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The Big and Dandy Salvia Thread (Archived start - 1-20-08)

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willow11 said:
^I cannot fathom why people want to film these things, or even watch them, they are plainly fucking boring. But I do wonder if salvia can be used responsibly...

YES, it CAN be used responsibly. I use it responsibly every time. I hold a good job, have a great family, a good life, etc., and I have been using hallucinogens since I was ~19, when I first discovered L. They are my fave, and alcohol is a mind wasting (but fun, sometimes) alternative.
Xorkoth said:
Merged in a discussion about salvia. I'm gonna have to actually break through before I comment however.

Yes, that would definitely give you a common frame of reference, no matter how much you read, you simply cannot understand/comprehend where it takes you, or how real it feels.
therapture said:
YES, it CAN be used responsibly. I use it responsibly every time. I hold a good job, have a great family, a good life, etc., and I have been using hallucinogens since I was ~19, when I first discovered L. They are my fave, and alcohol is a mind wasting (but fun, sometimes) alternative.

Thats all well and good; I'm certainly not implying that salvia smokers are all semi-homeless unemployed bums like me :) just that its sheer intensity (at high doses/very high doses- which are easy to accidentally take with the highly potenised extracts) can certianly make people or their bodies at least, do weird and dangerous things. Siebert himself is very wary about salvia- at least widespread use. But thats just one guy.... I only take salvia when I know I can handle the terror that it inspires in me, as the terror is that when faced with the unknown, and quckly switches to euphoria/understanding if you go with the flow.

And Xorkoth- I think a salvia breakthrough could be EXACTLY what you need :) Salvia is probably the only reason I cannot justify tripping more then I do, simply because after feeling that incredible power, I hesitate to unleash even one millionth of it in my skull. But do try it, it is safe-ish and tastes nice so thats something :\ :)
willow11 said:
Thats all well and good; I'm certainly not implying that salvia smokers are all semi-homeless unemployed bums like me :) just that its sheer intensity (at high doses/very high doses- which are easy to accidentally take with the highly potenised extracts) can certianly make people or their bodies at least, do weird and dangerous things. Siebert himself is very wary about salvia- at least widespread use.
I would say that the danger of death or injury during a full on salvia trip is far greater than during trips with most tryptamines or phenethylamines. I mean, you (at least I) forget who/where you are and what you're doing, and get up and walk around. Tripping, walking through a glass door or into traffic are very real dangers with salvia.

Though the only lingering side effects I've noticed from it are strange tingling sensations in my scalp during the days following use, there's no telling what types of damage it may be doing that don't have directly observable side effects. Salvia's years of ostensibly safe sublingual/1X smoking use by the Maztecs are not necessarily representative of teenagers taking bong rips of 60X. Drinking coca tea is argubly not that much more dangerous or addictive than drinking coffee. But extract and purify its active ingredient and freebase it and you've got a pretty destructive drug. There's really no reference point to make judgments about the safety of salvia extracts. The pharmacology of selective kappa opioid receptor agonists is still very mysterious.

Salvia extracts are a unique and important psychedelic tool, and one that I use and value. But make no mistakes or rationalizations. We're all part of a living lab they're being tested in for the first time.
^Yes it seems side-effect free, after the inital whatever-you-would-call-it. In truth, the 'side-effect' seems to be a more fluid, plastic and uplifted mind (for me at least). Your post is exactly what I was getting at with the idea that salvia is hard to use safely; even experienced users will do weird things on it. I have thrown things and thrashed about and called out to 'people', this at my mum's house so not cool- but I mean, I was completely unaware that it had any bearing on relaity. I dunno, I was speaking to a real gentle tripper with much experience in these matters, and he simply said that salvia is either a deleriant or dissociative and likned it to datura- not for its effects, but lack of ability to utilise it safely. I tend to agree; I stick to low, full-visionary but not relaity shifting doses, if at all. I recently ran out of product, and as its illegal in Australia, and I have no wish to obtain any more, I think my salvia days are through....until next time :)
The thing that's so odd to me is that everywhere around PD you see dosages mentioned and endless blabber about scales - suddenly you find yourself in the Salvia topic, considered maybe the most powerful psychedelic no less... and people talk about pinches noticably often.
Of course not everybody does this, but this discrepancy makes me wonder what part of overwhelming effects precipitate from it. I acknowledge the consensus that a breakthrough almost always has an overwhelming aspect, but what difference would it make to build your way up with a standardized product?? :)
Man, i've tried salvia twice. Both 20X extract. And im going to my local headshop tommorow lookin for some 80X and one gram of 40X. But i remember blacking out off of 20X, I hope its not gonna be a waste. But i guess if i use a small enough dose i should be fine. I heard 40X is an intense trip but 80X is gonna blow my mind. I'm looking for the FULL-BLOWN DMT-like trip that i've always wanted. Has anyone else here tried 80X? and do you recommend it? Or even 40X?
If you blacked out it means you probably already took too much. Using an even stronger extract means you will need to smoke even less not to black out.

It is not accurate to say 40x is like this and 80x is like that. They really only differ in terms of salvinorin (the active substance in salvia) concentration and the amount of extract needed to smoke in order to reach the same level of effects. You should try smoking less of the 20x or getting even less concentrated extracts instead of jumping to higher levels if the problem you're having is blacking out (overdosing).
Salvia is an insane mind-blowing experience.
Good luck, be safe, Salvia is a spiritual herb and is not in any way fun. Don't take it thinking you will be "fucked up." It is a tool that can take you deep inside your spirit.

One of the best posts in this thread.
MagicMushroom16 said:
Man, i've tried salvia twice. Both 20X extract. And im going to my local headshop tommorow lookin for some 80X and one gram of 40X. But i remember blacking out off of 20X, I hope its not gonna be a waste. But i guess if i use a small enough dose i should be fine. I heard 40X is an intense trip but 80X is gonna blow my mind. I'm looking for the FULL-BLOWN DMT-like trip that i've always wanted. Has anyone else here tried 80X? and do you recommend it? Or even 40X?

If you blacked out on 20x, why would you buy 40x and 80x?

Also, were you drunk when you did it? Because being drunk can make it easier to black out and not experience the effects.
^Plus one is NOT going to be a FULL BLOWN DMT LIKE trip really. Stick to weaker extracts and just ingest a bit more.
Xorkoth said:
If you blacked out on 20x, why would you buy 40x and 80x?

Also, were you drunk when you did it? Because being drunk can make it easier to black out and not experience the effects.

No, i wasn't drunk or high. I just took 1 hit of the salvia 20X extract. It was a very intense trip for me the 1st time, I took the hit, my hands melted into the chair and i remember looking over at my friends and they were frozen in time. They were also cartoons. I was told that my entire life was a lie and everyone was in on it. But i could still sort of see reality but once i stepped outside of my bud's vehicle.. I was gone. there was no more ground, no more matter. Just yellow, intense colors of yellow melting and flowing everywhere. Tile patterns as well... i was fucked up. And the 2nd time i tripped I blacked out off of the same 20X. So, i must be really sensitive to salvia? And pretty much buying anything more than 20X is a bad idea i take it?

Is there really anything else past this point of being THAT fucked up?

Like, is that a decent trip? or can i go further? Cause thats what i wanna do..
Oh, wow, that's a much better description than your previous one! Yeah, that sounds like a pretty solid salvia trip. It sounds like maybe you were not as far as you could get, simply because you seem by your description that you still had a sense of self, even if you were discovering that it was an illusion. It's possible to get to a point where your existence is replaced by another one entirely. But it sounds like you had a pretty solid trip there.

And yeah, it's probably not worth buying anything more than 20x, as 20x is plenty strong.
MagicMushroom16 said:
Is there really anything else past this point of being THAT fucked up?
Like, is that a decent trip? or can i go further? Cause thats what i wanna do..
A Salvia experience has a small window form where you are tripping hard to where you don’t remember anything. After you smoke it a few times you start to figure out how far you can go and still remember what happened. The more you use it the more your awareness grows in that state and the more you can remember from it.

The X factors can be deceiving; the cheapest 40X is probably about the same as some 20X from a more reputable vendor?
It sounds like the stuff you got is doing just fine.

MagicMushroom16 said:
Just yellow, intense colors of yellow melting and flowing everywhere. Tile patterns as well...

I used to see lots of yellow when I did Salvia, I never did figure out why.
Interesting - I saw red more predominantly, but there was a lot of yellow in my experiences as well.
Solipsys said:
The thing that's so odd to me is that everywhere around PD you see dosages mentioned and endless blabber about scales - suddenly you find yourself in the Salvia topic, considered maybe the most powerful psychedelic no less... and people talk about pinches noticably often.
Of course not everybody does this, but this discrepancy makes me wonder what part of overwhelming effects precipitate from it. I acknowledge the consensus that a breakthrough almost always has an overwhelming aspect, but what difference would it make to build your way up with a standardized product?? :)

If you get "less than a breakthrough dose" then you really cannot even fathom what salvia can, and will, do to you. If you remember going out, and knowing you were messed up because of salvia, then you had a less than stellar salvia trip, one that was still grounded in your reality. When you cross that threshold, it takes you to another place, another life, another plane of existence...and you believe it so completely. You have no idea you smoked anything...and that place you are in may feel terrible, or it may feel calm. But you go on and live that alternate place, and when you return to the reality, it seems like a trip in itself because your mind finds it hard to accept that the trip was real, and that the reality was a trip....confusing.

But regular use can lead to better interpretation and memory of details while under salvia. Your brain accepts it and works with it, with seemingly no tolerance even across rapid dosing, like every 20-30 minutes.
Does anyone derive any real benefit from breakthrough Salvia experiences? Something specific?

My one breakthrough trip left me terrified for an hour afterward, in pure shock. I can best describe it as waking up from a nightmare, but without the typical relief - just a gradual declination from death to suicidal terror to horror to a mind numbing that didn't leave till next morning. One of my first thoughts after it was over was, i will never touch this shit again!
Cthulhu said:
Does anyone derive any real benefit from breakthrough Salvia experiences? Something specific?

My one breakthrough trip left me terrified for an hour afterward, in pure shock. I can best describe it as waking up from a nightmare, but without the typical relief - just a gradual declination from death to suicidal terror to horror to a mind numbing that didn't leave till next morning. One of my first thoughts after it was over was, i will never touch this shit again!

I still believe in the set and setting principle with salvia. If you even think you might be scared or have a bad trip, you probably will!!! If you go into it expecting a weed like experience, you are going to be rudely shredded apart. You have got to be totally accepting of what it wants you to do, and let go of your ego as completely as you can. If you try and fight the pull, you are going to negatively impact your trip.

I think that you literally, have to be able to let go of your grip on life, as if you were going to die. In other words, if you are at peace with yourself right now, led a decent life with few regrets, and can calmly contemplate real death...then you are ready to try salvia. Not that it will kill you, but in your mind, you may feel as if the end is here. It's that fucking powerful, that it can rip you out of this world....you have got to go into it with an open mind, a relaxed state, meditation can help, or a couple of beers even to calm you.

Let her take you away....and she will...but know beforehand, you WILL be coming back, no matter what. And upon completion of a successful trip...you have no experienced one of the strongest hallucinogenics known to man! There is no way to truly prepare for your first salvia trip, except to accept it for what it is, and learn from it.

Maybe that was worded badly....it's a hard thing to try and tell someone, how to get ready for a salvia trip.
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