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The Big and Dandy HBWR/MGS/LSA Thread (Archive start - 4-14-2008)

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Well, the day before yesterday, I experimented with 10 HBWR seeds (chewed and swallowed) and I threw up violently forty minutes after I ingested the seeds, but I still had a moderatly strong trip (mainly mental). Luckily I never experienced any more stomach problems after vomitting and as a matter of fact, vomitting pretty much solved all the problems for me.

On Sunday, I'm planning on trying ten seeds again with the water extraction method. I'm curious, though.. If you do the water extraction and then let the water evaporate, would that leave the substance(s) on the bottom after it's dry? Or would that be a waste of time/effort? I just want to find the best method of ingestion without having to experience the stomach problems that the seeds themselves cause. I have no problem doing extractions, I just don't want to waste time doing something that's pointless in the end (which I'm starting to hear more and more on the board). Thanks.
Success without ingestion.

It seems as though the best method to use with HBWR seeds is chewing/spitting. After puking my guts out after ingesting the seeds/seed water/seed gunk, I decided to chew the seeds into mush and swish that around my mouth for thirty minutes and by the time I was ready to spit it all out, I could already tell that 'something was happening'. I spit it all out and washed my mouth out with cold water thirty minutes after popping them in my mouth and not even thirty minutes after spitting I was noticing pupil dilation, lethargy, and a little visual phenomena. Not much longer after that, it turned into what I can best describe as a .75 - 1.5 gram mushroom trip (without a lot of the visual/mental stuff). I did this with 10 seeds and to me it felt like 8 seeds ingested without any of the 'body feelings' whatsoever.

Next time I'm going to grind the seeds into powder, soak the powder in cold distilled water for a few hours, filter the seed powder out, and just swish the seed water around my mouth for a little while and see what happens then. Apparently the 'good stuff' in the seeds is completely water-soluble and can be absorbed through the mucus membranes in the mouth, which means the seeds never have to be orally ingested to get the effects. To me, this seems a lot easier to work with than nausea and/or disappointing extractions. I'll be sure to let you all know what happens. Peace.
^ yeah , yesterday ive tried chewing 5 seeds (5 its fine , with more i don`t know why i just can`t handle it) , but instead of ingesting this nasty mixture i just spit it out. It works! i didn`t have nausea but im pretty sure that the trip was less intense that the ones when i "drink" the mixture is this possible?
oh, what a night

last night tried 5 hbw seeds..just scrapped off outer coating, held them under my tongue for 10 minutes, then chewed, swallowed..

the next 2 hours werent pleasent..at the +2 point, i tried to throw up, but didnt..from then, i decided that i wasnt going to throw up, and i would start to enjoy the experience..from then on, it was pure bliss..

one of the first feelings was 'im back', but ive only ever had pot, alcohol and codeine.. not like ive had lsd or anything.

the shadows, the sky and the lights were amazing..when you see footage of the 70's, the colour is like a bright yellow..it was exactly the same as that..

If anyone wants to understand what it was like for me, watch the ending scene of The Doors movie, where Pamala wakes up and follows the mysterious figure through the hall, and you can see the colours, but mostly the shadows.

when you feel pain, your body acknowledge's it, and turns it into pleasure.
Its all about mind over matter..its still noticeable the day after too..

What came out of last night: too much for me to explain.. i couldnt even explain it, but its all in my mind..but its turned me off drugs, making me sick when i think about codeine and shit.

Have it, as a last resort, when your trying to find yourself..you have to be in a good setting/mood..it makes me sick when i think of 14 year olds using this substance, purely as a legal 'high'..its simply nothing like that.
Multiple Trips In One Day?

I've tripped on MGs three times now. The first two where with pills called Dionysis (sp?) that I got on the internet. They were good, but I had to take three or four and the effects were mild. Last week, I did the extraction from erowid's FAQ with 250 seeds. I let the Everclear evaporate and then I let the residue dry completely. When I scraped it up with a razor, it made enough to fill one capsule. So needless to say I took the pill and it was freakin' great. I got some visuals, but only when I wanted them and I was in complete control. No nausa, and no cramps. I have about 3/4 of a pound of seeds left and I plan on extracting them all into a fifth of Everclear, then just take shots from the bottle (although I probably won't take more than 2 shots). I'm making this for a camping trip where ai plan to "turn on" some friends that have taken sassy before (MDMA powder made from sassafrass root) but never really "tripped." And this finally brings me to my question....

...If I take a dose of LSA in the morning, trip on it and come down, can I take more later in the day or early evening and trip again? I've had experiences with acid and shrooms where I've taken them and then taken them again the next day and got nothing.
LSA (the primary active chemical in MG seeds) is just like LSD and mushrooms in that regard, as is any serotonergic psychedelic. That is, if you try taking them again the same day or even in the next couple of days, you're going to have a big tolerance and will most likely feel nothing, or maybe a faint, subtle high.

are the chemicals needed for LSA easy to obtain? like can i get them at a hardware store. Petroleum ether and wood alchohol
You can buy naptha at the hardware store...I can tell you first hand this is not suitable for use....it is dirty, and leaves behind a residue. ONly use lab-grade pet. ether. Naptha is not the same thing.

Wood alcohol (methanol) isn't that easy to get, as far as I know. It is a dangerous chemical to use and unnessessary as ethanol works just as well.

I would avoid that method all together though....this procedure results in a brew high in LA-111 (d-lysergic acid amide) and not much else...the results are a sleepy, narcotic experience with very little psychedelic action. Remember, "LSA" are different alkaloids/isomers of alkaloids...not a single chemical compound. No one is really sure what combination is responsible for the effects...but pure LA-111 definitely is not.

I don't know if it is because the 'good' alkaloids like LAOH are thrown away with the ether, or they just break down into LA-111/iso-LA-111 during the extraction. The latter is most likely.

The traditional method (soak in COLD distilled water for no more than 6 hours) is what works best if you can't brave eating the seeds. Adding a pinch of tartaric acid (from wine-making stores) may be a great addition. I will try the tartaric acid when I work with R. Corymbosa.
I would like to add that recent experience on my part has shown that grinding the seeds to an extremely fine powder, infusing with perhaps a little too much water, then filtering (twice even) through coffee filters succeeds only in creating a highly efficient fast-acting laxative =\
Trogdor said:
I would like to add that recent experience on my part has shown that grinding the seeds to an extremely fine powder, infusing with perhaps a little too much water, then filtering (twice even) through coffee filters succeeds only in creating a highly efficient fast-acting laxative =\

I have always used a simple water extraction to great effect with Morning Glory and HBWR. After grinding the seeds I leave them in the distilled water for a few days. I put it in the fridge in a sealed container and stir it every few hours.
I just gave up with HBW last night. I've had some interesting psychedelic effects and have found them to be pretty euphoric, but the GI distress just isn't worth it.
That said, I'm pretty close to being in GI distress before I even take anything, so I reckon they're just not the drug for me.
I haven't worked very much yet with LSA-containing plants. However, I've tried eating them whole (with HBWR), grinding and soaking them in water (MGS), and making an extraction with ptroleum ether and ethanol (MGS also). My HBWR seeds weren't potent enough to achieve more than threshold effects, but out of the two other methods, I achieved a much better experience with the seeds soaked in water. With those, I got to a mild to moderate +2 which lasted for 8-10 hours, included some light visuals and quite nice euphoria, and had a very long-lasting afterglow which I loved.

With the extraction method, even though I consumed what should have been a larger number of seeds, I only had light theshold effects which were mildly uncomfortable. I wouldn't repeat it.
LSA and LSD are not the same psychedelic nor should they be compared that way. They're just different.
Remember, "LSA" are different alkaloids/isomers of alkaloids

With that said, I have something else to say.

I have tried both Morning Glory seeds and Baby Hawain(sp) Woodrose seeds.

MGS were 100x better for psychedelic experience than HBWS.

I don't know if it's because MGS has more of that certain alkoloid. But anyway I ahve tried high doses of HBWS and never got near a psychedelic experience like 300-400 morning glory seeds gave.

They say HBWS has more LSA or whatever, well it doesn't have nearly enough of the right shit, on MGS i had visuals, hardcore auras on my hands, lights were amazing. Music was amazing ect. My cognitive properties were very much of acid, i was giggly, more so than when I usually do acid, but then again this was before acid tripping so my perception was differnt.

On HBWS the most noticable think is your weed high/sedation from the shit. It's alittle psychedelic but not very in dept, it almost feels like it doesn't move, it's more like threshold.


Remember, get organic if you're going to eat either one.
I have also noted HBWS is far more somatic in nature, and they do have a different mixture of alkaloids as you guessed. I too prefer the Heavenly Blue. I've pretty much moved beyond morning glory, not because I don't like them, but I do like the PEAs better and I don't trip very often so they get preference. But I really want to try R. Corymbosa (which has the best alkaloid to glycoside level). As soon as I can find some that are convienent for me to obtain, I am going to aquire some/try some.
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