after 2 hours got stomach pains, 2hours 30 mins had small lunch, jacket potatoe and crisps pain go, after 3 hours pain back had a small bong, pain go 10 mins later felt like i just done 5 big bongs. wenrt for walk colours of sky amazing, talked loads and was very happy intensified colours. was sick, weird ssensations of everyone looking at me knowing what was going on, kidna paranoia, get home about 2 hours after leaving house so about 5 hours 5 hours 30 min after ingesting, try to watch dune, visuals in tv, on walls, closed eyed shapes appear, triangles, each side then mutipled and triangle transformed, lots of past memories ccame back and made sense in a non time line way, realised that all ppl i took semi notice of was me of could be me, had semi religous experiance, of meeting something greater who took a human form to comfort me (was bit scared at this time) went sleep, woke up still had some feelings of the hbwr 15 hours after ingesting
took 7 of em