely better.

Despite salvia's deliriant and dissociative qualities, no mere deliriant would so explicitly magnify the emotional state I brought to it. I now think salvia is, variably, mind-manifesting, and the experience above convinced me it deserves the label "psychedelic".
Pretty_Diamonds said:
I ordered some a few weeks ago.......it didn't come in and I don't think it is. GREAT.

Where you live?
You can prob just go to your local smoke shop to find your sage.
squerll said:
All of these Salvia articles are starting to sound the same, “teenagers” “powerful hallucinogenic” “legal” “dangerous”. The same propaganda words repeated over and over.
Did these reporters drop out of school after the copy & paste class?

It is because irresponsible users take videos of their dumb asses acting stupid, not using it properly, and then posting the damn vids all over the net for everyone to see. The 10% of the user base ruins it for the other 90% of responsible mature users. Typical.

On another note, my good friend used salvia for his FIRST time last night. He is an experienced MJ and X user. But nothing could have gotten him ready for this.....go to the trip reports section for a detailed log....
^I cannot fathom why people want to film these things, or even watch them, they are plainly fucking boring. But I do wonder if salvia can be used responsibly...
^ agreed, cant see how watching some 14 year olds rolling around on the ground laffing like a 6 year old girl is in the least amusing. why?
willow11 said:
^Please report back on the IM experiments, sounds very intriguing. I'm not sure I could do that myself. Take care.
I tried this at 1 mg pure salvinorin A about 2 weeks ago. I didn't report it because nothing happened. There were some tingling sensations and a vivid recall of the "salvia feeling" but there was no trip. Given my sensitivity and the dosages listed for sublingual salvinorin A I really thought I would trip at 1 mg IM. I have a little over 3 mgs left that I plan on using all at once in the not too distant future.
therapture said:
Being IN the space is not confusing at all as you have no idea it isn't real....it's when the real world starts intruding back into your trip, that the confusion begins.
This is why I want to do a visionary IM dose. I'm too confused coming out of it to analyse what's happening, but with a slower onset, a voice recorder, and a sober interviewer I should be able to describe the the process of immersion from sobriety. I'm particularly interested in the order that our different senses of ourselves and the world start to weaken during salvinorin A immersion (e.g. name, sense of identity, recognition of place, faces, recent events such as injecting salvinoria A, etc.) Of course the interview would require numerous repetitions or mayeven turn out to be infeasible, but the "exit order" might suggest the primacy in consciousness of these differnent senses, or at least suggest their degree of affiliation with the kappa opioid receptor networks that salvinorin A disrupts, which is also intriguing.
I have a little over 3 mgs left that I plan on using all at once in the not too distant future.

Be wary, I do believe that was approximately the amount that Siebert used for his first trip; its probably borderling amnesiac levels. Either way report back, but take care....
Salvia- Love/Hate ?

I have used it ~8 times now, actually more, but 8 trips where I went to salvia space and lost my reality completely....a few in between trips where I was trapped between this world and the salvia world, with intense OEV's but the knowledge of why I was tripping...but I don't really care for those, I want the total trip, the deep into another world trip, the trip where you accept the new reality so completely because you have no idea you smoked salvia! Level 5's are the way salvia should be used, level 6 is insane and useless because you lose what your trip was about, leaving you even more confused about what happened.

Fun? Not really...it's more like, an exploratory tool for the mind. Scared? No, I am not scared of it, but I RESPECT it, it is the single most powerful trip I have ever had, and it beats high dose LSD by a mile as far as reality replacement trips. To repeatedly use salvia, I think only certain people can handle it, it takes a strong willpower, a strong consciousness, a loss of ego, to accept it, and let it move you in the way it wants. You have to GIVE yourself over to it, let it have it's way with you. You cannot direct a salvia trip really.

Do I "enjoy" it? Yes, because it gives me a DEEP look into my mind's eye, and opens some doors and makes me think about things. It removes me from my normal frame of reference and gives me new perspective on life. I always feel "refreshed" afterwards as if I removed some trash from my mind. It's not "fun" like LSD, weed, or shrooms CAN be....

It is NOT a party drug, and all the lame videos I see on the net of idiots (yes, idiots) using it in an irresponsible manner piss me off to no end. I researched and read everything I could find about salvia before I used it the first time, and still had no idea how powerful this stuff is. But I was ready because I knew no matter what, I would be OK, and I had trusted friends sitting me. I have faith in MYSELF, that I can handle it, and I went into it with very few pre-conceptions about what it was.

It seems like people either love it, or hate it, some get so scared they will never return to it, and maybe rightfully so, used wrongly, it can hurt you, not because it harms the body like alcohol or smoking tobacco, but it might make you harm yourself if you can't handle the extreme load and mind trips it creates.

Thoughts? I am wanting to get ahold of some DMT now, how do these compare?
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I agree with pretty much everywhere in there. However, I still find it fun. I go to an incredibly hospitable land every time I break through. I smoke a couple pinches of 20x every time and get myself pretty far into another land with total loss of ego and I take the new reality for granted. I enjoy my trips very much so and find them enlightening into how my memories are linked very deep down. I like to listen to different music and find out what my fundamental memories are to the music. If I don't have music I am almost always thrust into a land similar to a children's daytime tv show like Mr Roger's land of make-believe or some cartoony universe like that. It is always overwhelming pleasant.

I've been meaning to ask others about this but I always forget. Whenever I smoke salvia, and I mean whenever, I get a raging hard-on. I know it increases blood pressure but it seems to always give me the most ridiculous erection that last 10 minutes past the tripping part. this is usually a bit embarrassing but I've gotten over that. Also I tend to sweat a fair amount like I've heard other do, but I tend to get a lot of crotch sweat/warmth which almost always makes me freak out that I've peed my pants. This happens ever since the very first time I broke through. I was using a waterfall bong and I spilled some water on the floor, during the course of the trip I was laying on the ground and had wet the crotch of my pants on a wet spot on the floor, when I came back I though i had pissed myself, I was fairly convinced except for the lack of smell. From then on I tend to convince myself that this time I really did piss myself.

Hope you all get a laugh out of that.

To bolster credit of these stories, I have tripped fully into salvia space upwards of 30 times. I notice no lasting effects except I can now remember more and more of the trips i take each time. Salvia is a very valuable substance. I'm stocking up on it big time.
Merged in a discussion about salvia. I'm gonna have to actually break through before I comment however.
Yes, I will definitely "stock up" on it before it becomes illegal, and trust me, it will be soon. 20x is so powerful, at first I wasted some because I was not smoking it right and wasted some of it. Maybe I got more used to it as well, and now all it takes is like, 1/12g or so.

I did not mean to say I did not enjoy it, I do, just not in the traditional sense. It's not euphoric and conscious like say, mdma, but much deeper and less superficial than those "popular" drugs.

A couple times, I awoke to find that I had sweated profusely in just the 5-10 minute trip, pretty weird, wondering how I got so wet hahaha.

When I trip the first time for the evening, I find myself a bit anxious and I tend to fight the come on a bit which affects my session, but after that trip my mind relaxes a bit and accepts, I loosen up alot and the next ones are fantastic.

And yes, having soft music playing in the background affects my trip so much as compared to the silence. And I have not tried tripping by myself yet, although I don't think I would hurt myself as I tend to be very laid back and have not yet tried to walk around while in the other space. Any tips in that regard, as to tripping with it alone?
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